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从梅娘小说聚焦描写东北沦陷区的广大民众到上层民族资产阶级的社会生活及心理世界入手,分析梅娘小说创作致力于开掘民族奴性心理和悲剧命运形成因由的特质,指出梅娘小说承载着深厚而丰富的现实主义内涵,具有很高的文学价值。  相似文献   
对25岁淘汰蒙古羊进行了50天的冬季暖棚育肥试验,取得了显著的育肥效果。通过舍饲,试验组羊只期末体重4557kg,期增重686kg,平均日增重0137kg,分别比对照组的3973kg、127kg、0069kg多584kg(P<001).559kg(P<001).0068kg(P<001).试验组羊只胴体重、净肉重、净肉率、屠宰率均极显著或显著高于对照组。经核算试验组每只比对照组多收入2668元。  相似文献   
论贫困地区农村社会保障制度的建构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
贫困地区经济发展慢,人口增长,农民的温饱问题至今没有得到彻底的解决,除了自然条件差、经济基础薄弱、文化教育落后、农民的生育观念滞后以外,社会保障制度不健全是其中的重要原因之一。建立健全贫困地区农村社会保障制度是十分必要的。  相似文献   
On incidental dermal exposure to chemicals in water, a key exposure factor is the amount of water adhering to skin. Although soil adherence factors have been developed for risk assessment, measurements of water adherence on human skin have not been described. In the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) dermal risk assessment guidance, dermal dose from environmental exposures is based upon the flux rate across the skin, which assumes that an unlimited amount of chemical is available for absorption. This assumption is applicable to certain exposure scenarios such as swimming and bathing. However, exposures to contaminated water frequently involve scenarios where the available chemical is limited by the amount of water adhering to the skin, for example, during accidental splashes. We conducted studies in human volunteers to investigate water adherence per unit area of skin after brief contact with water. In two sets of experiments, either water was applied with a micropipette to 10‐cm2 areas of the lower leg, foot, and hand, or the foot and hand were briefly immersed in water. In males, using a micropipette, water adherence ranged from 1.93 (foot) to 7.13 μL/cm2 (lower leg). In females, it ranged from 1.10 (lower leg) to 4.83 μL/cm2 (hand). Hand and foot immersion resulted in relatively higher values of 6.89 and 5.17 μL/cm2, respectively, in males, and 5.40 and 6.39 μL/cm2 in females. Water adherence was affected by amount of body hair and type of exposure. Water adherence factors can be used to calculate the applied dose per unit area for exposures involving intermittent water contact.  相似文献   
Regression Modelling of Disease Risk in Relation to Point Sources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a class of models for the investigation of possible raised risk of disease around putative sources of environmental pollution. An adaptation of the point process method suggested by Diggle and Rowlingson is presented, allowing the use of routinely available aggregated data and incorporating the more general distance–risk model suggested by Elliott and co-workers. An application to data on cancers of the stomach around municipal solid waste incinerators is presented.  相似文献   
Recent analyses seeking to explain variation in area health outcomes often consider the impact on them of latent measures (i.e. unobserved constructs) of population health risk. The latter are typically obtained by forms of multivariate analysis, with a small set of latent constructs derived from a collection of observed indicators, and a few recent area studies take such constructs to be spatially structured rather than independent over areas. A confirmatory approach is often applicable to the model linking indicators to constructs, based on substantive knowledge of relevant risks for particular diseases or outcomes. In this paper, population constructs relevant to a particular set of health outcomes are derived using an integrated model containing all the manifest variables, namely health outcome variables, as well as indicator variables underlying the latent constructs. A further feature of the approach is the use of variable selection techniques to select significant loadings and factors (especially in terms of effects of constructs on health outcomes), so ensuring parsimonious models are selected. A case study considers suicide mortality and self-harm contrasts in the East of England in relation to three latent constructs: deprivation, fragmentation and urbanicity.  相似文献   
延边地区民族文化研究与旅游资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
延边是不同民族文化交融的地区 ,朝鲜族聚居这个地区具有双重文化 ,构成独特的一种边缘文化。从旅游审美角度看 ,这种文化本身就是一种旅游资源 ,由于是边缘文化 ,这就扩大了旅游复盖面 ,能促进旅游业发展的国际化  相似文献   
清代三姓地区农业经济的兴起与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘敏 《北方论丛》2002,(5):27-32
三姓地区是黑龙江省农业开发较早的地区之一,也是清代赫哲族农业最早兴起的地方.作为新兴的社会经济因素--农业在三姓地区获得了持续的发展,有力地推动和促进了东北边防的巩固,并对赫哲族社会进步产生了重大而深远的影响.  相似文献   
本文提出了三峡生态金融系统的基本概念。三峡生态金融系统的基本模式是区域生态、经济、金融、科技等系统所构成的复合系统在结构、功能、行为上既遵循生态规律 ,又遵循经济规律的金融发展模式。三峡生态金融系统的主要任务是服从和服务于三峡生态经济区建设 ,通过金融政策导向 ,运用多种金融工具 ,引导和推进三峡库区沿着可持续发展方向 ,实现从工业化欠发达区域向生态化区域的跨越式发展。通过构建区域性金融中心等途径和方法 ,实现三峡库区生态经济区的发展目标。为此提出了增强金融比较优势、提高信贷资产质量、应对WTO挑战、构建生态金融安全区、综合开发利用政策资源、建立经济金融协调机制和重视民间投资等政策建议  相似文献   
论乾隆朝清廷对东北的封禁政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清初清朝统治者为恢复东北地区残破的经济,积极鼓励汉族民人出关开垦土地,而当汉族民人大量涌入东北地区后,清廷又于乾隆五年颁布旨在阻止汉族民人出关的封禁政策。封禁政策集中体现了清朝首崇满洲的基本国策,对东北地区的发展无疑起到阻碍作用,这种不符合历史发展趋势的政策最终注定以失败而告终。  相似文献   
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