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This paper examines the role of research in the development of drug policy in Hong Kong. The upsurge of the prevalence of psychoactive drug abuse in young people since the mid-1990s had brought about a great demand for medical and social science research on psychoactive drugs and users. Among a large number of Beat Drugs Fund-funded projects, two longitudinal studies, conducted between 2000 and 2002 and between 2009 and 2011, respectively, were used to illustrate the possible contributions of research findings to treatment and rehabilitation services. The most salient finding present in both studies was the significant and negative relationship between life satisfaction and continuation of drug use. The finding suggested that subjective well-being should be incorporated into treatment programmes, and there is a need to provide post-treatment services to young rehabilitated psychoactive drug abusers in the form of life planning programmes and organisation of sustainable social activities in the community.  相似文献   
This article illustrates how the linguistic‐anthropological notion of axes of differentiation can illuminate translanguaging practices. Through an analysis of media texts, it explores the ways in which multilingual Hongkongers draw on their semiotic repertoires to make sense of Xiqu Centre as the English name of the recently inaugurated center for traditional Chinese theater in their city. Against the backdrop of different axes of differentiation, supporters and detractors contrast the Putonghua word xìqǔ “traditional Chinese theater” with its equivalents in English and Cantonese respectively, thereby arriving at diametrically opposed interpretations of the name. While many detractors engage in interpretive practices that challenge the discreteness of linguistic systems, others who use their multilingual knowledge to criticize the name appeal to ideologies of linguistic purism. To fully understand multilinguals’ production and interpretation of signs, we need to examine not only communicative practices that disrupt language boundaries but also those practices that do not.  相似文献   
香港高等教育的特点及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了香港高等教育得以发展的政治、经济动因,概括了其基本特点和某些不足,并联系中国大陆高校的实际,就某些问题提出了作者的若干看法。  相似文献   
20世纪中国文学与外国文学之间有着千丝万缕的联系。仔细阅读萧红的乡土小说就会发现,其创作视角的选择、调整,温情脉脉的灵魂探索,充满灵性的自然描写,都自觉或不自觉地借鉴了外国文学的创作经验,其创作手法与辛克莱、史沫特莱、屠格涅夫、契诃夫、罗曼罗兰等有许多相通和相似之处。  相似文献   
粤港澳高等教育面向21世纪的历史抉择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文回顾了十余年来粤港澳三地高等教育的发展、合作与交流,探讨了其经济社会原因;进而讨论在港澳回归祖国、广东及其珠江三角洲地区进一步改革开放的态势下,三地高等教育面向21世纪在共同利益驱动下的历史抉择  相似文献   
香港回归,国人欢腾,世界注目。作为亚太地区文化教育水平较高的地区之一,香港有其特殊的教育制度。本文简要编述了香港教育的历史、现状,展示了香港这个国际金融中心、贸易中心和著名海港城市在教育方面的历史成就  相似文献   
香港地区大学现行学费政策及其问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了香港地区现行的大学学费政策,分析了由此而引发的关于学费问题的讨论,探讨了香港地区学费问题的经验教训对内地学费改革的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
“一国两制”构想作为我们党和国家完成统一大业的指导方针和基本国策,作为邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分,创造性地继承和发展了马列主义、毛泽东思想。本文分析了“一国两制”构想形成的历史以及国际国内的形势,重点论述了“一国两制”与香港回归的理论与实践  相似文献   
香港回归后,香港经济转型与内地经济合作关系更具有可能性,香港在未来的中国经济发展中将扮演重要的角色。九七后“大香港”经济圈的建设将使香港与内地唇与齿的关系得到进一步加强,在促进内地经济发展中香港将进一步发挥“金桥”作用。同时,香港将以广东为大后方,与华南珠江三角洲地区更紧密地结合,向全新的转口港概念——技术及管理知识的转口港转变  相似文献   
回顾了香港殖民化的历史过程及中国人民争取民族统一的正义斗争史。在香港主权回归即将实现之际阐明了劳动人民当家作主,综合实力日益强大,在国际事务中坚持维护领土完整及主权不可分割的新中国才是香港回归和实现祖国完全统一的根本保障。  相似文献   
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