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吴学国 《求是学刊》2000,10(4):38-43
自从古希腊哲学发韧,对于存在者之存在的本质的发问便被放置到对存在者之存在根据(理由)的探索之中。在理性本体论产生之后,事物存在的“理由”往往是从其合理性方面得到解释。这里知性形而上学与辩证法的立场是根本不同的。黑格尔对理性本体论的扬弃主要在于,旧的形而上学本体论实际上是一种“本质性的本体论”,而思辨哲学则是一种“目的性的本体论”。但它们都仍然属于本体论上的理由解释的层面。在本世纪哲学从认识论上的“理由”重新回到存在之本质的追问的总体思想语境之中,黑格尔的目的论思想再次显示出其特殊的意义。  相似文献   
Using an ARDL model for a panel of 15 OECD countries, this work analyses the impact that FDI, both jointly and by sector, has on CO2 emissions. The findings reveal that these countries are yielding to the pressure on the trade sector. Unexpectedly, gross fixed capital formation shrink pollution, excluding in the mining sector. With findings supporting the Pollution Haven Hypothesis, policymakers must pay attention to FDI inflows, ensuring that FDI place high importance on the transfer of green technologies to improve the efficiency. These goals could be achieved through an increase in the stringency of environmental laws within the host countries, especially the ones related to FDI.  相似文献   
In this paper, we empirically assess the role of individual social capital on personal bankruptcy and default outcomes in the consumer credit market. After controlling for a borrower’s risk score, debt, income, wealth, and legal and economic environments, we find that default/bankruptcy risk rises and then falls over the lifecycle, while a borrower who owns a home or is married has a lower risk of default/bankruptcy. Moreover, a borrower who migrates 190 miles from his “state of birth” is 17% more likely to default and 15% more likely to file for bankruptcy, while a borrower who continues to live in his state of birth is 14% and 10% less likely to default and file for bankruptcy, respectively. A borrower who moves to a rural area is 9% and 7% less likely to default and declare bankruptcy, respectively. We also find that measures of social networks, norms, and cooperation and trust (i.e., aggregate social capital) are inversely related to consumer bankruptcy.  相似文献   
《The aging male》2013,16(2):84-88

Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under hypoxic environment in prostatic stromal cells (PSC).

Methods and materials: To detect the expression of ROS in PSC and the tissues of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) by flow cytometry; under hypoxic conditions, to observe the changes of cells growth and ROS in PSC; quantitative PCR was used to detect hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), androgen receptors (AR), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and interleukin-8 (IL-8) in PSC; After edaravone intervening, to examine the changes of cells growth, ROS, HIF-1α, AR, VEGF, and IL-8 under hypoxic conditions.

Results: The expression of ROS in tissues and cells which under hypoxic condition was significantly increased. 3% O2 promoted the proliferation. The HIF-1α, AR, VEGF, and IL-8 were upregulated under 3% O2. After edaravone intervening, ROS significantly decreased, HIF-1α and VEGF were downregulated, and cell proliferation declined.

Conclusions: Hypoxia stimulates the generation of ROS, and the ROS may play a key role in BPH.  相似文献   
50年代中期,周恩来根据我国社会主义建设中出现的急躁冒进的倾向,果断地提出了反冒进的主张,并采取一系列措施,制止左倾冒险的错误,以保证建设事业的正确进行,并由此形成了八大既反保守又反冒进的社会主义建设的正确方针。八大后,由于左的错误的滋长与发展,毛泽东错误批判反冒进,并不断升级,使社会主义建设出现了严重曲折。回顾和总结这场争论的历史经验与教训,坚持实事求是的思想路线和政治路线,对于令天建设有中国特色社会主义现代化建设事业,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
城市乞丐的政府治理——思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革的深入, 转型期的社会问题凸现,城市乞丐这一弱势群体,成因复杂,给社会稳定造成影响,从公共服务的政府理论出发,应该坚持以人为本的行政理念,依法管理城市乞丐,建立完善、统一的全国保障制度和社会救助制度,维护人民的权利.  相似文献   
为了研究喷孔数量对喷嘴内气流场的影响,应用FLUENT流体计算软件对喷嘴内部气流场进行数值模拟,并结合OriginPro对不同喷孔数量时喷嘴内部气流场状况进行比较和分析,深入解析喷孔数量对涡流场的影响。研究表明:喷孔数量对喷嘴内部气流场的特性影响较为明显,随着喷孔数量的增多,气流在喷嘴中形成的旋转运动增强,喷嘴入口处用以吸引纤维的负压也随之增大,对纱线的加捻特性也就越强。  相似文献   
苏联解体前七年文学界动荡不安 ,形成了自由派与传统派两大派别 ,并在一系列重要问题上尖锐对立。“回归作品”浪潮的涌现 ,大有淹没新作品之势 ,使苏联时期的文学史面貌大为改观。解体后 ,自由派与传统派依然是两股主要文学势力 ;受西方影响 ,后现代主义文学也在俄罗斯兴起 ,与现实主义两分天下。在艺术手法的运用上 ,无论哪一派都已不是单一的 ,而形成交融、渗透、对话的局面。派别的对立趋于缓和 ,面对着现实 ,人们开始冷静地思考  相似文献   
文章就建筑企业现场材料管理中存在的问题 ,提出了加强现场材料管理应做好的几个方面的工作 ,这是提高企业经济效益、加强企业管理中的一项重要任务  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义理论体系,是我们党在十一届三中全会以来的历史新时期,面对国际和国内的发展形势创立的崭新的思想理论体系;是对马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的发展;是马克思主义中国化的伟大思想成果:是指引我们党胜利地领导中国人民进行社会主义现代化建设的锐利的思想武器。这一理论体系极富辩证逻辑命题特色。从辩证逻辑命题的视角解析这一理论体系,对于我们深刻地把握这一理论体系的精髓,感悟邓小平同志、江泽民同志、胡锦涛同志一脉相承的思维深邃、逻辑缜密的理论风格,自觉地实践这一理论体系,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   
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