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The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) versus bar coding has been debated with little quantitative research about how to best use RFID's capabilities and when RFID is more advantageous. This article responds to that need by qualitatively and quantitatively analyzing how RFID facilitates increased traceability and control in manufacturing, which in turn enables the use of more lot splitting and smaller lot sizes. We develop insights about operating policies (RFID vs. bar‐code tracking mechanisms, extent of lot splitting, and dispatching rules) and an operating condition (setup to processing time ratio) that affect the mean flow time and proportion of jobs tardy in a job shop. A simulation model is used to control factors in the experimental design and the output is evaluated using analysis of variance. The results show the following: (i) performance worsens when bar coding is used with extensive lot splitting, (ii) process changes such as extensive lot splitting may be required to justify RFID use instead of bar coding, (iii) the earliest operation due date dispatching rule offers an attractive alternative to other rules studied in previous lot splitting research, and (iv) the performance improvements with RFID and increased lot splitting are larger when the setup to processing time ratio is smaller. In a broader context, we fill a research void by quantitatively showing how RFID can be used as an advanced manufacturing technology that enables more factory automation and better performance along several dimensions. The article concludes by summarizing the results and identifying ideas for future research.  相似文献   
By approximating the nonparametric component using a regression spline in generalized partial linear models (GPLM), robust generalized estimating equations (GEE), involving bounded score function and leverage-based weighting function, can be used to estimate the regression parameters in GPLM robustly for longitudinal data or clustered data. In this paper, score test statistics are proposed for testing the regression parameters with robustness, and their asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis and a class of local alternative hypotheses are studied. The proposed score tests reply on the estimation of a smaller model without the testing parameters involved, and perform well in the simulation studies and real data analysis conducted in this paper.  相似文献   
我国商业银行效率评价及实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王灵华  薛晶 《统计研究》2008,25(2):83-87
内容提要:本文运用数据包络法对我国十二家主要商业银行04—06年的效率状况进行了定量考察,并在此基础上探讨了我国国有商业银行效率低下的原因,提出了提高我国银行业效率的途径。  相似文献   
A common problem for longitudinal data analyses is that subjects follow-up is irregular, often related to the past outcome or other factors associated with the outcome measure that are not included in the regression model. Analyses unadjusted for outcome-dependent follow-up yield biased estimates. We propose a longitudinal data analysis that can provide consistent estimates in regression models that are subject to outcome-dependent follow-up. We focus on semiparametric marginal log-link regression with arbitrary unspecified baseline function. Based on estimating equations, the proposed class of estimators are root n consistent and asymptotically normal. We present simulation studies that assess the performance of the estimators under finite samples. We illustrate our approach using data from a health services research study.  相似文献   
观察之于写作意义非凡,不仅对写作动机与内容起决定作用,还对作品的审美价值与社会价值起着关键作用。目前很多师范生平时不重视对观察能力的培养,或者观察不得法,从而严重制约了作品的质量。纵向比较观察法的有效运用有益于创意写作的开展,促进学生的个性表达。  相似文献   
  国内外学者对我国GDP数据质量的质疑重点已从年度数据转到季度数据,从全国数据转向地方数据。本文通过设计一套较为系统且可操作性强的季度GDP评估指标体系,运用空间面板数据模型对各省区的季度GDP数据质量进行了实证检验。结果表明,整体来看,中国各省区季度GDP同各经济指标的匹配性较好,数据质量较高,并不存在明显的失真现象;从时间上来看,每年一、二季度的GDP存在一定程度的高估,而每年三、四季度的GDP则存在一定程度的低估,但是这种偏差在统计上不显著;分地区来看,尽管一半省区的季度GDP存在一定程度的高估,另一半省区存在一定程度的低估,但大部分省区高估或低估的程度在统计上不显著。文章进一步分析了其中的原因。  相似文献   
As a platform for discussion and communication, talk pages play an essential role in Wikipedia to facilitate coordination, sharing of information and knowledge resources among Wikipedians. In this work we explore the influence of network structures of these pages on the efficiency of WikiProjects. Project efficiency is measured as the amount of work done by project members in a quarter. The study uses the comments on WikiProject talk pages to construct communication networks. The structural properties of these networks are studied using ideas from social network theory. We develop three hypotheses about how network structures influence project effectiveness and examine the hypotheses using a longitudinal dataset of 362 WikiProjects. The evaluation suggests that an intermediate level of cohesion with a core of influential users dominating network flow improves effectiveness for a WikiProject, and that greater average membership tenure relates to project efficiency in a positive way. We discuss the implications of this analysis for the future management of WikiProjects.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of variable selection in high-dimensional partially linear models with longitudinal data. A variable selection procedure is proposed based on the smooth-threshold generalized estimating equation (SGEE). The proposed procedure automatically eliminates inactive predictors by setting the corresponding parameters to be zero, and simultaneously estimates the nonzero regression coefficients by solving the SGEE. We establish the asymptotic properties in a high-dimensional framework where the number of covariates pn increases as the number of clusters n increases. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed variable selection procedure.  相似文献   
In binary classifications, a decision tree learned from unbalanced data typically creates an important challenge related to the high misclassification rate of the minority class. Assigning different misclassification costs can address this problem, though usually at the cost of accuracy for the majority class. This effect can be particularly hazardous if the costs cannot be specified precisely. When the costs are unknown or difficult to determine, decision makers may prefer a classifier with more balanced accuracy for both classes rather than a standard or cost‐sensitively learned one. In the context of learning trees, this research therefore proposes a new tree induction approach called subtree grafting (STG). On the basis of a real bank data set and several other data sets, we test the proposed STG method and find that our proposed approach provides a successful compromise between standard and cost‐sensitive trees.  相似文献   
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