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女性哥特将性别与体裁有机地结合,是女性作家以哥特体裁为载体、以哥特因素为手段,探究父权制社会里女性的共性问题。20世纪美国南方女作家卡森.麦卡勒斯的中篇小说《伤心咖啡馆之歌》充满浓郁的哥特色彩,透视出作家处于萌芽状态的女权意识。本文结合女性主义视角对文本中的女性意识、性别身份、黑色幽默式的氛围和"家"的双重意义等女性哥特元素进行分析,探讨作品中蕴含着的对父权社会男性中心主义和性别二元对立的质疑和控诉。  相似文献   
阿斯特尔是英国乃至世界历史上最早的女权主义者之一,她对女性智慧、婚姻以及妇女教育的阐述,充分体现了妇女要求独立的要求,具有开创性的价值,深深影响并启发了后来的女权主义者。  相似文献   
1943年开始全面施行的《中国共产党中央委员会关于各抗日根据地目前妇女工作方针的决定》(简称“四三决定”),针对过于激进的“妇女主义”影响到乡村社会稳定发展这一问题,倾向于寻找一种实际的方式,以避免乡村矛盾,强调妇女参与生产和增强她们对于经济生产的贡献。新政策在消除农村社会不和谐音、强化人民团结的同时,传统农村父权制家庭结构下性别问题被遮蔽了。延安时期,“新女性”的代表丁玲因与当时的主流观念有所不同而饱受批评。而最终是以丁玲站在“党性和党的立场”作为收束,这固然是当时革命形势的需要,但是,也使得当时隐约呈现的性别问题被搁置了。“延安道路”对性别问题的态度,可以追溯到五四后期左翼革命话语如何整合女性话语,也与国际共产主义运动所依据的妇女解放理论有着密切关联。对此进行重新审视有助于以更为积极的方式把女性主义结合进当代中国的社会主义实践。  相似文献   
万春花 《江右论坛》2007,8(2):56-58
发展循环经济已经成为当今世界的潮流和趋势,循环经济将经济活动组织成为"资源-产品-消费-再生资源"的物质反复循环的闭环式流程,从上世纪90年代确定可持续发展战略以来,发达国家正在把发展循环经济、建立循环型社会看作是实施可持续发展战略的重要途径和实现方式.循环经济是集经济、技术、社会于一体的系统工程,其启动和推广不仅需要政府、企业、科学界和公众等社会各界的不懈努力和共同参与,而且需要资金、技术以及法规、制度等软硬环境的强力支撑.  相似文献   
女权主义早已从初期仅仅对妇女社会地位和权益的追求发展到对女性与男性之差异的认同以及对女性自身独特身份的建构。在全球化的时代,民族的迁徙和文化身份的模糊更加为性别研究的多元发展提供了条件,当代性别研究的前沿课题就在于对女性同性恋现象以及由此而来的怪异现象的研究。这两个理论课题的研究目前已经开始引起国内学者的注意,并有可能结合国内的现状而开展相应的比较研究。  相似文献   
“姓”字的文化内涵主要包括三个方面,即群婚制度之始末、女权主义的根源、宗法制度 的核心。这三方面是紧密联系在一起的,在一定程度上体现了中国社会和文化的嬗变过程。  相似文献   

Results are reported from a national survey of 194 social workers commencing rural positions in Australia in 1994 and 1995. This paper focuses on: practitioner, position and community characteristics; which location the practitioners came from; their professional, rural practice and rural living experience; preparation for the positions by employers and educators; satisfaction with rural work and life; and anticipated length of stay. Results challenge myths about rural social workers and support key themes of rural practice literature. Respondents were mixed with respect to age and experience, scattered widely throughout Australia in different-sized communities, mostly living and working in the same communities and engaged predominantly in generic practice. There appears to be a pool of rural practitioners in Australia who are committed to living and working in rural places. Implications are developed for practice, employers, the profession, professional education, research and theory. Tentative explanations are offered for high rural staff turnover.  相似文献   
Cultural studies, as a cultural and political re-articulation of common sense, knowledge and community practices, aims at opening up new cultural space for criticisms, reflections and action. Originating from the women' movement and later flourishing in the academy as well, feminism espouses similar aims to cultural studies. Both cultural studies and feminist/gender studies have a strong sense of intervening into everyday life politics. This paper is an attempt to discuss how feminism and cultural studies interface with each other, largely based on examples of gender-related everyday life politics taken from the feminist movement in Hong Kong. It will examine issues concerning the conflict of consumption and female subjectivities, the reconceptualization of home and housewives, and the representation of everyday life for women and history writing. It is argued that by blurring, negotiating or deconstructing the boundary or division between positions, identities and domains–such as subject and object, housewives and workers, private and public, personal and political, consumption and production–the re-articulation of knowledge about ‘victim’, ‘exploitation’, ‘home’ and ‘history’ in the feminist movement will not only provide the movement with new impetus and insight to reconsider its strategies in fighting for more cultural, social and economic space for women and other marginal groups at large in Hong Kong, but will also ‘metabolize’ the newly developed discipline of cultural studies in Hong Kong by providing a platform to strengthen the dynamic arm of cultural studies education and research. Based on her feminist and teaching experiences in Hong Kong, the author has highlighted activism and pedagogy as the two important dimensions of feminism and cultural studies in this paper.  相似文献   
斯皮瓦克的研究让英语世界的读者熟悉了法国女性主义,但是同时她又质疑以法国女性主义为代表的西方女性主义。以西方女性主义自我为中心来解释妇女面临的问题,界定妇女的政治目标,忽略了妇女之间所存在的种族与阶级差异,遮蔽了第三世界妇女的经验。  相似文献   
从高校师德现状及问题入手,结合女性主义关怀伦理思想,提出融入关怀的高校师德体系建构。建立结合关怀精神的教师职业规范,促进高校教师"自我德性"与"关怀德性"的养成。关怀精神的教育理念普及,能够促使德性作用从高校延伸至社会,对缓解社会矛盾,以及我国和谐社会发展目标的实现具有一定意义。  相似文献   
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