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云秀清 《阴山学刊》2007,20(5):102-107
构建和谐社会是新时期党实现第三步战略目标十分重要的执政理念,而和谐社会建立中最严重、最突出的社会矛盾是城乡失衡。欠发达地区更是在地区失衡前提下严重地城乡失衡,双重失衡中内显的民族地区农村医疗保障和农民生存权利更值得引起高度关注。这种现象被描述为"双重失衡中的失衡"。解决严重的"双重失衡中的失衡"问题,必须有各种可供选择的对策。  相似文献   
农村信用社法人治理结构的契约分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立足于利益相关者治理观点,运用契约理论方法分析了我国农村信用社法人治理的制度变迁及其存在的问题,提出了完善农村信用社法人治理结构的政策建议。  相似文献   
关信平 《文史哲》2007,(1):127-133
中国农村最低生活保障制度是我国农村社会保障体系中的重要制度之一。建立农村最低生活保障制度,当前最缺乏的主要是制度-技术条件。在现阶段要推动农村低保制度的发展,应根据农村地区经济与社会发展状况,进行合理的制度设计,特别是要明确低保制度建设的基本原则,选择合理的运行机制。  相似文献   
云南农村发展的地区差异与金融服务对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用聚类分析法等数量分析方法对我省各地区农村经济与金融发展水平的差异状况进行了实证分析,并据此提出了农村地区差异化金融发展模式与构建多层次农村信用社服务体系的对策建议。  相似文献   
论加快土地流转制度改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着生产力水平的不断提高,在生产社会化、分工专业化的新形式下,家庭联产承包责任制面临着新的问题,因此,加快土地流转制度改革,是我国农业现代化发展的必由之路。作者首先指出家庭联产承包责任制面临的四个问题;然后分析各种土地流转方式的特点,认为必须从实际出发,因地制宜,不搞一刀切;最后强调做好这项改革所必须做好的四项配套工作,如加快培育土地转让市场、转移农村剩余劳动力等。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the impact of central government's rent restructuring policy on social housing in rural areas in England. It examines the effect that restructuring will have on the rents set by social landlords in a set of case study areas then considers some of the likely impacts on affordability and on new investment in rural social housing. One of the primary aims of rent restructuring policy is to reduce unjustifiable differences between the rents of similar dwellings in the local authority and Registered Social Landlord sectors locally. This aim seems likely to be achieved. In doing so, it is likely that affordability will be reduced in the local authority sector but enhanced for tenants of some RSLs. However, the reduction in real RSL rents that improve affordability may further constrain RSLs’ ability to invest in new social housing in rural areas. The paper concludes that rent restructuring by itself will not materially improve the housing prospects of the less well off in rural areas.  相似文献   
Faced with the problems of access, distance and low population density, the provision of quality services to rural areas is inherently difficult. Although the role of market towns in alleviating problems in the provision of rural services has been given little consideration within the academic literature, they are currently being targeted by UK government policy. Using a case of the hinterland of Alnwick, a market town in the North East of England, this paper explores the current and future role of market towns in servicing their hinterlands. The results suggest a mutual dependence between market town services and hinterland residents and that the continuation of this relationship depends on market towns taking advantage of demographic trends in rural areas. Faced with changing demographics and the wider use of the Internet, potential is identified for ‘clawing-back’ trade from larger urban areas and creating an enhanced role for market towns. Extending the sense of belonging beyond the boundaries of the town itself will also be important in increasing patronage of town services.  相似文献   
农民专业协会有效地实现了农民、市场与政府三大行为主体的利益对接,体现了承载其上的服务属性和管理属性,成为新时期我国乡村治理与新农村建设的生力军。云南省元谋县的农村发展实践证明,农民专业协会、乡村治理与新农村建设之间存在着内在逻辑关系,解析这种关系有利于探索西部欠发达地区推进新农村建设的路径。  相似文献   
清末民初乡村精英离乡的“新学”教育原因   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郝锦花  王先明 《文史哲》2002,2(5):145-150
近代以前 ,中国社会以传统的“旧学”教育一统天下。 190 5年科举制度废除 ,标志着“新学”教育制度在中国最终确立。新式学校的迅猛增加 ,“新学”教育机会的拓宽 ,以及失去往日旧学教育内在社会整合机制的“新学”教育体制 ,为绅士阶层提供了社会流动资源。与此同时 ,近代“新学”教育体制在学堂地域分布、各专业学堂比例、主要教学内容等方面都始终疏离于乡村社会 ,从而进一步加速了乡村精英离乡的步伐。  相似文献   
《Journal of Policy Modeling》2022,44(5):1000-1015
Our study aims to deepen our understanding of the links between rural poverty and disability in Ethiopia. We use panel data for Ethiopia to illustrate these linkages, using rigorous econometric methodology. The 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) explicitly recognise disability as a major impediment to elimination of poverty and hunger. In the current development discourse, disability has thus acquired high priority. Since disability is neither a purely medical nor a social phenomenon but an outcome of their interplay, the policy challenges are formidable.  相似文献   
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