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A view that gained momentum in the 1990s, and which is sustained by some policy analysts and labor economists today, is that dependence on public assistance is greater for immigrants than for natives. Accordingly, this study investigates nativity differentials in the use of nine assistance programs, focusing on immigrant arrival cohorts within three distinct mode-of-entry proxy categories. The logistic regression analysis uses data from the 2013 CPS March supplement. To permit more nuanced interpretation, control variables are introduced hierarchically in a three-stage analysis. One new finding is that each of the three major regional-origin groups within the 1980–1995 refugee cohort—with an average length of residence exceeding two decades—sustains greater use of either SSI or Medicaid than natives. The study concludes that nativity differences in the use of public assistance continue to rest on the socio-demographic composition of three distinct populations, determined by mode of entry into the U.S.  相似文献   

Under half of international migrants throughout the world are women. While large movements of people, human rights and humanitarian crises, and migrant deaths are not new, the public attention given to the arrivals of refugees and migrants to the shores of Europe has compelled governments to engage in a multilateral manner. In September 2016, the United Nations General Assembly held its first-ever summit dedicated to large movements of refugees and migrants, reaffirming the importance of existing legal instruments to protect refugees and migrants, and also foreseeing the development of two new Global Compacts: one on refugees, and the other for safe, orderly and regular migration. This article examines the process to elaborate the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration from a gender-responsive perspective. It takes into consideration the advocacy role that the Women in Migration Network and other civil society stakeholders have played in its development, identifies the various opportunities and gaps within the Global Compact, and explores how women’s organisations and development organisations can promote change for women in migration under the new Global Compact.  相似文献   
With the rise of conflict, persecution, and generalised violence worldwide there has been a drastic increase in the number of refugee youth displaced globally. Particularly noteworthy is the recent increase of Bhutanese refugee youth populations resettled in the United States. Despite this increase, surprisingly few studies distinctly address the promotive factors related to refugee youth’s successful adjustment within their new school settings upon resettlement. This study aims to add to the scholarship through a resiliency lens. The potential promotive associations of familial social capital and acculturation identity on Bhutanese refugee youth’s successful school adjustment were explored. Moreover, this study examined the unique additive predictive association of familial social capital on Bhutanese refugee youth’s school adjustment over and above the effects of acculturation. The results indicate a significant additive positive relationship between familial social capital and school adjustment, beyond the effects of ethnic identity.  相似文献   

Using the HSCL-25, the lev els of anx i ety and de pression were mea sured for ref u gees from Viet nam, So ma lia, and the for mer Yugoslavia (N = 60) who were clients of a community social services agency. De pression and anx i ety lev els were high est among the Viet nanr ese cli ents, anx i ety lev els were high est among the Somalians, and both anxiety and depression level were lowest for former Yugoslavians. Based on gen der, anx i ety lev els were high for both the Viet nam ese and Somalian males, while de pression lev els were high est for the Viet nam ese males. Single fe males as a group ex ceeded the cut ting score at higher rates than single males; in con trast, mar ried males ex ceeded the cut ting score at a higher rate than mar ried fe males. A highly cor re lated re lation ship was dem on strated between anx i ety and de pression (£ = 0.70, p < 0.001). Using ANO VA, de pression sig nif i cantly differed be tween the ref u gee groups (p = 0.007); differ ences in anx i ety be tween ref u gee groups were not sta tis ti callysignificant.  相似文献   
1921年外蒙古“二次独立”事件中,外蒙古的大量内地商民沦为难民并纷纷逃离,其中库伦和恰克图的大部分难民进入俄国境内,最终被中国政府和东北当局接运回国。对于库恰难民的数量,各种文献中记载不一,结合当时实际以及对文献记载的考证,库恰难民人数应在5万左右。  相似文献   
This is the first study to follow a group of refugees (N = 647) for 10 years to identify how they acquired and used credit cards, a novel product to them. Acculturation to Canadian credit card use occurred; there was a dramatic increase in having cards (from 4% to 77%). The main reason initially for not having a card was knowledge barriers; later on, attitudinal, such as preferring to pay cash. Variables accounting for credit card use after 4 and 10 years were: being employed with higher income, having a checking account, being married, younger, and more fluent in English. Changing from not having to having a credit card was fostered by remaining (or becoming) married, employed, and good in English.  相似文献   
和平解放前,受政教合一封建农奴制度的影响,西藏城镇贫困人口主要来源于农奴,西藏城镇社会救助多为简单零星行为,无法建立完备的社会救济和保障制度。和平解放后,西藏城镇救济和社会保障事业逐步开展,各项赈济和救助城镇乞丐、贫民及老弱病残等人群的举措在大范围实施,流浪街头的乞丐和流民过上新生活,长期失业的贫民获得工作就业机会并组建家庭,无人照顾的未成年孤儿被送进学校,孤老残疾人在福利院安享幸福晚年,城镇底层居民的基本生存生活和发展权益得到保障,社会公平正义得到彰显,过去那种混乱不整、肮脏不洁的城镇面貌得到改变,西藏人权事业取得巨大成就。  相似文献   
We analyze intra-family support among Palestinians living in Lebanon, using detailed household survey data from the refugee camps and Palestinian communities in Lebanon and latent class analysis technique. The study uncovers five latent classes of familial exchange. Two different theoretical models—the solidarity and reciprocal exchange—are used to examine the link between patterns of assistance and labor market conditions. Contrary to the solidarity account, we find no evidence of high familial assistance among the unemployed, or those excluded from the labor market, and this is true regardless of type of exchange. However, the camp population is more likely to engage in exchange relations than their non-camp counterparts. The married, loners, educated, employed, and those with stronger ties to relatives are more likely to be money exchangers. The findings are similar for care receivers, but age and gender figure prominently here. Some policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of national identity throughout adulthood among older Estonians in the United States. The participants of the study arrived in the United States as World War II refugees, fleeing the Soviet occupation of their homeland. The data were collected using in-depth semistructured interviews, participant observations, and publications of the Estonian community. The interview sample consisted of 30 Estonians who were 75–92 years old. Data analysis was guided by the grounded theory approach. The study revealed that for Estonian refugees of the participants' generation, national identity has been a central aspect of their personal and social identities throughout their lives. However, when the participants became refugees, the expressions of national identity intensified and acquired a mission-like character. Now in old age, their national identity provides them with an important source of existential meaning and a basis for social connections.  相似文献   

Social work practice informed by human rights and trauma frameworks can be empowering and enabling. While both frameworks are complex and contested, their implementation “from below” via praxis can maximise benefits for social work with people who have experienced trauma and human rights abuses, such as those from refugee backgrounds. This article presents an exploration of this practice approach through the presentation of the story of Zillah and Amman, a fictionalised composite of many real refugee experiences. Taking as examples the education and child protection systems, the discussion highlights how theory to practice integration requires cross-cultural engagement, critical reflection, dialogue, and an understanding of human rights “from below”.  相似文献   
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