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柳宗元由于其独特的生活经历、思想情感、气质个性等原因形成了其独具个性特征的山水诗。他的山水诗,或描绘清幽静深的图境,或感怀物土、思念亲友,或表现外在意蕴的闲静淡远,都或多或少地饱含了其内心强烈的思想情感,这些情感时而孤寂忧伤,时而悲怆慨叹,时而郁结幽愤。柳宗元终生遭贬,虽好佛老,但其主导思想是儒家用世之学,因而其倘佯自然山水之作大都表现出沉郁感伤的艺术风格,流露出很强的忧伤悲愤的感情色彩。  相似文献   
This essay aims to reflect on the idea of landscape and our relationship with it by taking the Japanese notion of furusato (native place) in its ontological dimension. Grounded in Heidegger’s ‘phenomenology of Being’ and ‘ontology’, a phenomenological understanding of fieldwork experience in a Japanese rural community will be developed in order to rethink both the furusato and the ‘Being-landscape’ relation. As a consequence, we will be concerned not with how people speak about landscape, but with how the landscape speaks through people. What will be brought to light are the landscape’s moral and relational dimensions: namely, (i) the responsibility towards both our communities and future generations and (ii) a more-than-physical understanding of landscape that alerts us to our belonging to a common world comprised of relationships and tasks.  相似文献   
从语言景观视角出发,分析说明了语言景观作为语言资源的重要组成部分的价值作用,通过对内蒙古呼和浩特市语言景观的个案调查,与少数民族语言资源保护工成果相结合,以语言景观全新视角为内蒙古自治区语言资源保护和开发利用提供方法和途径。  相似文献   
独特的士林文化品格造就了独特的晚明文人,而他们情有独钟的小品文,恰如一面镜子,反映出他们独特的心态.山水小品清新隽永,追求真趣,想象奇特,融俗于雅.闲适小品澹泊从容,富有闲情雅趣.追求闲适,是晚明文人崇佛向道、淡泊避世的一种方式,是晚明个性解放思想影响下的一道人文风景,也是他们掩饰其内心失意和焦灼的自我安慰.香艳小品放荡不羁,纵情声色.打破了程朱理学"存天理、灭人欲"的传统道德之后,晚明文人一反常态,恣意纵情声色.这与个性解放思想和"尊情说"的影响有关,也与文人士大夫根深蒂固的风流"雅好"不无关系.但无论如何,在他们放浪行骸的外表之下,隐藏着的仍是一颗颗抱负不得施展的焦虑、困惑的心灵.  相似文献   
语言景观研究是近年来社会语言学关注的热点之一,通过对城市各领域语言景观的研究可以探知其社会文化特征。本文以广州市餐饮店铺名称为研究对象,通过大众点评网筛选出353个具有粤方言特色的餐饮店名,总结出粤特色餐饮店名的命名特点,阐明其语义内涵,揭示其背后的社会文化特征。  相似文献   
当今城市景观设计呆板,缺乏内容,相互之间的照抄照搬情况严重,设计成果雷同感太强,更谈不上深层次的文化积淀以及诠释。中国文化源远流长,渗透的领域甚广,可以供如今的设计工作者去整理挖掘,并将它们注入到现代城市景观设计之中,以彰显城市形象的文化特色。佛教禅宗作为中国历史文化长河中的一颗璀璨明珠,有许多值得发掘的元素。从禅学的角度阐述现代城市景观设计的方法、理念,能够为现如今的城市景观设计提供一个崭新的思考方向。  相似文献   
In this paper we argue that there is a paradox in the managerial attempt of the South African Peace Park Foundation, to foster cohesion within the development of Trans Frontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) in southern Africa by focusing on community participation and development. Cohesion is mainly found at the level of the elite – both European and African – promoting the idea of the TFCAs, which provides them with opportunities to develop ‘Super‐African’ identities, based on identifying with nature and the landscape rather than the nation‐state. The imagery about the African landscape on which this process is based has its roots in colonial and primitivist discourse on Africa and Africans which includes Africans in the concept of landscape, but only if apparently unadulterated by modernity. This ultimately presents a problem for the TFCA development and its aim to develop local communities: if local people would indeed economically develop, with all the material consequences, they would no longer belong in the inclusive European aesthetics of the African landscape.  相似文献   
宋代游宦文人对桂林的山水文化发展有着重大贡献,他们通过写诗著文,撰述志书、笔记,歌咏、记录桂林山水风光;或者修筑人文景观,崖壁题刻等文化活动,赋予桂林山水深厚的人文内涵,并进一步发现其地位和价值,为之赢来“甲天下”的盛名。  相似文献   
"卧云仙居"景观设计,综合考虑老年人居住生活行为规律和身心特点,详细设计了老年公寓西苑和别墅区等主要景区的景观,结合地形、植物、建筑、园林小品、广场与道路园林构成五大要素,营造出自然生态、简约明朗,并富有传统文化气息的景观意境,达到能够供老年人休憩、娱乐、运动、疗养并安度晚年生活的景观效果.  相似文献   
诗画一体的创作观念在宋代达到高峰,深刻影响着诗人的艺术追求与审美视野。南宋诗人杨万里自觉吸收借鉴北宋学院派画家郭熙的绘画理念,从而形成了独具特色的创作观念,主要体现在以下三面:一、亲身亲历的审美观照方式;二、以山水写心的超功利审美心境;三、不拘死法、自成一家的技法观念。这充分体现着诗画艺术相互影响、相互促进的创作规律,为我们进一步深入研究古代诗画关系提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
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