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诗人崔致远与陶渊明生活在不同时代、来自不同的国度,却在他们各自所构筑的诗歌意象世界中进行着穿越时空的心灵对话,他们诗中的"羁栖"、"归去","家园"、"悠闲"和"孤独"意象是跨跃时空的共鸣。  相似文献   
孤独的言说与无望的救赎--对苏童小说的一种解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏童小说言说了缥缈时空中个体生命的孤独.作品中孤独意识的彰显既得益于叙事的推进,也有赖于多层次意象体系的建构.作者企图通过困境逃亡、安排伴侣和宗教皈依的途径对孤独的灵魂进行救赎,但最终都以失败告终.无奈之下,作者将生命引向了死亡.  相似文献   

By blending the conceptual frameworks of epistemic injustice and ethical loneliness and applying them to campus-based practices of ‘risk’ identification and ‘referral’, this article describes how Mad students come to be abandoned as knowers and learners. I then dwell in and politicize the condition of (ethical) loneliness these harms produce by seeking to ‘practise’ it as a form of Mad knowing, and as a framework for visioning justice. Framing Mad student experiences in this way opens up several possibilities for epistemic justice. First, it offers additional language and interpretive resources for naming and protesting our experiences of violence. Second, it compels us to understand and attend to Mad student experiences of epistemic harm and to recognize how Mad knowledges are routinely generated in their wake. Third, it invites new ways of understanding and responding to these harms, and imagining redress.  相似文献   
This paper reviews recent studies of loneliness in order to assess whether it is becoming endemic in Australian society. It develops the idea that loneliness is an embedded social structural feature of contemporary Australian life likely to affect people through the life course, creating psychological stress, ill health and social dysfunction. Zygmunt Bauman's writing on liquid modernity is used to trace a sequence of less binding social bonds from the community the workplace, intimate relationships, friendship and kinship that may account for a more generalised distribution of loneliness. Empirical evidence from recent national surveys in Australia demonstrates how Bauman's gloomy prognosis is particularly applicable in Australia. The paper argues that it has been invisible as a social issue until recently, but that its scope and scale have grown such that robust policy initiatives are now warranted. It argues that Australia's gendered pattern of loneliness indicates that Bauman's broad theory of liquid modernity must be mediated by several factors relating to national cultures, historic patterns of family formation, and the gender role distribution in the creation and maintenance of social bonds.  相似文献   
在1940年末完稿的《呼兰河传》中,已近中年的萧红用追忆的维度重新审视和考量了一座北方边城波澜不惊的前世今生,记述和追问了边城里人们灰色人生的疲惫和价值,用委婉细腻然而力量感十足的笔触为城做传、为人做传,曲折地表达了自我生命的顿悟和对人类生存终极意义上的悲凉感受。  相似文献   
井上靖先生的作品《路》 ,运用象征的笔法表现了秩序建立与生命力张扬的矛盾和生命存在的不可言喻性 ,诠释了人生的孤独 ,对我们的理解其作品中大量存在的孤独者形象和孤寂情怀提供了一个近距离的视角  相似文献   
孤寂书写作为现代诗歌的重要表现形式,为当下汉语诗歌写作提供了一条重要的精神路径,它既尊重诗学本体,同时也有哲学关照,本文从形式、文化、哲学三个层面归纳了"诗写"的理论特征以及它对诗学建构的理论价值。  相似文献   
王安忆通过描述女性在欲望、情感等方面追求主导性地位的努力,从而想要获得与男性平等和谐的地位及关系,却最终走向了失败,陷入了孤独。本文通过对王安忆小说中女性形象的解读与分析,欲探寻从开始的抗争到最终的认同,作者展现的对女性生存现实意义的深刻思考以及理想与追求。  相似文献   
萧红与伍尔芙都是20世纪特立独行的女性。她们的孤独敏感的气质,强烈的生命和死亡意识,是女性生存处境在她们身上的真实投影,体现出杰出女性对男权社会共同的身心体验,具有鲜明的女性色彩和叛逆精神。她们都是极富独创性的作家,以自己的创作实绩置身于世界优秀作家的行列。  相似文献   
文艺心理学认为艺术是艺术家个体生命体验的转换状态。主张"文学作品都是作家的自叙传"的郁达夫,其小说中表现出来的孤独、自卑、漂泊之感并非无病呻吟,而是通过"自叙传"方式将个人对于生活的深刻体验重现于其小说世界中。拟以郁达夫小说创作的生涯为时间轴,分三个阶段来分析其小说创作中体现出来的孤独、自卑、漂泊等人生体验,以此揭示郁达夫小说与人生体验之间的内在联系。  相似文献   
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