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The virtual social worlds of the internet give people unparalleled control over the construction and presentation of their identities. Gender-switching is perhaps the most dramatic example of how people exercise this control. It occurs when people present a gender that is different from their biological sex. While gender-switching figures prominently in academic commentaries and popular writings about on-line social life, there is little systematic research on the phenomenon. On-line surveys of two stratified random samples (N's=233 and 202) of MOO users were conducted. The majority of participants (60 per cent) in social MOOs (popular text-based internet social venues) had never engaged in gender-switching, while the majority in role-playing MOOs were either gender-switching currently (40 per cent) or had done so in the past (16.7 per cent). More than half of those who currently gender-switched did so for less than 10 per cent of their time on-line. In spite of the freedom to use indeterminate or even plural gender identities, most participants who switched genders (78.7 per cent) did so within traditional binary conventions (male to female, female to male). The primary reason for gender-switching was the desire to play roles of people different from one's self. The primary barrier to gender-switching was the belief that it is dishonest and manipulative. Attitudes toward gender-switching and on-line participation were better predictors of gender-switching than personal background demographics or personality measures. The images of gender-switching that emerge from this first systematic study of the phenomenon are considerably more benign than that usually portrayed in the literature. Gender-switching appears to be practised by a minority of MOO users for a small percentage of their time on-line. Gender-switching within MOOs of all kinds might best be understood as an experimental behaviour rather than as an enduring expression of sexuality, personality, or gender politics.  相似文献   
新才子佳人模式是20世纪80年代以来渐成潮流的城乡交叉地带叙事中的重要类型。它并非传统文学书写中才子佳人模式的简单重复,而是在情爱波折中映现着城市/乡村、现代/传统的复杂纠葛。乡村才子凭借知识建构城市精英这一主流身份相对而言从易到难的历程,是近三十年人文知识分子处境的缩影;而他们与乡村佳人之间基于知识资本之有无的关系历程,在强化男性中心的性别文化格局时,也塑造着女性的被动性。然而,对乡村佳人的占有,无法真正消除乡村才子处于城乡交叉地带的心灵漂浮体验,并不能使其获得精神拯救。  相似文献   
近代中国思想界对"国民—国家"关系的建构,个体国民身份在政治话语中的确立,为近代女性谋求新的身份认同开拓了话语空间和政治空间。近代先进女性也正是在这种话语空间和政治空间中,通过女性与国家之间责任和权利关系的辩难以及性别角色与国民身份的博弈,确立了独立的个体身份——"女国民"。尽管这一概念并未形成系统而具有实践指导意义的政治理论,但她们通过别开生面的文学实践,一再言说和强化着这一主体身份,形成了声势颇为浩大的"女国民"话语;同时也因对"女权"、"民权"、"天赋人权"等概念的不同理解,在相关话语场的内部形成了富有意义的张力。  相似文献   
在中国的现代性语境中,现代意义上的民族身份建构一开始就被置于一个东西方比较中,因为没有他者也无所谓自我.而两性关系恰恰是自我与他者关系的最基本单元.百年文学/文化想象对现代意义上的民族身份建构/认同充满性别象征隐喻,性别政治其实一直在参与对民族身份的建构,这样的参与不仅仅影响了女性这个性别在民族身份、民族精神建构中的地位、意义,而且还影响了民族身份、民族精神建构本身.性别本质主义已然与我们对民族身份认同/建构上的本质化、凝固化、单一化密切相关,从而忽略了民族身份、民族精神在时间与空间上的丰繁多元、流动变化.  相似文献   
The many critical approaches to an 'ethnicity framework' have fallen short of a very possible conclusion—that the language of ethnicity provides, for the most part, a poor paradigm with which to work. In the present paper we seek not only to re-state some key weaknesses of this paradigm but also to suggest that these weaknesses are more general in an over-ethnicised sociology. There are numerous critiques of particular models or elements of ethnicity thinking, including critiques of primordialist approaches (Fenton 2003), of multiculturalism ( Barry 2000 ), and of the over-objectification of groups (Brubaker 2004; see also Jenkins 2008). The major critiques constitute a strong case against 'thinking with ethnicity'; the broader weaknesses are more general in contemporary 'identitarian' sociology. From this position we turn to the question of offering an alternative approach in a sociology which emphasizes agency, and is grounded in an analysis of actors in material situations. This is allied to the concept of ideational resources, social categories and identities upon which actors draw, and a middle-range view of causality and tendency in social change. Ideas of ancestral belonging are among those ideational resources, and these ideas and assumptions are played out in a context of material and political change. The subject of study is not ethnicity, but power, resources, social relations and institutions (which may and may not be) informed by cultural identities and ideas of ancestry. The strategy of the paper will be first to re-state the deficiencies of 'ethnicity thinking' and second to offer an alternative framework for thinking about social action and social structure.  相似文献   
增强边疆少数民族的国家认同,保持国家认同在认同序列上的优先地位,是维护边疆经济社会稳定发展和祖国安全统一的基础。当前,亟须从强化公民意识、发展经济、强化国族认同、发展教育等方面提高边疆少数民族的国家认同。  相似文献   
60年代中后期塔尔图—莫斯科符号学派代表洛特曼以结构主义符号学家身份进入西方学界视野。90年代后洛特曼面临结构主义身份认同危机,西方学界开始致力于放大其理论中解构主义因子,塑造更为开放、跨界、全新的“洛特曼”。通过描摹洛特曼在西方语境置换、视域更迭中呈现的独特镜像,不仅可以启发洛特曼后续研究,也可窥见西方学界对外来理论阐释的价值取向以及文化立场。  相似文献   
文化认同是民族融合的先决条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国多民族关系的发展史中 ,中华文化对中华民族的形成 ,对我国多民族国家的建立与发展 ,起到了重要的凝聚作用。而在这些丰富的中华文化中 ,大一统的思想、儒家文化、汉语汉俗和各民族科学、文学艺术的交汇 ,是中华民族大融合中决定性的因素  相似文献   
断裂与重构:少数民族地区学校教育中的潜在课程研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文所探讨的潜在课程重点在于“潜在”上,目的是想说明在少数民族地区现代性学校教育中的潜在课程是如何存在的,它潜在地发挥着什么样的作用。经研究发现,潜在课程与少数民族文化是一种冲突的关系,表现出了“断裂”与“重构”的文化现象。因此,本文主要从这两个方面探讨潜在课程对于少数民族文化和个体的潜在作用:作为文化断裂,类似于强制地要求停止你以前的思考和习惯;身份重构则要求你必须获得与以往不同的身份和意识,并先适应学校中生活和现代性要求。  相似文献   
近年,"品牌"這個字眼是澳門企業界、學術界最爲熱衷計論的话题,從産品、服務、中小企、各種活動;甚至城市都被冠以品牌化稱謂,而當中建言多屬融資方法、人力資源及服務質素等"管理"層面上的觀點;但處在全球知識經濟的競爭下,設計策略、品牌形象與整合行销的"創意"層面才是企業、品牌或城市生存和兢争力的關鍵。因此,爲了提升澳門中小企業、節日活動以至城市的兢爭力,必须重视设計策略规劃舆強化品牌識别系統的意識,藉以提高企業、活動的核心理念與文化内涵,使"品牌"的塑造更具個性及魅力。  相似文献   
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