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马克思是历史哲学领域中的旗帜性人物。在对以“永恒论”为基调的“一般历史哲学”的“批判性拒绝”中,马克思推出了以“发展论”为核心的“批判的历史哲学”。在《资本论》中,马克思遵循了哲学服务历史的基本取向,并沿着两条并行不悖的路径稳步推进了他的“历史之思”:一是依托于唯物史观的分析范式,深入物质生产领域探掘了历史的本质与规律,二是以政治经济学批判为武器切近现代工商业实践格局,洞悉了资本主义的前景和命运。据此而论,马克思在《资本论》中竭力探掘社会历史的根源并展开对资本主导下的经济运行规则和文化道德机制的实质性批判,确证了以生产方式为基础、以人类解放为核心的“经济基础—上层建筑”的历史哲学运思路向。马克思的历史哲学就是一种基于实践的历史性批判,它在回应“时代之问”中完成了关于人类“历史之谜”的哲学思考。这种历史哲学以“世界历史”为基本定向,以“人类社会”为立脚点,实现了对“当代的自我阐明”,开辟了历史哲学的新境界和开启了人类文明的新方向。  相似文献   
传统历史模拟法(THS,Tranditional Historical Simulation)和滤波历史模拟法(FHS,Filtered Historical Simulation)是国际商业银行使用最多的VaR预测方法。首先,论文在已有研究成果的基础上,构造了BHW(Bootstraped Hull and White)历史模拟法;然后,以国内黄金交易数据为样本,采用6种严谨的后验分析(Backtesting analysis)方法,对BHW方法及几种主流历史模拟法、GARCH模型方法的VaR预测精确性进行了实证分析。论文的主要结论包括:(1)综合论文所采用的几种金融风险测度方法来看,BHW方法表现出了相对较好的精确性,而实务界中广泛使用的THS方法则表现出了最差的精确性;(2)不同的历史模拟法受样本规模因素影响的程度显著不同,例如THS方法和HW方法均不同程度的受到了样本规模因素影响;(3)总体来看,BHW方法表现出了相对较好的风险预测精确性,可以作为测度黄金市场风险的选择之一。  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(9):1988-2009
Harbor seals in Iliamna Lake, Alaska, are a small, isolated population, and one of only two freshwater populations of harbor seals in the world, yet little is known about their abundance or risk for extinction. Bayesian hierarchical models were used to estimate abundance and trend of this population. Observational models were developed from aerial survey and harvest data, and they included effects for time of year and time of day on survey counts. Underlying models of abundance and trend were based on a Leslie matrix model that used prior information on vital rates from the literature. We developed three scenarios for variability in the priors and used them as part of a sensitivity analysis. The models were fitted using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The population production rate implied by the vital rate estimates was about 5% per year, very similar to the average annual harvest rate. After a period of growth in the 1980s, the population appears to be relatively stable at around 400 individuals. A population viability analysis assessing the risk of quasi‐extinction, defined as any reduction to 50 animals or below in the next 100 years, ranged from 1% to 3%, depending on the prior scenario. Although this is moderately low risk, it does not include genetic or catastrophic environmental events, which may have occurred to the population in the past, so our results should be applied cautiously.  相似文献   
先秦思想典籍翻译的描述性和解释性个案研究一般会涉及两个问题: 一是译者以何种方法翻译 出了怎样的译本; 二是翻译活动背后存在怎样的译者个人、 社会历史条件和原因。 以民国学者吴经熊的 《道 德经》 英译本 (发表于 《天下》 月刊) 为例, 译者以副文本为中心, 在其中使用了民国时期 “人文比较学 科” “训诂考据学” 和 “天主教” 话语及其涉及的命题、 工具 (材料)、 方法、 规则等, 建构和重塑了一个 错综复杂的译本面目和道家知识, 而这并非学界所认为的 “基于学术阐释来批判西方思想危机” 的道家知 识。 同时, 译者为了在 《天下》 这一历史和机构场所获得身份认同, 接受、 放弃或融合了在不同时期、 不 同场所中习得的话语, 进而建构了一个断裂、 错位、 变化的多重临时译者身份, 而不是一个纯粹的 “东方文 化救世论者”。 这一结论及其涉及的分析方法对其他先秦思想典籍翻译研究也有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses how the history of sports can serve as way to understand abstract concepts associated with local history and social studies education. An introductory discussion outlines how sports can engage and interest students, focusing especially on ideas related to history thinking (such as change and continuity). A case study using the Brooklyn Dodgers’ move to Los Angeles is used to illustrate these ideas, focusing on themes associated with suburbanization and urban renewal. A lesson plan is also provided.  相似文献   
