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Social crises are a huge challenge to the performance of the media. The norms and routines of news making with which journalists comply can become problematic in the context of intensive public sentiment and empathy. News values, including the sacred belief in objective reporting, are questioned in the light of controversies over editorial judgment within and outside the newsroom. I examine the contested news values that manifested in the Umbrella Movement of Hong Kong in 2014. In particular, I focus on the arguments and deliberations regarding news objectivity, which involved several parameters of the performance of the media during this social crisis.  相似文献   
This article considers the legal validity of citizens' actions in civil disobedience as it pertains to the umbrella movement in Hong Kong. It introduces the critical approach of “legal realism” in order to reconsider normative law, such as police enforcement and court interventions, in relation to political struggle. It has been argued that the legal precepts of rights, responsibility, and the rule of law are capable of contingent and contextually appropriate interpretations by different legal actors, including citizens who participate in civil disobedience. In politics, justice, and most importantly law, civil disobedience offers an alternative legal normativity to consider the citizen's right, and even duty, to express dissent. Furthermore, this right or duty is legally persuasive and conducive to guarding democratic principles.  相似文献   
This article discusses the effects of the televised images of the use of tear gas on people participating in the Umbrella Movement. Although the role of the Internet and social media in political mobilization has been widely discussed, the importance of television cannot be overlooked. This article argues that the widely transmitted broadcasts of live images of the police firing tear gas into the protesting crowd generated “mediated instant grievances” in a substantial sector of the viewing public, thus contributing to the size and scale of the Umbrella Movement. The study reported here provides evidence for this argument by analyzing the results of a survey of protesters that were on site during the early stage of the movement (N = 969). The study sought to determine whether and how the television images were related to the participants’ political attitudes, reasons for participation, and views of self-mobilized actions. The findings showed that, in particular, mediated instant grievances motivated the participation of the “amateur protesters” in the movement.  相似文献   
以王竑为中心的明代漕抚创制过程,实际包含两条线索轨迹:一是由永乐以来的单一武职总漕,演变为文武双轨制;二是由宣德以来对南直隶江北派设的巡抚,演变为由文官总漕的兼职.明清以来史家多关注前者(漕)而忽略后者(抚),导致一方面混淆了二者的概念和时间次序,另一方面则忽视了王竑之前南直隶江北地区行政管理体制不断调整并日趋稳定的史实.漕抚定制的真正意义在于使永乐北迁后明廷必须解决的南漕北运和加强对南直隶行政管理得以有效兼顾.此外,王竑两任总漕之间的七年间,文官漕抚的职位虽无人填补,但其权力却有所分散、转移,其中监督各府州仓粮和卫所屯粮之权由"总督南京粮储"都御史接收,而管理河道和镇守淮安之权,则重新归属于漕运武臣之手.  相似文献   
本文通过对照以赏析短篇小说The sample和《孔乙己》的相同和相异之处,从时代和社会背景来分析两位主人公的遭遇和命运的根源。通过解读两文的叙事方法以再现其艺术感染力,从而达到对比和鉴赏中西文学作品的目的。  相似文献   
萧红小说具有精典品格与创新精神.思想内容意蕴丰厚,情感色调丰富多彩,形式新颖不拘俗套,特色突出风格独具.  相似文献   
跃进 《齐鲁学刊》2008,(1):5-10
"鲁学"的产生与鲁地的文化传统密不可分。就其字面意义言,"鲁学"应当是指鲁地的学问,但实际上又不仅仅限于鲁地。其核心内容虽然是儒学,但同样不能简单地划等号,其中还包涵着丰富的古代典章文献的含义。秦汉之际,"鲁学"与"齐学"在经学内涵方面殊途同归,而西汉后期到东汉前期,两地学问逐渐分化,"鲁学"开始从单一经学向文学方面演变,孔融是汉魏文风转变的重要代表。  相似文献   
港、澳、珠三角地缘相连、资源互补、文化同源、经济相融、旅游产品丰富,互补发展的优势明显。三地游客互流呈现出互为目的地和中转地的特征。基础推动力、市场驱动力、政府调控力是推动三地互动合作的主要动力因素,其中,基础推动力在三地旅游互动合作发展的整个过程中起到重要的基础作用。起步发展期,政府调控力发挥了重要作用,市场驱动力则相对弱;快速发展期,市场驱动力则成为主要驱动因素;深入发展时期,政府调控力又发挥了不可替代的作用。但三地的旅游互动合作仍存在诸多障碍,继续增强游客互流的便捷性、拓宽合作领域、深化合作内容及优化空间布局是三地旅游互动合作的关键。  相似文献   
"洪纯彦逸话"是朝鲜朝中后期在民间广为流传的朝鲜译官洪纯彦的传说,而这个传说不但与历时200年的"宗系辩诬"的成功及"壬辰战争"中明军的出兵等重大历史事件有着互文性,还与改革开放后中国朝鲜族著名小说家金溶植的历史小说《报恩缎》有着极为密切的互文性。尽管"洪纯彦逸话"以及以此为蓝本的《报恩缎》与历史真实不尽相符,但从中可以领略到朝鲜人民以至中国朝鲜族人民心中类似于阿Q的精神胜利法以及几百年来积淀下来的亲华感情。  相似文献   
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