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《庄子》中的“畸人”,畸于人而同于天。畸人内德充实,生命力顽强,与神人、至人等理想人格形成互补关系。“畸人”之德,其一,以道为宗,师法自然;其二,超越形骸,忘怀生死;其三,具有以“畸”为用、以无用为大用的生存智慧,与物为春,与时俱化;其四,“独”,保持精神和人格的独立和自由。他们游方之外,以醒世者的姿态批判礼俗社会对生命和人性自由的框限,反对对人的同质化和标准化要求。庄子借“畸人”形象,一方面开创了对后世影响深远的“审丑”美学;另一方面展示了丰富的生命哲学意涵,期待人们能跳出成心和定见的思维惯性,对生命作平等观照,从而实现精神的超越和独立。  相似文献   

Loneliness negatively affects young and older adults. Intergenerational activities foster social connectedness. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, this study explored which intergenerational activities are most enjoyable for college students and retirement community residents. Demographics, loneliness, enjoyment, conversation level, and type of activity were analyzed. The enjoyment and conversation variables were positively correlated (r = .59, p < .001) which was supported by participants’ narratives. Both populations most enjoyed the activities with higher conversation levels, with the first being committees, followed by meals, one on one activities, and transportation. Retirement communities and universities should promote intergenerational activities, which include meaningful conversations.  相似文献   
人们提及苏轼的词,多以豪放简言之,而对其婉约之风则提及颇少.其实苏轼词的婉约、含蓄、缠绵、忧伤及美艳,较之婉约词大家毫不逊色.他的这首<贺新郎>就是其豪放之外的一首别具一格的婉约佳作.通过对该词的赏析,再次说明:凡是文学大家,其风格是多样的,其手法是高超的,其水准是一流的.  相似文献   
挪威画家爱德华.蒙克由于生长在一个被疾病和死亡的阴影笼罩的家庭,他的心中一直充满对死的恐惧,同时他还被孤独感压迫着。内心极度苦闷的他渴望通过女性和爱情来获得抚慰,但结果发现女性非但不能抚慰男性反而常常伤害他们,摧残他们。在大量的作品里,蒙克表现了死亡、孤独对自己的压迫以及自己对死亡和孤独的抗拒。他还在作品里表现女性对男性的诱惑和伤害以及自己想拒绝诱惑而不能的复杂情感。蒙克作品里所表现的这些灵肉搏斗不但反映了他个人心灵的苦难,也反映了人类灵魂深处永恒的苦难、永恒的战争。  相似文献   
Quality and stability of intimate relationships are determined by various factors. Associations between attachment styles, social and emotional loneliness, competence in being alone, and relationship qualities in couples have not yet been investigated. Sixty-three couples completed self-report measures of current relationship quality and duration, attachment style, and loneliness. Marital quality is predicted by means of experienced emotional loneliness, fearful attachment style, age, and participation in relationship counseling (R 2 corrected = .568). Length of relationship is predicted by age, experienced social loneliness, and competence in being alone (R 2 corrected = .648). Attachment styles, loneliness, age, competence in being alone, and participation in relationship counseling are all possible determinants of relationship qualities.  相似文献   
钱钟书和张爱玲以天才作家的敏感创作了《围城》与《传奇》,突破了“五四”以来描写两性关系的范式;作品中典型人物的典型性格特点,是作家对人的整个生命状态的深刻审视和内心情感体验的传达;两位作家驱遣手中那杆或轻重或凝重的笔,给外在景物以一个动的生命或启示的精魂,这创造性的、成功的、丰富的意象,使读者领悟到一份挡不住的艺术感觉。文章从以上三个方面来探究钱钟书的《围城》与张爱玲的《传奇》的文学价值,寻找其文学表现手法的异同。  相似文献   
Rates of relapse in the treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are problematic as is reflected in the literature. While there are some studies that examine the contributing factors associated with relapse, there is much that remains unclear. This paper explores the role of perceived isolation and loneliness as contributing factors in the relapse of patients in the course of treatment for these disorders. A review of the literature on relapse, clinical case material, treatment outcomes, and implications for future treatment and study are discussed.  相似文献   
贾樟柯的电影《山河故人》以平民化视角和怀旧式审美,关注底层人物的生存状态。电影以“沈涛”为中心的一家三代的生存状况,展示出中国现代化进程中因地理距离、情感疏离和文化无根带来的3种孤独状态,表征着在现代化与全球化双重挤压下中国的文化症候和文化认同缺失下的身份焦虑,揭示了社会变迁下精神家园崩塌的原因。  相似文献   
This article connects two current debates: the rise of single-person households or of ‘solitaries’, and the so-called ‘loneliness epidemic’. It raises questions about how these are associated, via social-science literature on loneliness as a social, contextual and subjective experience, and findings in that literature about the relevance of lone-person households. The article is concerned to explore the history of living alone as a form of family structure, via analysis of European, North American and Japanese pre-industrial and industrial listings of inhabitants, and the post-1851 British censuses to 2011. It also does this cartographically via British mapping of lone-person households in 1851, 1881, 1911 and 2011. It documents dramatic rise across many countries in single-person households during the twentieth century, notably since the 1960s. Many pre-industrial settlements had no single-person households, and the average was around 5 percent of households. The current western proportions of such households (e.g. 31 percent in the UK) are wholly unprecedented historically, even reaching to 60 percent or more of households in some modern European and North American cities. The discussion examines this trend – which has very wide ramifications – and raises issues about its relevance for modern problems of loneliness as a social and welfare concern.  相似文献   
This paper uses interview data from a study of 232 remarried and 102 first married couples to test hypotheses about the sources and consequences of conflict in remarriages. The hypotheses are suggested by an analysis of the sources of difficulty in families having prior marriage children. Support was found for hypothese predicting elevated conflict over financial issues, child rearing, and presence of husband's prior marriage children. The hypotheses that remarried husbands would give in more often than those first married, when there was a spousal disagreement, was also substantiated.  相似文献   
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