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宋代游宦文人对桂林的山水文化发展有着重大贡献,他们通过写诗著文,撰述志书、笔记,歌咏、记录桂林山水风光;或者修筑人文景观,崖壁题刻等文化活动,赋予桂林山水深厚的人文内涵,并进一步发现其地位和价值,为之赢来“甲天下”的盛名。  相似文献   
"卧云仙居"景观设计,综合考虑老年人居住生活行为规律和身心特点,详细设计了老年公寓西苑和别墅区等主要景区的景观,结合地形、植物、建筑、园林小品、广场与道路园林构成五大要素,营造出自然生态、简约明朗,并富有传统文化气息的景观意境,达到能够供老年人休憩、娱乐、运动、疗养并安度晚年生活的景观效果.  相似文献   
诗画一体的创作观念在宋代达到高峰,深刻影响着诗人的艺术追求与审美视野。南宋诗人杨万里自觉吸收借鉴北宋学院派画家郭熙的绘画理念,从而形成了独具特色的创作观念,主要体现在以下三面:一、亲身亲历的审美观照方式;二、以山水写心的超功利审美心境;三、不拘死法、自成一家的技法观念。这充分体现着诗画艺术相互影响、相互促进的创作规律,为我们进一步深入研究古代诗画关系提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

A quasi-experiment was undertaken to measure physiological characteristics of elderly women as they viewed different landscapes. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored as elderly women living in a retirement centre viewed a natural landscape, a built landscape, and a control room with no view to the outside. Other characteristics of the individuals and the settings that have been shown to affect blood pressure and heart rate were controlled. The results indicated that, in all cases, viewing the natural landscape resulted in lower systolic and diastolic blood pressures and lower heart rates than those measured in the control room. Viewing the built landscape also had the general effect of lowering blood pressures and heart rates, but the effect was less consistent and the magnitude was smaller than that caused by the natural landscape. Lowering of blood pressure and heart rate have both been shown to be positively correlated with increased health and well-being, indicating the benefit of simply viewing a landscape. These results have important implications for design of housing for the elderly. Even if individuals are unable or unwilling to go outside, they can still benefit from seeing out into a landscape.  相似文献   
近代巴黎城市公园改造对城市景观规划设计的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
第二帝国时期的法国巴黎社会经历了工业革命的洗礼,城市的建设也从私有化向公共化发展.这一时期的城市建设奠定了法国巴黎的基本城市面貌,同期的城市公园建设能够有机地结合城市的整体空间:建立了宏观尺度的系统性的绿地结构,创建了微观尺度具备场地属性的特色园林景观.在考察与反思巴黎城市公园改造,发掘建立在土地、植被、水体等园林要素之上的园林景观的启示:即城市公园改造要与城市发展相互协调,自然环境与人工环境的完美统一.  相似文献   
中国山水画在其发展过程中与儒道释思想有着密切的关系。中国古代山水画家学道参禅的比比皆是,有的本身就是和尚或道士,在他们的绘画创作中或多或少地要受到儒道释思想的影响。儒道释思想直接或间接地影响着山水画家的审美情趣、创作思想、创作实践、创作风格和创作方法。  相似文献   
楚辞有蔚为大观的动植物景观,其生态学功能,借用孔子的话说是"多识鸟兽草木之名",也就是要恢复人类久已式微的对一草一木的细微认识和敏锐体察,进而找回当初那种人与自然息息相关相通的亲缘关系。楚辞多角度、多层次、多侧面地展开对山水景物的描写和刻画,创造了美不胜收、情景交融的艺术造境,展示了先民动容造化、珍爱自然的生态情感。楚辞中有大量诸如"游目"、"周流"这样表现审美意识的动词,这种独特的审美意识正是对自然生态一往情深的家园意识的反映。  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of urbanization on local butterfly populations and the role of butterfly gardens in preserving regional butterfly diversity. Data are from 135 butterfly gardens of varying size, location, and number of blooming plants in the Washington DC metropolitan area observed during 2001 and 2002. We investigated the species diversity for comparable gardens in rural, suburban, and urban locations to determine whether the landscape matrix surrounding otherwise suitable habitat affects the diversity found in the habitat. We hypothesized that, once factors such as garden size and number of blooming plant species were taken into account, butterfly diversity for 12 generalist species would decrease as urbanization increased. We found that there were systematic decreases (with one exception) in diversity from rural to suburban to urban gardens only for medium-sized gardens (0.10 to 0.20 ha) with one to ten types of blooming plants, and large gardens (>0.20 ha) with over 20 types of blooming plants. Gardens of other sizes or plant communities showed some decreases in diversity from rural to suburban to urban sites, but these differences were not consistent across the urban/rural gradient. Results of this study indicate that local butterfly diversity is negatively affected by increasing levels of human population, but that the matrix is just one factor determining generalist species diversity.  相似文献   
In many European mountain areas, including the Swiss Alps, agriculture has been on the decline in the last decades. This has led to changes in land use, landscape and biodiversity; changes which are perceived, explained and valued by people in different ways. In this paper, the views of local stakeholders in the Surses valley, Switzerland regarding these changes are synthesised in four ideal type narratives that take into account theoretical concepts. The aims of the paper are: firstly, to show how ideal type narratives can be constructed and used as a heuristic device in rural studies; and secondly, to understand the diverse views, values and assumptions of stakeholders regarding changes in the Alpine landscape, land use and biodiversity. The four ideal type narratives are: (1) a wilderness narrative which assumes a continued decline of the regional economy leading to land abandonment and wilderness; (2) a modernisation narrative whose proponents believe in continued technological progress and support from outside; (3) a subsistence narrative that believes in the future of the autonomous, subsistence-oriented farmer as the ideal manager of the cultural landscape; and (4) an endogenous development narrative, which stresses the endogenous development potential of mountain regions and the need for adaptations and innovations on the part of the local population. It is argued that ideal type narratives are not only a useful heuristic device in research, but that they have the potential to minimise misunderstandings in stakeholder discussions and thereby contribute to more fruitful debates in participatory landscape and biodiversity planning processes.  相似文献   
多媒体技术在《中国园林史》课堂教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国园林史是园林专业的一门专业基础课,对于完善知识结构,开拓设计思路等具有重要作用。教学实践表明,传统“板书+挂图”的教学模式不能很好地满足中国园林史课程的教学特点和要求,而多媒体技术的应用大大促进了课程教学质量的不断提高。  相似文献   
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