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冷战结束后,西方国家对外军事干涉政策有了新发展,主要表现在美国打着民主和人权的旗号,奉行一种不受国家主权限制和联合国约束的新干涉主义,美国对海地政变的军事干预就是一例。海地危机引发大规模难民潮涌入美国,威胁到美国沿海地区的社会稳定与安全,美国政府为海地政变开出一剂民主处方,不惜动用武力恢复海地的民主政权。然而,美国对海地军事干预的人道主义初衷和民主目标均遭遇现实挑战。  相似文献   
孙国强 《学术探索》2014,(12):28-32
中日关系和朝鲜半岛局势是当前东北亚地区的两大热点议题。中日关系方面,虽然今年以来中日释放出加强经济合作的信号,两国政治交往的频率和层次也出现回升,但是钓鱼岛争端和日本领导人参拜靖国神社这两个导致中日关系恶化的症结短期内难以化解,特别是在安全领域,两国缺乏互信,摩擦不断。朝鲜半岛局势仍继续陷入“紧张-缓和-紧张”的反复模式,在经历了短暂的缓和后再次趋于紧张。从东北亚地区安全格局看,中美关系构成了这一地区安全与稳定的主轴。因此,梳理中美两国在东北亚安全领域的合作与分歧,进而以此为基础思考中国的应对之策,对维护中国周边稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   
董大亮  田宗会 《学术探索》2014,(11):132-136
“超大计划”是美国尼克松政府在越南战争结束前向南越实施的最后一次大规模军事援助计划。该计划的主要目的是在美军撤离前最大限度提升南越军队战斗力,使其代替美军承担主要作战任务,最终实现越战“越南化”。这项计划的顺利实施,不仅在客观上加速了美国撤出越南的进程,还因为该计划涉及美国与其他盟友之间的国际合作,对美国与其他盟友的关系和地区局势也产生了辐射影响。  相似文献   
艾森豪威尔时期美国对日政策的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国对日政策是美国亚洲政策的重要组成部分.艾森豪威尔政府时期,美国国家安全委员会通过了关于对日政策的NSC125/6、NSC5516/1和NSC6008/1文件.通过考辨艾森豪威尔政府对日政策的演变过程,可以发现:艾森豪威尔政府遇制打击中国的既定国策是其对日政策的根源和出发点,国际形势变化、日本实力的增长和自主性的增强是推动这一时期美国对日政策演变的重要因素.  相似文献   
美国平权措施的宪法争议--析联邦最高法院的两项判决   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
美国平权措施,从上一世纪七十年代以来,受到白人挑战,白人提出这是对白人的不平等,违反了宪法的平等权.这一宪法争议特别反映在大学入学政策上.近期,美国联邦最高法院对此作了两项判决:一是"格鲁特对伯林杰"案(Grutter v. Bollinger),针对密歇根大学法学院的入学政策;一是"格拉斯对伯林杰"案(Gratz v. Bollinger),针对密歇根大学部的入学政策.平权措施主要宪法依据是美国宪法第14条修正案.最高法院在适用此项宪法原则时有重要例外,一是为了保护国家利益出发;一是为弥补历史上的歧视后果.最高法院又宣布,凡使用种族作区分标准的法律,必须运用"严格的透视"和"紧迫的利益".据此,上述两项新判决,都有利于"种族多元化"和平权措施.这是美国当前对平权措施宪法争议的最新认定.  相似文献   
Let πi(i=1,2,…K) be independent U(0,?i) populations. Let Yi denote the largest observation based on a random sample of size n from the i-th population. for selecting the best populaton, that is the one associated with the largest ?i, we consider the natural selection rule, according to which the population corresponding to the largest Yi is selected. In this paper, the estimation of M. the mean of the selected population is considered. The natural estimator is positively biased. The UMVUE (uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator) of M is derived using the (U,V)-method of Robbins (1987) and its asymptotic distribution is found. We obtain a minimax estimator of M for K≤4 and a class of admissible estimators among those of the form cYmax. For the case K = 2, the UMVUE is improved using the Brewster-Zidek (1974) Technique with respect to the squared error loss function L1 and the scale-invariant loss function L2. For the case K = 2, the MSE'S of all the estimators are compared for selected values of n and ρ=?1/(?1+?2).  相似文献   

The analysis of clustered data in a longitudinal ophthalmology study is complicated by correlations between repeatedly measured visual outcomes of paired eyes in a participant and missing observations due to the loss of follow-up. In the present article we consider hypothesis testing problems in an ophthalmology study, where eligible eyes are randomized to two treatments (when two eyes of a participant are eligible, the paired eyes are assigned to different treatments), and vision function outcomes are repeatedly measured over time. A large sample-based nonparametric test statistic and a nonparametric Bootstrap test analog are proposed for testing an interaction effect of two factors and testing an effect of a eye-specific factor within a level of the other person-specific factor on visual function outcomes. Both test statistics allow for missing observations, correlations between repeatedly measured outcomes on individual eyes, and correlations between repeatedly measured outcomes on both eyes of each participant. A simulation study shows that these proposed test statistics maintain nominal significance levels approximately and comparable powers to each other, as well as higher powers than the naive test statistic ignoring correlations between repeated bilateral measurements of both eyes in the same person. For illustration, we apply the proposed test statistics to the changes of visual field defect score in the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study.  相似文献   
The Statistical Policy Division of the Office of Management and Budget has the overall responsibility for the planning and coordination of U.S. government statistics. The present staff of the Statistical Policy Division is attempting, through an integrated publication entitled “A Framework for Planning U.S. Federal Statistics, 1978–1989,” to state its perspective on necessary developments in the coming years. This article illustrates the character of the Framework materials and outlines the process for public review and comment on this undertaking.  相似文献   
以由美国金融市场管理局制定而获得美国证监会批准的关于证券市场投资者适当性规则及其监管通告的内容为基础,阐述了《多德-弗兰克法案》颁布后美国证券市场适当性规则的基本原则、证券服务机构及其工作人员所应承担的主要适当性义务的内容以及违反适当性义务所可能受到的处罚等美国证券市场投资者适当性规则的最新发展.在此基础上,结合美国相关规定的启示以及中国关于证券市场投资者适当性规则的规定,认为中国应该制定专门的部门规章来规范中国的证券市场投资者适当性规则,系统地完善证券市场投资者适当性义务的主要内容,完善对违反证券市场适当性义务的监管和处罚的规定,以更好地保护证券市场投资者的利益.  相似文献   
本文通过研究酸性条件下尿素与甲醛的反应,提出了一种脲醛树脂胶的合成新方法,同时加入PVA对树脂进行改性。这样,可缩短反应时间,节约能源,降低脲醛树脂中游离甲醛含量,提高了树脂的耐水性  相似文献   
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