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For twenty years, technocratic planning and management approaches have dominated good‐governance reforms in developing countries. This is true even for newer ‘participatory’ and ‘citizen‐driven’ reforms that still struggle to engage with powerful informal forces affecting public service delivery. This article presents evidence from a case study of decentralised education‐system reform in Guinea, revealing a wide range of influential dynamics outside the technical realm. These corroborate the argument for ‘good‐fit’ alternatives to traditional governance approaches and concrete measures to better capture the constructive and disable the destructive effects of informality on development.  相似文献   
在正式制度日益完善的今天,代理人(行政官员)的问题主要在于行政伦理道德观的弱化与缺失,在于行政官员寻求自身经济利益与效用的最大化,而无视自身是“公共人”这一特殊角色。正式制度中的政策法规必须要紧密结合非正式制度中的行政伦理道德的隐性制约作用,才能产生良好的遏制效果。  相似文献   
导论逻辑作为大学逻辑入门或基础课程在各国大学开设率为40%左右.世界最著名的导论逻辑教科书柯比的<逻辑导论>最新版在论证理论、科学方法以及与实际例证相结合方面作了新的改进,以加强导论逻辑的应用性.比较之下,我国的导论逻辑教科书,存在着定位不明,论证理论少有建树,内部中突较多,教材选用机制不灵活等缺陷.  相似文献   
In the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide, the crippled formal judicial system failed to administer justice in a timely manner. A modified version of the traditional Gacaca courts was introduced to hear cases from the backlog of over 100,000 genocide suspects. We find that the Gacaca courts performed well relative to the formal justice system, given the constraints faced. The Gacaca courts generated valuable information about the genocide suspects and increased access to the justice system. The introduction of the Gacaca courts improved the performance of the formal justice system and facilitated post‐conflict recovery.  相似文献   
人类学目前还较少关注于教育问题,但研究教育有助于我们更好地理解不同的亚洲社会面对现代化所采取的应对措施。基于让-马克?德格拉夫(Jean-Marc de Grave)主编的《东亚国家正式与非正式教育:社会化及学习内容的关系》(2012)一书,本文将论及新型教育模式:印度英语的普及;印度和印度尼西亚现代学校的建立;印度尼西亚新兴的捕鱼技术;泰国克伦族人对“生态传统”的推广;中国村庄“故事堂”的成立;印度传统舞姬的消失以及当代社会家境良好的家庭对年轻女孩学习舞蹈的重视,并探讨不同社会中“传统”教育模式的同质性与价值观层面上的共通性,以及随着新型教育模式的引入,这些社会在教育领域所经历的不同程度的转型。  相似文献   
非正规就业:概念辨析及价值考量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,非正规就业为中国庞大的城镇失业人口、流动人口及过剩的农村劳动力提供了生存空间,由此我国就业模式也发生了深刻变化。但是迄今我国学术界对非正规就业还没有形成统一的认识框架。这样一来,科学界定非正规就业,正确评价其社会价值,就成了非正规就业在我国得以健康发展的现实所需和研究所需,这也是城市管理者制定和实施相关政策所不可缺少的。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to empirically investigate the role of age‐friendly environments (AFE) on the associations between income, informal social networks, and health among South Korean older adults. We used data from the “2017 Age Integration Survey” collected nationally and ultimately analyzed 615 older adults over 50 years of age. Structural equation modeling and multi‐group analysis were used to test the hypothesis. Specifically, two groups of perceived levels of AFE (top 25%, bottom 25%) were compared in order to examine the moderating effects. The results indicated that poor income and scarce informal social networks each had a significantly adverse impact on health. However, the effect of income on health was no longer significant for older adults living in environments that were more age‐friendly. In both groups, the presence of fewer informal social networks adversely impacted health, although the sizes of the effects decreased when the level of AFE perceived by older adults was improved. Finally, several implications of the study findings were discussed.  相似文献   
当前民间借贷中高利率和非法集资等问题的存在,严重影响了市场秩序和社会稳定,亟需规制。反思现行法律制度,立法失当、立法空缺同时存在,不利于促进民间借贷的规范化。规范民间借贷市场,应采取灵活的高利贷认定标准,加强对借贷活动过程的规制。通过专项立法规范企业间借贷行为,并理顺相关立法内容。对企业社会集资的规范,应改现行非法集资的客观认定标准为主客观结合的认定标准,将有合理融资需求的集资纳入《证券法》规制范畴。增加专门立法规范民间合会与借贷中介机构的运作。  相似文献   
In a study on informal or unpaid care, it is difficult to identify the consequences and effects of care provision on the caregiver’s daily life. Thus, it is important to analyze the perceptions of the individual caregiver. This study describes the perceptions of health, well-being, support networks, and quality of life of 13 women aged between 45 and 70 years after completing an intervention program. The data indicate that caregivers’ health and quality of life worsen with the intervention, and their well-being and social relations (through new technologies) improve.  相似文献   
This study examines factors influencing “formal” volunteering (that is, to an organization) and “informal” volunteering (that is, volunteering carried out individually outside of an organizational context) and the relationship between these two activities. We hypothesize that formal and informal volunteering activities are positively interrelated but that they are shaped by different types of personal resources: involvement in social networks increases the likelihood of both types of volunteering, but human capital increases the likelihood of formal volunteering rather than informal. The bivariate probit regression results emanating from the Independent Sector's “Giving and Volunteering in the United States, 2001” survey are generally supportive of the hypotheses. The findings suggest that nonprofit and public organizations that involve volunteers consider the pool of informal volunteers as a fertile ground for recruitment and find ways to better utilize older Americans in formal volunteering. The results also suggest that volunteer recruitment through organizational membership may be an effective strategy.  相似文献   
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