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面对近期我国一线、二线城市相继出现的房地产市场“过热”迹象,各地政府不得不纷纷再次启动限购、限贷等行政调控措施.然而多年以来的经验总结表明,此类手段往往“治标不治本”,造成楼市的冷热迅速变换“打摆子”状况.文章以标本兼治、治本为上的原则为指导,从制度供给这一龙头因素视角探讨了在住房保有环节开征房地产税的五大方面积极作用,并就关于房地产税的五种主要反对观点和意见从学理和实践两个层面分析了推进我国房地产税改革的可行性.基于此,文章提出了当前及未来一段时期,推动房地产税立法工作与相关改革的思路和要领,对开征房地产税的方案构想和可借鉴的国际经验作了讨论.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代出现的欧洲先锋电影运动被认为是一次“精英运动”,是精英性和违背了观众的惯常审美心理导致其迅速消逝。但对观众的审美心理作出分析的话就会发现先锋电影迅速消逝的原因并不是它违背了观众的审美心理,而是由于观众感知积累的缺乏;精英性也并未导致先锋电影走向尽头,反而使其摆脱了早期的“杂耍”身份,成为了20世纪整个现代主义文化的一条支流。  相似文献   
The current study examined whether there are differences between gay father families (n = 36) and heterosexual families (n = 36) on father‐child relationship, fathers' experiences of parental stress and children's wellbeing. The gay fathers in this study all became parents while in same‐sex relationships. They donated sperm to lesbian couples and then shared the child‐rearing with them in kinship arrangements. It was also examined whether aspects that are related specifically to gay fathers (i.e., experiences of rejection, having to defend their family situation, with whom the children live, and conflicts with the children's mothers) are also related to the father‐child relationship, parental stress and children's wellbeing. Data were collected by means of questionnaires filled in by the fathers. No significant differences between the family types were found on emotional involvement and parental concern in the father‐child relationship, parental burden (as an aspect of parental stress) or the children's wellbeing. However, gay fathers felt less competent in their child‐rearing role than heterosexual fathers. For gay fathers especially, experiences of rejection and the feeling that they have to defend their situation were significantly related to father‐child relationship, parental stress and children's wellbeing.  相似文献   
陕甘宁边区新秧歌运动不仅是一次文艺改革运动,更是一场动员干部群众的思想政治教育运动,为发挥文艺工作的思想政治教育功能留下了宝贵的历史经验。强调文艺为工农兵服务的方针,为新秧歌运动发挥思想政治教育功能提供了坚强的政策依据。明确秧歌创作把思想性放在首位,为实现秧歌运动的思想政治教育功能奠定了坚实的思想基础。贴近人民生活的新秧歌内容真正满足了老百姓的需要,为新秧歌运动政治动员功能的发挥提供了科学的价值定位。喜闻乐见的民族形式适应了人民群众的接受力,为新秧歌运动实现思想政治教育功能开辟了广阔的道路。  相似文献   
穆木天早期留日经历在中国现代作家中极具代表性。日本留学生涯使穆木天由立志工业救国,转而走向文学,沉溺于象征主义,继而写作了被称为中国象征主义宣言书的《谭诗》,期间他的创作激情也得以激发,出版了诗集《旅心》。日本成为穆木天文学的起点,这在很大程度上左右着穆木天以后的文学轨迹。  相似文献   
国外及台湾研究表明,单身女性在现实世界中处于双重不利的境况,找不到丈夫和不愿意找丈夫是单身女性日益增多的原因。单身女性对单身生活的现状、婚姻与生育观、性欲等持不同的感受与看法。鉴于我国内地研究存在的不足,建议后续研究着重于丰富比较研究,增强研究的经验性,拓展理论视野,细化研究问题。  相似文献   
Against a background of research and national statistics that consistently show that educational participation and achievement of young people in and leaving care is significantly lower than is the case for the non‐care population, previous research has shown the positive impact that social, leisure and informal learning activities can have on the educational participation and achievements of young people, and particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The UK: Care Matters Green Paper stated that involvement in leisure and social activities can have a positive impact on the self‐esteem of young people in and leaving care and upon their educational attainment and later success in the labour market. This paper reports on the English results of a cross‐national study of young people from a public care background and their pathways to education in Europe. Using case study examples it explores the impact that social, leisure and informal learning activities can have on educational participation and educational pathways of young people in and leaving care. The paper argues that, in view of these findings, encouraging and supporting young people in and leaving care into these types of activities should be a priority for social care professionals, carers and teachers.  相似文献   
It is of great strategic importance to develop the Great Bay Area of Hangzhou Bay as a new growth pole for the regional economy and to boost China’s economic globalization. On the basis of assessing the economic development status and major economic factors of the Great Bay Area of Hangzhou Bay, this paper compares the advanced practical experience of economic development in the San Francisco Bay Area, the New York Bay Area, and the Tokyo Bay Area, thereby summarizes the issues and proposes corresponding countermeasures and recommendations, including strengthening the concept of ecological priority, planning from top level, defining the function orientation of cities, reforming the local government assessment mechanisms to break down regional administrative barriers, promoting manufacturing transformation and upgrading, cleaning up, integrating and withdrawing development zones, promoting infrastructure construction and improving urban function  相似文献   
Apart from biographies and memoirs of outstanding leaders, studies on the development of leaders in everyday life from childhood to maturity are rare. We propose a developmental model of leaders in which certain variables formed in early childhood are the basic components for leadership development in later life. These are a low level of trait anxiety [Spielberger, C.D. (1972). Conceptual and methodological issues in anxiety research. In C.D. Spielberger (Ed.), Anxiety: Current trends in theory and research. New York: Academic Press, vol. 1] and openness to experiences [Costa, P.T. Jr., & McCrae, R.R. (1992a). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources]. We argue that secure attachment style [Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: Basic Books] explains the formation and influence of these basic components, which in turn affect the leader's development through experience in leadership roles. Questionnaires were administered to 286 subjects. The data obtained were analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM).The findings show that trait anxiety and openness to experience affect leaders' development via experiences. Alternative models in which formative variables may affect the magnitude and intensity of leadership experiences are discussed.  相似文献   
以流散文学的视角视之,张爱玲小说《同学少年都不贱》具有明显的流散文学特质。身处异国他乡的张爱玲,一如既往地蹙眉打量残缺人生,她以故人旧事为题材,把回忆和虚构组织进了作品,表现了人们面对富贵尊荣时摆脱身份危机、重建自尊的强烈诉求,其叙述的字里行间透露出作为“流散文学”作家文化认同、身份建构方面的深刻矛盾。  相似文献   
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