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Rhetorical practices warrant analysis amid contemporary globalization, as discourses frame international museum and science-styled exhibit display practices by drawing attention toward idealized human global unity and away from concern for respecting differences between westerners and Chinese persons. Among such international practices, recent displays of deceased human bodies, cleaned and entertainingly posed, have appeared in museums and other exhibition centers in major cities around the world. These displays have given rise to significant ethical questions regarding the use of undocumented Chinese bodies. In this analysis of ‘Bodies… The Exhibition’, which has been central to those ethical questions, we examine how rhetorical strategies of realist discourse and identification through commonality invoke a rhetoric of globalization that reinforces western international privilege by situating plasticized Chinese bodies within truth claims about human similarity that eschew intercultural understandings and issues of intercultural respect.

Las prácticas retóricas justifican un análisis en medio de la globalización contemporánea, en la manera como los debates enmarcan a los museos internacionales y a las prácticas de exhibiciones de estilo científico, llamando la atención hacia la unidad global humana idealizada y lejos de alguna preocupación por respetar las diferencias entre las personas occidentales y chinas. Entre tales prácticas internacionales, exhibiciones recientes de cuerpos fallecidos, limpios y expuestos para entretener, han aparecido en museos y otros centros de exhibición en grandes ciudades alrededor del mundo. Estas exposiciones han dado origen a preguntas éticas de importancia sobre el uso de cuerpos chinos indocumentados. En este análisis sobre “Cuerpos – La Exhibición” que ha estado en el centro de esas preguntas éticas, analizamos cómo las estrategias retóricas de un debate realista y de identificación a través de elementos comunes, explican una retórica de la globalización que refuerza el privilegio internacional occidental, al situar cuerpos chinos plastificados mediante las pretensiones de la verdad sobre la similitud humana, que rechaza a los entendimientos interculturales y asuntos del respeto intercultural.


这些展出已经引出了有关使用未有正式注册的华人尸体(the use of undocumented Chinese bodies)的严重的道德问题。本文是关于“尸体. . .展览”的分析,中心是针对这些道德问题,检讨通过共同性的现实主义话语和认证的修辞策略如何援引某种全球化的修辞来加强西方的国际特权, 即把塑化的华人尸体置于关于人类相似性的真理情境下,这种相似性回避了跨文化的理解和跨文化尊重的种种议题。

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Риторический анализ гарантирует практику на фоне современной глобализации, в качестве дискурса - создание Международного музея и разработанные наукой методы экспозиции, привлекающие внимание к идеализированному человеческому глобальному единству и отвлекающие от беспокойства за соблюдение различий между западными жителями и китайскими людьми. Среди таких международных практик недавние выставки мертвых человеческих тел, очищенных и расставленных в забавных позах, они появились в музеях и выставочных центрах крупных городов всего мира. Эти демонстрации привели к значительным этическим вопросам по поводу использования недокументированных китайских органов. В анализе "Тела…Выставка”, который занимает центральное место в этих этических вопросах, мы рассмотрим, как риторические стратегии реалистического дискурса и идентификации через общность призывают риторику глобализации, которая усиливает западную международную привилегию совмещать пластифицированные китайские органы и утверждения об истинности сходства людей, и которая сторонится межкультурных соглашений и вопросов межкультурного уважения.  相似文献   

This exploratory qualitative study examined the intrinsic definitions of spirituality and religion across three different religious or ethnic groups of older adults – Jewish, African American Protestants and Caucasian Protestants. The study explores how older adults from these various backgrounds self-identify with the terms religion and spirituality. Because both African-Americans and Jewish older adults are underrepresented in the research on spirituality and religion, their inclusion lends insights to this topic and helps to anchor the findings in a cross-cultural context. Focus groups were employed to understand how these groups characterize their relationship to spirituality and religion. Social work professionals can utilize these findings to work more effectively with the diverse and complex issues of older adults.  相似文献   

