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Network analysis, a methodology derived from general systems' theory, can be utilized as a community mental health administrative-evaluation procedure. Evaluation parameters derived from analysis of patient data as they “flow” through a network of agency services, provide measures of systemic functioning. These parameters include “longest paths” and various ratio relationships as evaluation measures of service delivery. The limitations of network analysis are examined by means of conceptual analyses, and phenomena that emerged from research experience. The necessity for both quantitative and qualitative data to ensure a meaningful evaluation of mental health services is explained. Conclusions about the value of the network analysis approach are considered.  相似文献   
Public policy decisions in health are increasingly difficult and expensive. Although there will never be enough information available, private foundations can help to bridge the most important gaps in knowledge. Larger foundations may also wish to respond to those who doubt the value of foundation activities. This article reviews the experiences over the past eight years of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in employing evaluation and related social research procedures in the planning and implementation of a major philanthropic effort to improve the health and medical care of Americans. Discussed are the still evolving Foundation evaluation framework, the unanticipated problems in undertaking specific evaluations, and the substantive findings of some of the studies.  相似文献   
A well-known and respected attempt to theorize interdependence in the field of international relations is complex interdependence. In Power and Interdependence , Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr define interdependence as reciprocal effects among actors resulting from 'international transactions - flows of money, goods, people and messages across international boundaries'. Though much research has been done on the effects of interdependence on the first three, the flows of messages have been studied less often. Keohane and Nye addressed the issue in a 1998 article in Foreign Affairs , discussing changes in the global environment resulting from the information age which have had an impact on their ideas. This article proposes to go deeper into complex interdependence. The world is becoming increasingly 'information interdependent' and this essay is an attempt to apply the assumptions and concepts presented in complex interdependence to the information age. In the final analysis, complex interdependence complements research from the field of communications, that information flows should be understood as underlying mechanisms and processes that facilitate contextual understanding of issues. It maintains the integrity of the assumptions of complex interdependence, while adding an understanding of the nature of information and information flows.  相似文献   
This paper shows that financial intermediation can influence fertility and labor allocation decisions by raising market wages. The increase in wages induces some households to abandon “traditional” labor intensive methods of production managed at the household level and supply labor to “modern” sector firms. Since it is optimal for households in the modern sector to have fewer children, the labor allocation decision leads to lower national fertility. A panel VAR using financial intermediation, fertility and industrial employment share data in 87 countries is estimated. The empirical results show that the data are consistent with the theoretical predictions. Received: 20 October 1997/Accepted: 31 August 1998  相似文献   
Economic growth depends on human resources and human needs. The demographic age structure shapes both of these factors. We study five-year data from the OECD countries 1950–1990 in the framework of an age structure augmented neoclassical growth model with gradual technical adjustment. The model performs well in both pooled and panel estimations. The growth patterns of GDP per worker (labor productivity) in the OECD countries are to a large extent explained by age structure changes. The 50–64 age group has a positive influence, and the group above 65 contributes negatively, while younger age groups have ambiguous effects. However, the mechanism behind these age effects is not yet resolved. Received: 16 January 1997/Accepted: 2 July 1998  相似文献   
In this article a general result is derived that, along with a functional central limit theorem for a sequence of statistics, can be employed in developing a nonparametric repeated significance test with adaptive target sample size. This method is used in deriving a repeated significance test with adaptive target sample size for the shift model. The repeated significance test is based on a functional central limit theorem for a sequence of partial sums of truncated observations. Based on numerical results presented in this article one can conclude that this nonparametric sequential test performs quite well.  相似文献   
The popularity of Low-Titer O Whole Blood (LTOWB) for treating trauma patients requires that donor centers and transfusion services make decisions on what titer testing capabilities to institute and an appropriate titer level threshold. This study compared the titer results determined by four methods to find a rate of agreement.  相似文献   
Prehospital low-titer group O whole blood (LTOWB) used for patients with life-threatening hemorrhage is often RhD positive. The most important complication following RhD alloimmunization is hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). Preceding clinical use of RhD positive LTOWB, we estimated the risk of HDFN due to LTOWB prehospital transfusion in the Finnish population.  相似文献   
Increasing rates of chronic wound infections caused by antibiotic‐resistant bacteria are a crisis in healthcare settings. Biofilms formed by bacterial communities in these wounds create a complex environment, enabling bacteria to persist, even with antibiotic treatment. Wound infections caused by methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are major causes of morbidity in clinical practice. There is a need for new therapeutic interventions not based on antibiotics. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a known antibacterial/antibiofilm agent, continuous delivery of which has been challenging. A conductive electrochemical scaffold (e‐scaffold) is developed, which is composed of carbon fabric that electrochemically reduces dissolved oxygen into H2O2 when polarized at −0.6 VAg/AgCl, as a novel antibiofilm wound dressing material. In this study, the in vitro antibiofilm activity of the e‐scaffold against MRSA is investigated. The developed e‐scaffold efficiently eradicates MRSA biofilms, based on bacterial quantitation and ATP measurements. Moreover, imaging hinted at the possibility of cell‐membrane damage as a mechanism of action. These results suggest that an H2O2‐generating e‐scaffold may be a novel platform for eliminating MRSA biofilms without using antibiotics and may be useful to treat chronic MRSA wound infections.  相似文献   
Erin C. Adams 《Social Studies》2019,110(3):131-145
This is a comprehensive review of literature related to K-12 economics curriculum spanning 20 years, from 1998-2018. The search for literature revealed 18 articles and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals and volumes related to social studies and economics education. The study revealed several trends and issues related to K-12 economics textbooks, including publishing trends, the extent to which economics curriculum is relevant and enactive, and the influence of neoclassical economic theory in serving as the “official knowledge” undergirding the curriculum. The review presents debates in the field related to these issues. The study also reveals the possible influence of the 2008 financial crisis, revealing that economics curriculum seems to have changed little, although the number of scholars critiquing the curriculum has risen dramatically.  相似文献   
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