The paper focuses on the commodification and politicisation of cultural heritage using as a case study the ongoing debate on the return of the Parthenon Marbles from the U.K. to Greece, recently reignited by the press release for the movie The Monuments Men in 2014. Greece has been in the throes of a severe financial crisis for over six years with the ever imminent threat of Grexit constantly disputed. In parallel with this ongoing turmoil, discourses of Greek antiquity have been persistently prominent in the media. In this context, we problematise the complex nexus of relationships between the financial crisis, national identity and cultural heritage. We combine the Discourse‐Historical Approach and Interactional Sociolinguistics drawing data from an online forum, and investigate how the users negotiate pro‐/anti‐return positions and make the financial crisis relevant in the argumentation process. The analysis shows that history, identity, value, and debt are recontextualised in relation to the Parthenon sculptures. The analysis identifies an underlying process of value trade off and brings the current political and economic environment to the fore. We close the paper by foregrounding the implications of our study and provide directions for further research.  相似文献   
The accuracy of demographic models designed to project future trends of population-level health and disease can be improved by incorporating biological data. One barrier to this process are quantitative characteristics of the data themselves. Biological data are characteristically time-dependent phenomena that behave in a nonlinear fashion. To develop accurate projections of the morbidity, disability, and mortality experience among future cohorts in late life, research needs to focus on development of models that create the opportunity to distinguish all-or-none, boundaries, and latency aspects of biological factors driving demographic phenomena, development of methods to identify time-dependent effects, and development of genetically informative samples. This presentation focuses on the biology of adult body size, its behavior as a variable in statistical analyses, and strategies for the incorporation of this variable into demographic models of population aging in the United States. First, several examples of generally observed quantitative characteristics of biological variables are reviewed. To illustrate the nonlinear character of biological data, three general patterns of change with aging are presented. Next, issues concerning the measurement of body size are discussed. Scenarios describing body size over the adult life span are described. By the end of this process, recommendations for starting a dialogue between researchers interested in biological endpoints (individual weight change, disease risk) and those interested in demographic outcomes (population-level disease and disability issues) using body size will be presented.  相似文献   
代表世界人口大国的中国和美国在2021年陆续发布2020年人口普查初步结果。最新人口普查数据显示:随着社会经济发展和民众人口观念的转变,两国在人口数量和结构特征层面呈现出一些共性特征。例如总和生育率低于替代水平与大规模老年群体叠加造成的结构性老龄化,区域发展不平衡与高度城市化共同带来的协调发展困境,整体劳动力市场萎缩与家庭内部经济支持的矛盾等。因此,基于国别人口学的研究视角,关注二战之后美国人口国情,研究美国人口各要素变化的特征及其趋势,为准确把握我国人口发展趋势、科学应对我国人口问题提供更加现实的研究依据和崭新的研究视角。本文基于20世纪50年代以来美国人口普查的相关数据,重点分析21世纪美国人口变化的新特征。一方面,从数量和结构两个维度出发,总结其在总量、年龄、性别、城乡、地区、族裔、劳动力、家庭等方面变迁的主要特征,并综合其人口动态变化与静态形势的发展特点,对未来美国人口变化的基本趋势做出一定预判。另一方面,参考美国应对相关人口问题的成功经验,提出我国可以通过引入海外人才,鼓励老年人再就业,政府和市场合作促进西部开发,发挥大都市区龙头作用,更好地应对我国目前面临或未来可能产生的人口问题。  相似文献   
早期国民党人是近代中国首批介绍马克思主义的知识分子,他们对马克思主义的介绍和宣传为马克思主义在中国的传播奠定了基础;他们运用马克思主义原理研究中国的历史和社会问题;为国共两党第一次合作的奠定了理论基础。由于其阶级局限性,早期国民党人认识和理解方面存在不足,未能把握马克思主义的本质;其马克思主义观具有空想性与古典主义色彩。  相似文献   
宋代是雕版印刷的黄金时期.经史著作的刊印,在因此而获得高度发展的同时,也为雕版印刷业的发展作出了举足轻重的贡献.究其原因,除了经济文化繁荣和雕版印刷术的广泛运用之外,还有统治阶级的高度重视以及广大民众的垂青.  相似文献   
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