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词并不天然的代表任何对象,语词的意义就在于语词的使用上,而理解一个语词的意义就在于获得运用该词的能力.理解一个语词、一个对象,就看是否具有在这种意义场下与对象打交道的能力.理解就成了一种翻译工作.理解既是经验适切性的问题,那么它就是一个渐进的过程,永远有更好的理解的问题.  相似文献   
高校学生是高层次的知识型人才,肩负着社会主义现代化建设的重任,他们的体质与健康状况好坏事关我国全民族的健康素质。此次调研结果表明:河北工程大学19-22岁汉族学生的部分身体形态发育指标略有所提高;身高标准体重统计数据结果显示正常体重比例偏低;四个组别的肺活量均值较2005年全国平均水平有较大涨幅;部分身体素质指标下降幅度较大,男生引体向上的完成结果并不尽如人意。针对部分指标下降的原因进行了讨论,并提出了相应的合理化建议,为相关部门提供参考。  相似文献   

A quantitative evaluation of athletic training is one of the most important issues in the sports science, and its optimization problem between fitness and fatigue has to be considered. Although fitness is the gain of athletic training and athletes can acquire extensive fitness by hard training, they cannot continue such training for a long time because of fatigue. After the hard training which exceeds the physical capacity of athletes, a delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) appears and they cannot continue the same training hereafter. Because DOMS impedes the progress of training, it must be avoided when the training plan is made. By continuing training for a long period, the performance capacity of athlete body has enhanced and they can endure hard and long training with which it could not tolerate before, and such performance capacity enhancement is called supercompensation. In a planning athletic training, its optimization problem between fitness and fatigue should be discussed considering, both DOMS and supercompensation by forming probabilistic models of fitness and fatigue, optimal training plans which maximize the total fitness during training periods and minimize the occurrence of DOMS are discussed analytically and numerically.  相似文献   
我国准体育人口的基征分析与发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据《2001年中国群众体育发展现状调查》数据资料结果,在比较1997年中国群众体育现状调查的数据资料和研究成果的基础上提出准体育人口概念,并从准体育人口是体育人口持续发展的基础资源角度出发,对其为全民健身计划纲要的深入实施提出的新问题进行研究。  相似文献   
In this paper, we explore ways in which social work educators might respond to students who report that mental health issues underlie their difficulty in meeting core competencies, or otherwise use the language of mental health to describe their struggles to succeed in social work programs. We discuss various trends in policy responses in Canada, the US, the UK, and Ireland. While there are general policy trends, it is clear that responding to these kinds of issues requires the development of highly flexible and situated policy processes that can respond to student realities, concern for students’ rights and privacy, and an awareness of potential discrimination against students. These processes also need to meet the specificities of practicums, particular institutional policies, the mandates of relevant professional bodies, and the precise local legislative framework that shapes these situations. Given these varying contexts, in this conceptual paper, we used a framework on disability that is informed by critical theory to engage existing school policies and propose a set of reflective questions that can guide schools of social work to create an overall responsive environment. These reflective questions are designed to help social work educators balance the rights and needs of students with the professional and institutional demands that students meet core competencies in their education.  相似文献   

Objective: The constant deterioration of the physical fitness of college students has been a popular topic in China, thus this research analyzes the potential health risk of inadequate physical activity among college students. Participants/methods: During the national student fitness test (NSFT) in 2012, 1500 students from Tsinghua University were recruited and asked to complete the international physical activity questionnaire. Finally, 1414 (94.3%) students completed the study. Results/conclusions: Compared with those students who actively participate in exercise, the risk of obesity in college students lacking exercise was 1.25 times higher. Likewise, the probability of failure in the grip strength test and the standing long jump was also higher, with increases of 2.39 fold and 1.39 fold, respectively. Moreover, the total score of physical fitness test was the same. Consequently, this study suggests that college students should exercise regularly to increase their physical fitness.  相似文献   

By comparing photos of portraits of the faces of Renaissance courtesans to photos of attractive contemporary women’s faces this study estimates the importance of sociocultural factors in the personal perception of faces. Physical attractiveness is an important causal factor in choosing a sex partner, so the difference between averaged attractiveness judgments, a focus of attractiveness research, and individual attractiveness judgment, most relevant to choosing a sex partner, is important. Except for modesty and faithfulness, 13 normally attractive contemporary models were rated much more positively by college student participants (N = 189) than were eight celebrated Renaissance courtesans, both in attractiveness (contemporary stimuli 63%; Renaissance courtesans 31%) and in personality traits. All of the Renaissance courtesan trait ratings showed more variability than the contemporary stimuli. This study supports the view that once a relatively low baseline level of biological attractiveness is surpassed, latent and explicit sociocultural factors, culturally relative gender role appearance expectations, culturally relative aesthetic judgment factors, individual differences, and interpersonal dynamics are major determining factors of judgments of pretty and/or beautiful showing large subcultural and cultural individual differences. Pretty and beautiful may be discrete concepts, with beautiful strongly culturally determined. These data suggest that sociocultural and subcultural factors are important determiners of attractiveness.  相似文献   
在全球化多元化时代背景下,我国民族传统体育受到西方现代体育的不断冲击。同时,一部分民族传统体育由于活动范围限制以及开发不合理等原因日渐消亡。随着现代体育的国际化竞争,国家在加大竞技体育投入的同时,也应该重视中华民族传统体育的传承与发展,要在东西方文化撞击与融合中,对民族传统体育不断创新继承。更重要的是在学校体育当中开展民族传统体育,以及在全民健身当中广泛推行,为的是传承民族文化,振兴民族精神,增强民族融合团结。  相似文献   
吉林省欠发达地区农民体育健身现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等方法,调查新农村建设中吉林省欠发达地区农民体育及体育场所建设的现状,对影响农民参加体育活动的主要因素进行研究,提出经济欠发达地区发展农村体育的对策和建议。  相似文献   
根据基本遗传算法在解决板材下料优化中存在的问题,提出了将局部搜索算法和遗传算法相结合,取各自的优点来更好地解决矩形板材下料优化问题.  相似文献   
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