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儒释道思想对湖湘迁谪山水文学的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湖湘有着深厚的迁谪文学传统。迁谪山水文学中的儒主要表现于关心现实、借山水景物委婉地表 达情怀,释主要表现于在清静空寂的禅悦境界中慰藉心灵,道主要表现于对天人合一境界的描绘与对隐逸 仙境的向往与追求。这是湖湘人文精神的重要组成部分,是迁谪山水文学艺术魅力的主要源泉。  相似文献   
在王维的山水田园诗中,以关中地区的自然景色、风土人文为题材,体现关中地域特色的诗占有显著的比例。关中水深土厚的自然环境使其诗具有高远空阔的地貌特点;安土乐生、自给自足的农耕文明使其诗具有朴澹安恬的风土人情;开放包容的时代文化氖围与平和安宁的个性又使其诗具有了廓落雍和的胸怀气度。  相似文献   
人和文化是乡村振兴的两个重要因素。调查云南省景洪市江头曼咪村旅游发展"停滞"现象,既是对当前乡村旅游发展中普遍存在的文化主体性缺失的理论回应,也是结合文化主体性思想,从文化景观和非物质文化遗产层面展开学理分析,尝试突破我国当前乡村旅游发展的局限。从根本上做到文化主体性回归,提升在地居民的文化自信和文化自觉,对创新我国乡村旅游发展基本理念具有重要意义。  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between bat species activity and composition and the extent of forest cover and urbanization in and adjacent to 11 U.S. National Park Service, National Capital Region Parks in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C., from 2003–2004, using mist nets, harp traps, acoustical detectors, and visual observations in a variety of habitats. Our efforts included 363 trap nights across 74 sites along with acoustical sampling at 362 sites. We captured 383 bats and identified 6,380 echolocation passes of 6 species. Both overall and species-specific activities were affected more by forest fragmentation within parks than by urbanization adjacent to parks. With an ability to exploit anthropogenic structures for day-roosts, big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) were the most ubiquitous and probably the most abundant species in NCR Parks, particularly in forested, urban parks. Northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis), and to a lesser extent, little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) were more prevalent in forested, rural parks of the Ridge and Valley and Blue Ridge than in eastern, less forested urban parks of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces. Retention of larger, residual forest tracts and day-roosting habitat (i.e., trees and snags) would be beneficial to most species, as urban expansion continues throughout the region.  相似文献   
Changes in agricultural practices have led to declines in the farming population and significant changes within the landscape. Paradoxically, many rural areas are recording significant demographic growth. Given the extent of rural areas experiencing these changes, little attention has been devoted to the relationship between rural migration processes and landscape developments. Therefore, the various rural dynamics resulting from these phenomena merit closer investigation. Moreover, we should explore these complex processes at scales where they are most evident. Through the multi-scale research approach used in this study, these processes are investigated in their regional, local, and domestic contexts.As shown by regional typological outlines, the great diversity of the rural areas indicates an increasing dissociation between the agricultural and socio-demographic trajectories. From our local-scale study, changes in lot occupation revealed new residential settlement patterns induced by an influx of in-migrants. Specific landscape characteristics seem to be a determining force shaping these population flows. At the same time, these population movements have dissimilar influences on evolving landscape dynamics. With the exception of isolated agricultural abandonment trajectories, migrant relocation does not seem to affect specific local-scale land use development. However, it is significantly associated with individual domestic practices. These practices are indicative of the migrant's identity in the rural landscape; further, they suggest specific values for the landscape's qualitative dimensions. These emerging urban and non-farming interests in rural landscapes challenge planning policies to guide the landscape's evolution for the benefit of its “producers” and “consumers”.  相似文献   
旅游美学学理源流探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为确立旅游美学的学科地位 ,本文分析、论证了旅游美学学理的两个来源 :生命美学和景观美学。同时 ,本文提出两个重要观点 :主体动态审美是旅游美学的理论基础 ;旅游美学以研究人在自然天地间的美感冲动和人性创造为核心。  相似文献   
现代城市景观设计中,如何使人工环境与自然环境协调统一起来,已成为城市设计者的重要课题之一。解决好这个问题,不仅有助于创造出富有特色的城市景观,而且有利于城市自然生态环境的保护与平衡,文章将就城市景观设计中的人工因素的范围和各层面进行分析,以便更加明了进行景观设计时场所和所处环境的关系,创造出自然、和谐、美观的城市空间。  相似文献   
本文以清人沈复的名作《闲情记趣》为个案,对成熟时期中国盆景文化的造景、赏艺法则及此中所呈现的审美取向进行具体阐释;同时对此一时期开始萌蘖的大盆景文化或泛盆景文化的表现和特征作了论析。  相似文献   
房地产业作为中国国民经济的支柱产业,保持了20多年持续增长的趋势,但是在房产建设的实践过程之中,由于产业化程度低,导致了劳动率低、建筑耗能、耗材等情况的发生,为了改变这一状况,中央提出贯彻落实科学发展观,提倡节能减排,发展循环经济,而住宅产业化正是响应了这一号召。本文从实际工程设计的角度出发,以景观设计作为着眼点,对于产业化住区的景观设计理念进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   
汾阳市贾家庄生态园是山西园林建设的一个样本,它的建设渗透了生态美学的基本原则,它在整体构想、景观分布、功能效应以及对环境建设的影响等方面,比较集中地体现了人与环境的有机统一。  相似文献   
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