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Period Batch Control was developed and first applied during the Second World War. The historic roots are discussed and the principles of this classic production planning approach explained, PBC compared to other production control concepts, and it is demonstrated that it may still be fruitfully applied, especially in combination with cellular manufacturing. It is therefore considered as a classic, but not outdated production planning concept.  相似文献   
The objectives of this survey are four-fold: (1) to describe the principle of just-in-time production, (2) to provide an overview of the problems and research issues in scheduling, lot sizing and determining the number of kanbans, (3) to describe prior studies which use quantitative approaches to study JIT production and its variant systems including simulation, stochastic process, and mathematical programming, and (4) to identify fertile opportunities for further research in the quantitative analysis of JIT production.  相似文献   
Family offices are organisations dedicated to the management of entrepreneurial families’ private wealth. Based on agency theory, we analyse types of family offices with regard to the families’ goals and the control mechanisms used to ensure goal achievement. Family-dominant management and private client structures involve stronger emphasis on non-financial goals in single and multi-family offices than in non-family-dominant management and open client structures. Variations in family involvement, ranging from family dominance to the complete absence of family ownership and/or management, and diverse client structures justify the differential reliance on formal and informal control mechanisms.  相似文献   
文章以1996—2002年控制权发生转移的266家公司为研究对象,研究了控制权发生多次转移与控制权发生一次转移公司的差异。研究发现,控制权多次转移的公司无论是短期业绩还是长期业绩都比控制权只发生一次转移的差,发生控制权多次转移的公司市值较低,新控股股东的持股比例低,更可能是投机性的并购,公司控股股东的频繁更换无益于目标公司价值的提升。  相似文献   
本文以中国上市公司为样本,以实物期权理论为基础,实证分析了企业的学习(以研发费用为代表)和控制行为(以广告费用为代表),管理者的学习行为(以管理经验和社会网络关系为代表)对企业成长价值的影响.结果表明,管理者的学习行为与企业成长价值显著正相关;在一定支出水平下,企业的学习行为和控制行为与企业成长价值正相关;学习行为相对于控制行为而言更为重要.部分行业存在研发支出和广告支出的临界支出水平.  相似文献   
为解决永磁同步电机传统速度控制系统中出现的控制精度低和响应灵敏度不够等问题,课题组提出一种新型的模糊滑模双重控制策略。设计了基于模糊控制和滑模控制的全新电机系统速度环控制结构,结合2种控制方案的优点,使得系统的动态性能明显改善。仿真结果表明该控制系统具有更好的抗干扰能力和更高的准确性,提出的模糊滑模双重控制策略是有效的。  相似文献   
This study analyses the influence of family policies on women’s first and second births in 20 countries over the period 1995 to 2007. Welfare states have shifted towards social investment policies, yet family policy–fertility research has not explicitly considered this development. We distinguish between social investment-oriented and passive support that families may receive upon the birth of a child and consider changes in policies over time. These indicators are merged with fertility histories provided by harmonized individual-level data, and we use time-conditioned, fixed effects linear probability models. We find higher social investment-oriented support to be correlated with increased first birth probabilities, in contrast to passive family support. First birth probabilities particularly declined with higher passive family support for women over age 30, which points to a potential increase in childlessness. Social investment-oriented support is positively related to first and second births particularly for lower-educated women and has no relationship to childbirth for highly educated women, countering the Matthew-effect assumptions about social investment policies. Passive support is negatively related to second births for post-secondary educated women and those who are studying. Family policies that support women’s employment and labour market attachment are positively linked to family expansion and these policies minimize educational differences in childbearing.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s10680-022-09626-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
申萌等 《统计研究》2021,38(9):128-142
本文利用非参数估计法考察了我国城市层面的新冠肺炎病情防控效率,讨论了医生资源对防控效率的影响。结果表明,城市疫情防控措施显著降低了每日新增病例,但存在明显地区异质性,城市医生资源差异是解释防控效率异质性的重要因素。医生资源对防控效率的影响具有非线性特征,在资源紧缺城市边际促进作用更大。包括病床和医院数量在内的医疗物质投入没有产生边际影响,表明医疗物质资源还未达到约束状态。进一步分析医生职业结构发现,临床医生的作用最为显著。地区应急响应启动越早,医生资源的作用越大,因此政府相关政策是医生资源作用的有力保障。新冠肺炎疫情一定程度上暴露了我国医生资源短板,需要多措并举有效提升城市医生资源供给。  相似文献   
张萃  符航 《统计研究》2021,38(8):111-120
作为重大突发公共卫生事件,传染病疫情风险是一个值得关注的前沿新论题。本文从一个较新的网络拓扑视角,以新冠肺炎疫情为例,构建了一个由病毒感染人群流动形成的城市间疫情关联网络,并探讨了城市在疫情关联网络中的位置对其疫情风险的影响。研究发现,城市之间的传染病疫情呈现出紧密的网络关联性;疫情的风险程度与城市在疫情关联网络中的位置密切相关,处在网络重要位置的城市与其他城市关联度较高,从而面临更大的疫情风险,这一点在针对城市群和交通枢纽聚集性感染风险研究中尤为突出。拓展分析表明,城市网络中心度具有疫情扩散风险放大效应,关闭离汉通道措施有助于降低城市在疫情关联网络中的核心位置对本城市疫情风险的影响。  相似文献   
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