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19世纪末20世纪初,美国涌现出了一批卓越的大学校长,在美国高等教育史学界这个阶段被称为大学校长“巨人时期”。这批大学校长某种程度上奠定了美国现代真正意义大学的基础,对美国高等教育的发展具有承前启后的作用。时至今日,他们的治学理念和办校实践仍然为高等教育学界所称道。本文通过对美国巨人时期大学校长时代背景、构成、职责、功能、遴选、任期等相关因素的分析,以期对巨人时期富有传奇色彩的大学校长们有一个真实的阐释,并为当下中国大学校长的治校提供启示与参考。  相似文献   
老年安全:一个需要重视的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚远 《人口学刊》2002,(3):48-53
老年安全是老龄社会中的一个重要问题。老年安全是对老年经济、医疗、思想、权益等保障的整体性表述 ,也是对老年群体社会价值与功能的深层次研究。老年安全理论阐释了老年安全与社会发展之间的关系 ,具体体现为老年安全对社会稳定、老年产业、老年人生活质量等方面的影响。实现老年安全的重要步骤是完善多维的养老助老保障系统和促进老年群体的再社会化。  相似文献   
中国何来“轴心时代”?(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雅斯贝斯的"轴心时代"理论在20世纪80年代介绍到中国时,正值中国社会处于一个特殊的转折时期。雅斯贝斯将人类历史划分为史前、古代文明、轴心时代和科技时代四个基本阶段,其中,第三阶段以公元前500年为中心,东西方同时或独立地产生了中国、印度、巴勒斯坦和希腊四个轴心文明。虽然这一理论具有反西方中心论的意味,但也必须注意到,在雅斯贝斯所划分的整个人类历史上,只有中华文明跨越着全部四个阶段,埃及和美索不达米亚文明到第二阶段绝灭了,古希腊文明则在第三阶段才开始。追溯民初以来学者早已开始的东西文明比较,更多关注的是在古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度和中华文明的第二阶段上。20世纪初兴起的疑古思潮将中国古史"砍掉一半"、"打个对折","轴心时代"理论则恢复了晚周诸子学的合法性,但它同时继续漠视三代王官学,而三代王官学正是晚周诸子学乃至整个中华文化的源头。"轴心时代"理论与中华文明对接中的偏差,其影响将是流与源的颠倒、反题与正题的倒置和各期学术史的逐次错位。  相似文献   
This article argues that for the past 30 years, the values and practices of disposability and social death promoted by casino capitalism have replaced important elements of a democratic polity with a culture of greed and cruel spectacles of violence. In its current form neoliberal politics, economics, and public pedagogy have become a register of how difficult it is for American society to make any claims on the promise of a democracy to come. As the realm of democratic politics shrinks and is turned over to market forces, social bonds crumble and any representation of communal cohesion is treated with disdain. As the realm of the social disappears, public values and any consideration of the common good are erased from politics, while the social state and responsible modes of governing are replaced by a punishing state and a Darwinian notion of social relations. This paper argues that if we are to imagine another type of society than the one which we currently inhabit, it is imperative for intellectuals, educators, artists, and other cultural workers to once again put the social question on the political agenda. In part, this means not only making evident how neoliberalism intensifies the pathologies of racism, war, inequality, and violence but also how we might take up the challenge of developing a politics and pedagogy that can serve and actualize a democratic notion of the social.  相似文献   
This study was performed to identify menopausal age and its determining factors in women over 40 residing in the Dogubeyazit district of Agri, located in Eastern Turkey. This cross-sectional study was performed on a sample of 1,068 women, selected by simple random sampling among all district health center records of women aged 40 and greater, who were each attributed a random serial number. While 35.6% of the subjects had not yet reached menopause, 60.5% had entered it spontaneously and 3.9% surgically. Average age at spontaneous menopause was 47.4 ± 3.7 years and that of surgical menopause 45.1 ± 5.0. Age at marriage, age of last pregnancy, and the age of the subject’s mother at menopause affected menopausal status. Identifying menopausal age and its determining factors may modify the menopausal status of women and their management of the perimenopausal period.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore how political generation affects the ways in which diverse individuals come together and change their social and personal identities. Drawing on 52 in-depth interviews with members of the Red Hat Society, we show that women draw on their political generation, and the gains of the women’s movement specifically, to oppose cultural constructions of aging. The Red Hat Society provides a “free space” for women to foster a collective identity that both visibly challenges aging norms and provides its members new standards for self-approval. We conclude by highlighting the importance of focusing on political generation to understand collective action over the life course and call for more scholarship on the function of political generation in social change.  相似文献   
袁小修明万历间与兄宗道 (伯修 )、宏道 (中郎 )排诋“复古”,激扬“性灵”,名重一时。他久困场屋 ,依傍袁中郎 ,以影自居 ,理论和实践上均为“公安派”主帅袁中郎之辅翼 ,是中郎《叙小修诗》所树“独抒性灵 ,不拘格套”的典范 ;在“三袁”中享寿最久 ,辞世最晚 ,于中郎等人身后总结反思整个流派 ,是“公安派”之殿军大将 ;又是晚明文学思想剧变关节性人物 ,不仅与万历以后文学思潮递变密切关联 ,且因钱谦益 ,影响延及清代诗文理论唐宋之争  相似文献   
党的十八届三中全会是在我国全面建成小康社会处在重要历史关头、改革开放进入攻坚阶段召开的一次重要会议。全会通过的关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的《决定》,站在世纪和全局高度,对全面深化经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明体制改革,以及国际和军队改革、加强和改善党对全面深化改革的领导等作出了重大战略部署,形成了改革理论和政策的一系列新的重大突破,必将对推动中国特色社会主义事业发展产生重大而深远的影响。认真学习、深刻领会、全面贯彻落实《决定》精神,具有重要的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   
本文建立一种引入迁移人口的人口预测模型,该模型将根据年龄别净迁移率测算出各年龄段分性别的净迁移人口,并将模型划分为零岁人口预测模型和非零岁人口预测模型分别进行预测。根据此模型可预测人口总数、各年龄段人口总数、劳动人口总数、老少比变动情况及各年龄段女性人口数等指标。  相似文献   
作为蒙古国最重要的“第三邻国”,美国一直是蒙古国“第三邻国”外交政策推进的重点,而基于亚太战略的考虑,美国也非常重视与蒙古国的关系。随着蒙古国“第三邻国”外交政策的不断推进,蒙美在政治、经济、军事等领域的合作持续深化,两国基于“共同价值观和战略利益的全面伙伴关系”正在不断发展。文章从蒙古国“第三邻国”外交政策的角度论述新时期的蒙美关系实践,并解析其内部动因以及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   
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