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This article uses an exceptionally well-documented law case from the 1650s to offer a fresh perspective on the English experience of Atlantic settlement during its early years. It argues for the centrality of the Essex county quarter sessions court in the building of neighbourhood on the geographic and cultural margins of the Massachusetts Bay colony. By focusing on the north-eastern margin at Cape Ann, the analysis reveals aspects of state building through a common law judicial process which was just as important, but less readily apparent, in other settings. The article addresses three major historiographic areas, engaging with the historical literature on English neighbourhoods and English adaptation to the American environment, on the significance of witchcraft or maleficium in English societies, and on the nature and meanings of law, law courts and judicial process in the building of communities. Case documents also enable the use of some concepts and techniques of literary analysis related to the study of narrative, arguing that judicial verdicts selected and suppressed aspects of local stories elicited during the course of the investigation in order to craft an account of local neighbourhood that suited a broader cultural narrative of Massachusetts Bay’s political consolidation during the 1650s.  相似文献   
新疆公共危机教育状况问卷调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在问卷调查的基础上,对新疆的公共危机教育状况进行初步描述分析,发现新疆的公共危机教育工作还存在一些严重影响公共危机教育的现实效果的问题。政府应从管理系统、法制建设、机构设置、教育内容和方法以及监督机制等方面,全方位着力改进,把公共危机教育落到实处。  相似文献   
改革开放30年来,尤其是实施分税制以来,新疆地方财政收支的缺口越来越大,究其原因,主要是分税制财政体制使新疆上划中央税收加速增长、地方经济结构调整缓慢和资源优势尚未实现转化。因此,在未来财政收支运行中,应充分预计财政体制变革、新农村建设和新型工业化建设的需求,以及各种减收因素对财政收支的影响,促进产业结构调整是地方财政应当考虑的重要问题。  相似文献   
该文通过文献资料、问卷调查、访谈和数理统计等研究方法,从新疆各个民族参与民族式摔跤的情况、不同民族参与不同形式摔跤的情况、运动员及教练员的基本状况等方面对新疆维吾尔族、哈萨克族、蒙古族及回族四个民族的民族式摔跤的发展状况进行研究,旨在为促进新疆民族式摔跤的全面协调发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   
We know that inequality varies by region and also begins early in life. Bivariate data suggest that 5–14-year-old children in the 1994 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) score differently in reading and mathematics achievement depending on their region, with children in the South and West scoring lower. We combine literatures on regional bases of inequality and family and school capital to generate hypotheses explaining these differences. Analyses of covariance provide supportive evidence. For both outcomes among boys, the variation is explained by additive models including family and child social and human capital, although selected aspects of school capital are also influential; these models also explain math achievement among girls. A model including both additive and interactive effects explains regional differences in reading achievement for girls. We interpret these findings in terms of their implications for studying inequality in child achievement as well as for emphasizing the importance of regional inequality, particularly beyond the South versus non-South distinction.  相似文献   
以诺思意识形态理论为视角,科学发展观是一种成功的意识形态,它能在节约人民对于党执政合法性地位的认同成本、减小制度转轨与实施的成本代价、克服经济活动中的"搭便车"行为、节约用于人民群众的激励成本以及消除人们参与市场经济活动的摩擦成本等方面发挥积极的作用.  相似文献   
侵华日军为了封锁、扼杀华北地区的抗日根据地,除在长城沿线、晋东北、冀西大规模制造了"无人区"外,还在山东省和晋中、晋西北及河南省等地制造了大大小小若干块"无人区".在制造"无人区"过程中,日军实施极其残暴的"三光作战",不仅使"无人区"人民的生命财产遭受到了空前灾难,而且使当地的社会生产力和经济遭受到了近乎毁灭性的打击和破坏.  相似文献   
隋代以前两淮盐业经济考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隋代以前的两淮盐业,学术界少有述及。两淮盐业至少在春秋战国时即已出现,两汉时获得了大的发展。魏晋南北朝时期虽封建政权更迭频仍,两淮地区屡遭战乱,盐政、盐制也不断变化,但因人们生活需要和国家对盐业的重视,盐业经济仍能曲折性地向前发展。这对"苏北在隋唐以前,经济文化发展水平高于苏南",起了不可低估的作用。  相似文献   
"以儒立国"与北宋士大夫的精神风貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北宋建国后形成的"文德政治"、"与士大夫共治天下"即所谓"以儒立国"的政治构架,为北宋士大夫们提供了较前代更为宽松和优越的参政议政环境,从而使他们中的大多数无论是在思想意识、道德人格上,还是行动上,都因受时代精神的感召而表现出一种志在经世、自任以天下之重的精神风貌.  相似文献   
抗战胜利以后,苏北遭遇了天灾与兵祸的双重肆虐,人民生活极端困苦。国民政府为安抚后方并控制这块战略要地,开展了放款、防疫、工赈、遣送难民、举办粥厂、治蝗等救济活动,取得了一定的成效。但由于当时激烈的政治斗争以及自身能力的薄弱,国民政府最终并未达到安抚苏北的目的。  相似文献   
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