Despite progress in policies and services for domestic violence, service use remains lower than the need suggests. This study, an analysis from a larger project on social service providers, examines welfare workers' shared beliefs about domestic violence. Using a mixed method design utilizing pile sorts (n = 38; 11 child welfare and 29 financial assistance), a survey (n = 57; 24 child welfare and 33 financial assistance), and in-depth interviews (n = 3; two child welfare and one financial assistance)—workers organized their ideas about factors that contribute to domestic violence, rated the factors along key dimensions of meaning (importance, controllability, characteristics of victims or perpetrators, and cause or effect), and shared experiences of their work with domestic violence cases. Financial assistance and child welfare workers organized their beliefs similarly demonstrating consensus on the importance of the factors, and shared beliefs about the factors that were causes and effects of domestic violence. In interviews, child welfare workers emphasized their focus on systems and collaboration. Despite areas of agreement, child welfare and financial assistance workers did not demonstrate consensus on ideas about domestic violence overall. The findings have implications for practice, specifically for improving responses to domestic violence and increasing the use of domestic violence services.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the relation between gender role beliefs and prejudice toward gay men and lesbians in Chile. Participants were Chilean university students (N = 283). Results indicate that men are more prejudiced than women and religious people are more prejudiced than non-religious people. On the other hand, gender role beliefs mediate sex differences in prejudice. The participants' more traditional gender role beliefs hold more negative attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. Men are more prejudiced than women, particularly in their attitudes toward gay men. In addition, sex differences in attitudes toward lesbians and gay men are mediated by gender role beliefs.  相似文献   
基于异质信念定价模型分析,找到一个能准确反映投资者的异质信念性的新指标:投资者适应性选择的敏感度。运用有效矩估计法对其进行实证分析,发现这一新指标比常用的换手率更能准确反映出投资者的异质信念性,并且深市投资者的异质信念性比沪市更强,小盘股投资者的异质信念性比大盘股更强。  相似文献   
The current study examined perceptions of control over anxiety-related circumstances among early adolescents living in low-income housing from a dynamic perspective of multiple ecological influences. We hypothesized that, while relational and environmental factors would influence anxiety control beliefs, beliefs about the self would explain most of the variance. Individual interviews were conducted with 162 ethnically diverse early adolescents in grades 6–8 (Mage = 12, 52% female) from five urban public housing sites located in a large southwestern state. Linear regression models suggest a significant positive relationship with anxiety control beliefs and coping skills and social support. An inverse relationship with anxiety control beliefs was found for level of reported hassles, family conflict, low self-esteem, and school commitment. Recommendations for the development of preventive interventions are discussed.  相似文献   
Working models of marriage (WMM) is a unique application of attachment theory because it applies to beliefs about being a spouse and about another's ability to be one's spouse. It varies from generic working models of the self and other by its reflection of one's assumptions about marriage as a unique relationship form. Unmarried, young adults (n = 1,490) completed a survey that focused on family-of-origin, attachment, marital beliefs, and marital intentions constructs. Results indicated that two WMM dimensions were significantly predicted by the variables and that individuals grouped into four WMM classifications based on the two dimensions were likewise different among the variables. Implications for relationship confidence and for conceptual refinement are discussed.  相似文献   
Couples who have experienced institutionalization reveal unique problems while attempting to cope with drastic life changes. This paper describes an effort to help such couples through a group process.  相似文献   
侗族民间信仰具有经济功能,能助推侗族地区现代经济形态形成;它包孕了适度理性主义精神,并能孕育和发展一些现代精神品质;同时它有助于规避或弱化现代化的潜在危机,因此侗族民间信仰具有促进现代化的功能,是侗族地区现代化进程中可资利用的文化资源。  相似文献   
纳家庙会和背经护青等活动表明,目前的土族信仰仍以藏传佛教为主,其它信仰为辅,呈多元共存的特点,多神信仰因事而择,各有功能。土族信仰处在一个信守与变化的阶段。  相似文献   
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