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Much of the health information available to consumers on the Internet is incomplete, out of date and even inaccurate. Seals of approval or trustmarks have been suggested as a strategy to assist consumers in identifying high-quality information. Little is known, however, about how consumers interpret such seals. This study addresses this issue by examining assumptions about the quality criteria that are reflected by a seal of approval. This question is of particular importance because a wide variety of quality criteria have been suggested for online health information, including: core aspects of quality such as accuracy, currency and completeness; proxy indicators of quality such as the disclosure of commercial interests; and indicators that reflect the quality of the site or the interaction it affords, such as the availability of a search mechanism. The results of this study suggest that seals of approval are assumed to certify information quality primarily with respect to core quality indicators, aspects that subjects both consider to be important and feel relatively less able to evaluate for themselves (compared with their ability to rate proxy indicators of information or indicators of site or interaction quality). This assumption is largely inconsistent with practice: most seals of approval involve assessment of proxy indicators of information quality, rather than direct assessment of content. These results identify a problem that certification or accreditation bodies must address since, unless and until consumer expectations are congruent with evaluation practice, seals of approval will seem to promise more than they deliver.  相似文献   
In this article, we use the intersubjective ethics of Bakhtin and Levinas and a case illustration to explore change in therapy as an ethical phenomenon. We follow Lakoff and Johnson in their emphasis on the way our conceptions of change seem permeated by metaphors. Bakhtin and Levinas both suggest through a language in which metaphors play a crucial role, that human existence—the consciousness and the subject—emerge within the dialogue of the encounter. They both describe the dynamics of human existence as ethical in their origin. Following this, we argue that change may be seen as an ongoing ethical event and that the dynamics of change are found in the ways we constantly become in this event. We investigate the ethical dynamics of this ongoing event through three themes illuminating the contributions of both Bakhtin and Levinas: (1) we become as responsible, (2) we become in speaking, (3) we become in answering the unknown. We explore these themes through a case illustration. Finally, we briefly point out some possible implications for mental health practice.  相似文献   
Decision Analysis and Risk Management Decision Making: Issues and Methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provides an overview of decision analysis and its use in risk management decision making. The paper discusses the distinctive characteristics of decision analysis and compares these characteristics with those of its principal alternative—cost–benefit analysis. The paper also discusses each of the steps in a decision analysis and the strengths and limitations of the method.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法,问卷调查法、数理统计法及比较分析法等对影响体育教育专业健美操专选学生的健美操教学能力的影响因素做了调查与分析,得出影响因素有:学生所掌握的知识、技术和技能;学生的性格;学生的学习能力与反思能力;语言表达能力;观察能力以及教学经验;环境因素;教师自身能力限制以及教师的培养情况等。  相似文献   
夏季的到来,炎热高温的天气给室外体育课带来了许多安全问题;在教学中做好预防和治疗高温对学生机体产生的影响。  相似文献   
Traditional theories of welfare state development divide into two camps: societal accounts and institutional accounts. The aim of the present article is to amend and enrich the institutional approach to US social policy by reconsidering key aspects of the genesis of the American welfare state: 1) showing that concepts such as 'policy feedback' and 'path dependence' need to be extended to encompass the effect of private social policies; and 2) taking policy paradigms and agenda setting more seriously than is the norm in institutional scholarship. The empirical analysis is divided into two parts. The first part explores the activities of the American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL) in the decade beginning in 1910 and the genesis of Social Security in the 1930s, while the second part examines the effect of the private benefit developments on policy choices between 1935 and 1965.  相似文献   
袁浩 《社会》2011,31(1):159-182
本文从社会结构的角度出发,以“2008年中国家庭动态调查(上海卷)”的数据为基础,考察了心理健康在社会各阶层间的分布以及这些分布在年龄组间的变化。结果显示,教育、收入、职业地位、社会地位与心理健康正面相关,而经济困难和不公正待遇则与心理健康负面相关。年龄和心理健康的关系呈现出“∩”型发展趋势;职业类型及教育程度对心理健康的作用在不同年龄组中出现了不同程度的变化。失业者较好的心理状态及青年技术人员较差的心理健康状况则需要做进一步的研究。  相似文献   
多媒体技术在高校体育教学中的辅助作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭秋荣 《兰州学刊》2005,(2):302-303
多媒体技术在体育教学中的运用使体育教学手段更加丰富多彩,与传统的体育教学方法相比,多媒体教学可以激发学生学习兴趣和积极性,提高学习效率.有利于解决教学中的重点和难点,有利于实施因材施教的个性化教学.并能够提高教师的素质和教学技巧,拓展体育教学的空间和范围.  相似文献   
探索人际交往团体辅导对改善体育专业大学生心理健康水平的有效性,运用UPI问卷和面谈选取28名体育专业大学生进行8次以人际交往为主题的团体辅导,在团体辅导前后进行量表施测进行比较。前测量表包括:症状自评量表、社交回避及苦恼量表。后测量表包括:症状自评量表、社交回避及苦恼量表、团体活动成员自评量表(自编)。结果团体辅导活动干预后,团体成员在SCL-90总分、躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、敌对的分数和辅导前比较有显著改善;社交苦恼与社交回避量表比较,差异显著;团体活动成员自评量表的自我评价均向着正性方向移动,10个项目均有较大的改善。人际交往团体辅导对改善体育专业大学生心理健康水平有显著效果,可进一步进行尝试推广。  相似文献   

Objectives: To identify salient behavioral determinants related to STI testing among college students by testing a model based on the integrative model of behavioral (IMBP) prediction. Participants: 265 undergraduate students from a large university in the Southeastern US. Methods:Formative and survey research to test an IMBP-based model that explores the relationships between determinants and STI testing intention and behavior. Results: of path analyses supported a model in which attitudinal beliefs predicted intention and intention predicted behavior. Normative beliefs and behavioral control beliefs were not significant in the model; however, select individual normative and control beliefs were significantly correlated with intention and behavior. Conclusions: Attitudinal beliefs are the strongest predictor of STI testing intention and behavior. Future efforts to increase STI testing rates should identify and target salient attitudinal beliefs.  相似文献   
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