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本研究以马-冯-陈模型为定性基础,认为一定人口的出生性别比并非固定不变,而是受到生育水平的影响。当无性别偏好时,生育水平主要通过改变不同孩次占出生人口比例的方式影响出生性别比;当有性别偏好时,生育水平既影响不同孩次占总出生人口的比例,又影响不同孩次的出生性别比,从而对总出生性别比产生影响。对于没有性别偏好和性别选择行为的人口,生育水平变化是引起出生性别比波动的主要原因。有性别选择行为时,生育水平变化对出生性别比的影响较小,性别选择行为是出生性别比异常的主要原因。监测以"曾生子女孩次和性别次序"为条件划分的人群,可以有效而便捷地判断出生性别比变化趋势。  相似文献   
世界各国的人口出生性别比及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘爽 《人口学刊》2005,2(6):33-37
利用联合国《人口年鉴》出生统计专辑汇集的世界各国多年的人口出生数据,对全球不同类型国家近20年来人口出生性别比的统计特征和动态趋势进行描述和概括,以尝试着反映人类人口出生性别比的一般规律及特点,为更客观、准确地认识中国人口出生性别比失常提供背景与基础。  相似文献   


Annually, up to 2.7 million neonatal deaths occur worldwide, and 25% of these deaths are caused by birth asphyxia. Infants born in rural areas of low-and-middle-income countries are often delivered by traditional birth attendants and have a greater risk of birth asphyxia-related mortality.


This review will evaluate the effectiveness of neonatal resuscitation educational interventions in improving traditional birth attendants’ knowledge, perceived self-efficacy, and infant mortality outcomes in low-and-middle-income countries.


An integrative review was conducted to identify studies pertaining to neonatal resuscitation training of traditional birth attendants and midwives for home-based births in low-and-middle-income countries. Ten studies met inclusion criteria.


Most interventions were based on the American Association of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program, World Health Organization Safe Motherhood Guidelines and American College of Nurse-Midwives Life Saving Skills protocols. Three studies exclusively for traditional birth attendants reported decreases in neonatal mortality rates ranging from 22% to 65%. These studies utilized pictorial and oral forms of teaching, consistent in addressing the social cognitive theory. Studies employing skill demonstration, role-play, and pictorial charts showed increased pre- to post-knowledge scores and high self-efficacy scores. In two studies, a team approach, where traditional birth attendants were assisted, was reported to decrease neonatal mortality rate from 49–43/1000 births to 10.5–3.7/1000 births.


Culturally appropriate methods, such as role-play, demonstration, and pictorial charts, can contribute to increased knowledge and self-efficacy related to neonatal resuscitation. A team approach to training traditional birth attendants, assisted by village health workers during home-based childbirths may reduce neonatal mortality rates.  相似文献   
随着知识经济时代的到来,提高女性教育程度和参与社会竞争的能力是实现人口素质现代化和推进新型生育文化建设的重要议程,提高女性教育程度的核心就是实现育龄妇女教育机会均等。本文结合“2005年哈尔滨市人口发展战略研究”中人口素质部分的研究资料,主要分析了制约育龄妇女文化素质提高的“主要瓶颈;”育龄妇女文化素质提高对婚姻家庭和生育水平的影响等问题,探讨了育龄妇女文化素质与新型生育文化建设的相关性,并据此提出提高育龄妇女文化素质的对策建议。  相似文献   
本文考察了中国知识分子的平均预期寿命,挑战了广为流行的观点.本文首先解释"死亡人口平均年龄"与"平均预期寿命"指标的概念和差异;然后使用2004年在中科院18个研究所以及北京大学、清华大学共20个单位调查的死亡人口资料,检验"知识分子死亡平均年龄下降趋势"的可信性;并利用全国第四次和第五次人口普查的权威数据,计算受过本科以上教育人群的生命表和"平均预期寿命",得出中国知识分子预期寿命大大高于普通人群的结论,推翻了"中国知识分子预期寿命比全国平均寿命低17岁"这个流传广泛且被反复引用的错误结论.  相似文献   
任克强 《西北人口》2007,28(2):8-12,16
本文通过在BWZ村的实地调查,主要是观察和访谈,发现当前农村人口出生性别比不断升高是当前的生育政策、传统的生育观念、村落文化和医疗技术的进步以及政府监管的漏洞等多方面因素共同作用的结果,提出了建立偏重纯女户家庭的养老保障、加强对B超检测技术的监管和提高村计生专职主任工资等可行性的建议。  相似文献   
魏来 《西北人口》2006,(3):30-33
中国是世界第一人口大国,也是出生缺陷高发国家。在庞大的人口数量压力还未减轻的同时,又面临着出生人口素质偏低的客观现实,严重制约了我国整体人口素质的提高。本文分析了我国出生人口素质偏低的原因,重点探讨了出生人口素质偏低对社会经济、家庭和个体发展的影响,在其基础上提出了有针对性的对策措施。  相似文献   
This paper expands on Kingsley Davis’s demographic thesis of change and response. Specifically, we consider the social context that accounts for the primacy of particular birth control methods that bring about fertility change during specific time periods. We examine the relevance of state policy (including national family planning programs), the international population establishment, the medical profession, organized religion, and women’s groups using case studies from Japan, Russia, Puerto Rico, China, India, and Cameroon. Some of these countries are undergoing the second demographic transition, others the first. Despite variations in context, heavy reliance on sterilization and/or, abortion as a means of birth control is a major response in most of these countries. The key roles of the medical profession and state policy are discussed, along with the general lack of influence of religion and of women’s groups in these countries.  相似文献   
萨都剌是元代著名诗人,目前学界多认同他籍贯雁门的说法,但由于这一说法的主要文献依据是《雁门集》所录干文传作的萨都刺小序,而这个序因文献来源不明,错讹连篇,真假遭到学者的质疑。以这个小序之外的五种文献为依据,考证萨都刺籍贯燕山,即大都,而非雁门。  相似文献   
当正式制度与非正式规范发生冲突:计划生育与宗族网络   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭玉生 《社会》2009,29(1):37-65
中国宗族制度的核心是祖宗崇拜和传宗接代的香火观念。这种传统的文化规范与当前计划生育政策发生直接冲突。一方面,强大的国家机器毫不妥协地推行计划生育政策;另一方面,复兴的宗族网络支撑着古老的香火观念。虽然计划生育的严格推行大幅度地降低了生育率,但本文所分析的村级数据却发现宗族关系越强的村庄,其生育率越高,从而揭示了非正式规范是如何通过社会网络软化刚性的正式制度的。  相似文献   
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