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理想信念教育是《思想道德修养与法律基础》课的重点和难点。目前《思想道德修养与法律基础》课对大学生理想信念教育的效果并不理想,开展课堂教学内容和方法的改革势在必行。教师要澄清重知识传授轻思想引导、重社会理想轻个人理想、回避现实问题空谈理想信念等教学理念上的认识误区,综合运用课堂调查、说理教育、社会实践、课堂讨论、自我教育等教学方法,甄选教材内容,贴近学生实际,重点解决大学生要不要有理想的问题,大学生应该树立什么理想的问题和大学生如何实现理想的问题,以增强《思想道德修养与法律基础》课理想信念教育的实效性。  相似文献   
加强大学生理想信念教育的重要性及其方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从当代大学生所具有的自身特点、所处的现实社会环境和在未来社会中的作用三方面入手,论述了加强当代大学生理想信念教育的重要性,并探索性地提出了做好当代大学生理想信念教育工作的方法途径.  相似文献   
本研究运用内隐认知的方法,探讨了公众教育观念的内隐结构,并对1 131名公众的教育观念进行调查研究。结果显示:(1)公众教育观念的内隐结构由教育方式、教育期望、教育态度、教育价值、教育认知和学习观共6个因子构成;(2)公众对教育的期望值高,并且对"教育方式"非常重视;(3)公众的职业性质、文化程度影响其教育观念:不同职业、不同文化程度的公众在教育观念上存在显著差异;(4)公众的教育观念具有自利性,投射着对自己子女发展的愿望与价值偏好;(5)在教育改革过程中,有必要对公众的教育观念进行"双向调控"。  相似文献   
政治文明是人类文明中的政治层面,政治文明在很大程度上反映了整个社会、国家的文明水平,影响或制约着其他两个文明的发展进程。政治理念是政治文明的潜在因素,建设社会主义政治文明要从政治理念入手。通过分析中国政治文明建设,提出了五个理念变迁即政权合法性理念变迁、权力归属理念变迁、权力运行理念变迁、权力控制理念变迁、权力指向理念变迁。  相似文献   
宗教是一种社会文化现象。大学生宗教信仰问题是当前高校思想政治工作的一项难题。立足于宗教文化的定义及长期性、群体性、政治性、民族性、文化性的特征,具体分析目前我国宗教的具体特征,结合高校中宗教信仰的现实传播途径,针对性地提出一些建议和对策。  相似文献   
高层管理者是企业的战略决策者,他们的认知反映在企业管理活动的方方面面中,对企业战略问题识别有着重要的影响。信念作为认知结构的基本要素,其定义和内涵都有了较多的研究。同时,学者们在战略信念对企业战略决策的影响方面,也进行了较多的实证分析。相比之下,战略信念的形成过程和战略信念的影响因素却很少有系统研究。文章从动态的角度剖析战略信念的形成,不局限于用人口统计学特征,挖掘战略信念的影响因素,对战略认知相关文献做出了重要补充。同时,也有助于高层管理者调整自身战略信念,进而更灵活地做出企业战略选择和提高组织绩效。  相似文献   
Many people are talking about being in a post‐racial era, which implies that we have overcome race and racism. Their argument is based on the fact that manyof the virulent manifestations of racism are not prevalent today. I argue that racism is not seen as prevalent today because the commonplace views of racism fail to capture the more subtle and insidious new forms of racism. I critically examine some of these views and indicate that racism, its forms and manifestations have changed over time. As such, racism may not be manifested in the standard obvious negative behaviors that people know and expect, but instead, it is manifested in even positive behaviors that the commonplace views may not identify as racism. I offer a view of racism that captures the new subtle forms of racism today, which are not as harmful and invidious as the older forms. Simply because the new forms of racism are not as obvious or harmful, this does not mean that racism no longer exists.  相似文献   
阮荣平  郑风田  刘力 《社会》2013,33(4):193-224
本文在回顾归纳国外宗教经济学相关理论和经验成果的基础上,建立了“供给-需求”分析框架。笔者认为,既有宗教经济学理论主要从供给和需求两个角度来解释信仰选择的作用机制。宗教市场理论从供给出发,认为宗教市场结构是宗教信仰的重要决定因素;宗教社会资本理论、宗教家庭生产模型、宗教人力资本模型和宗教事后保障模型则从需求角度出发,分别强调社会网络的人际依恋、宗教参与的机会成本、宗教产品的生产效率和宗教组织的公共物品供给因素等在宗教信仰选择方面发挥的影响。改革开放以来中国社会宗教信仰领域发生了极大的变化,引入宗教经济学视野一方面能为考察分析当今中国宗教信仰现状及推动其理论发展带来相应的契机,另一方面应考虑中国与西方社会之间的差异以及特殊性,对该视野的运用要有所甄别。  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(8):1110-1131
We examined the relationships between beliefs about the etiology of having a same-sex sexual orientation, sexual prejudice, and support for gay-relevant legislation using the justification-suppression model of prejudice as our theoretical foundation. Results indicated that more belief that a same-sex sexual orientation was due to nurture factors predicted less support for gay-relevant legislation, and that this relationship was mediated by levels of sexual prejudice. The opposite pattern was found for belief that a same-sex sexual orientation was due to nature factors. This suggests that beliefs about the etiology of sexual orientation may serve as justification (or suppression) factors in the expression of prejudice toward gay men and lesbians.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify the beliefs and attitudes that influence health-related behavior while comparing two countries that can have different political and economic structures. This study also gathers both Turkish and Palestinian citizens' beliefs and attitudes towards health determinants. To assess and compare citizens' attitudes toward health care and health determinants a total of 4,100 questionnaires were distributed, whereas 2,600 were distributed in Turkey, and another 1,500 questionnaires in the Palestine. According to the research, the individuals surveyed in Turkey noted that smoking, stress, and getting access to a medical institution were noted as the most influential determinants which affect their health; whereas, the people of Palestine thought that income status, and educational levels were the most influential factors in health. In addition, it was found that there were some statistically significant differences between participants' responses in Turkey and Palestine; however, what both samples shared was that economic factors were an important factor affecting health beliefs and attitudes, regardless of where a participant lived. Finally, comparisons and future recommendations are made to improve health-related beliefs, attitudes and behaviors in both countries.  相似文献   
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