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This paper seeks an account of why young teens initiate consensual sexual activity. It does so by constructing statistical models aimed at distinguishing those who report having initiated sexual activity from those who have not in four samples of eighth graders from an Upstate New York county. Theoretical selection of the model variables is guided by insights from problem syndrome, control and differential association theories. From our findings we conclude the following: (1) Risk behaviors foreseen by the problem syndrome approach, including having used marijuana and having been drunk, are significant, powerful predictors of early-teen sexual activity. (2) The social setting of consensual sexual activity differs by sex at the eighth grade level. For example, having a boyfriend is a more consistent, powerful predictor variable for girls than is having a girlfriend for boys and there is evidence to support the hypothesis that boys initiate sexual activity in the context of status-seeking while girls are more likely to do so as a way of attaining approval. (3) Our findings do not give clear primacy to parents or peers as an influence on early-teen consensual sexual activity. Both control theory, usually associated with parental-influence variables, and differential association theory, usually associated with peer-influence variables, receive support. (4) The results of the research spanning a 2-year period of intensive community antiteen-pregnancy efforts by a Zero Adolescent Pregnancy (ZAP) campaign are consistent with the conclusion that such a multifaceted approach might help lower early-teen initiation of sexual activity.  相似文献   
中国"性"文化有着良好的传统,其在文学艺术的表现中一般分为"变态的性欲描写"和"文学的性欲描写"两类,<聊斋志异>则属于后者.<聊斋志异>中的性欲描写含蓄、蕴籍,少叙述而多形容,且与异性间感情的发展相伴以行,它既是男女爱情激流的涌现,是情节和人物性格发展的需要,又是小说艺术氛围所不可缺少的,不能以"低级庸俗"将其完全抹煞.特别是那些歌颂爱情的小说中的性欲描写,更是绘声绘影,仪态万方,多姿多彩地展现了中国性文化的美质.  相似文献   
In his analysis of football hooliganism, Anthony King claims to reveal the historical, conceptual scheme young, male supporters draw upon. This 'masculine vision', he states, is similar to that held by the Freikorps. Both groups are said to adhere to modernist notions of masculinity, sexuality and nationhood, reinforced by rituals which maintain boundaries between these 'proper' males and deviant 'others'. Occasionally, football hooligans breach these boundaries in acts of postmodern transgression. King also claims that fans link sex and violence in their imaginations. In this response I examine King's critique of his fellow theorists; challenge his 'Freikorps-Fans' analogy; demonstrate the problem he has in establishing the sex-violence link and question the relevance of his concept of postmodernity.  相似文献   
"人"在《金瓶梅》中   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在古代文学作品中,《金瓶梅》对于人和人性的描写和思考达到了前所未有的高度。它写了人性的压抑、人性的觉醒、人性的扭曲,写出了人的兽性与理性的矛盾与统一。这也是《金瓶梅》在艺术上能塑造出一批真人、活人的重要保证。  相似文献   
对"溺婴"的人口社会学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐麟 《西北人口》2002,(2):22-24
文章通过对溺婴行为的界定分析了溺婴的原因及产生的社会后果,并对如何抑制这种现象作了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
从人口结构演化解析中国人口政策的实际影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵惠英 《西北人口》2011,32(2):97-101
随着中国人口结构中人口老龄化、出生性别比失衡等问题的出现,特别在人口自然增长率持续下降的背景下,社会上形成这样一种认识:推行了近三十年的人口政策是造成人口结构问题的根源,只要放开这一政策以上问题将会迎刃而解。对此,本文从经济学角度进行了剖析,认为人口政策虽然对出生性别比失衡负有不可推卸的责任、但并非主因,人口年龄结构老化更是与此关联不大。在中国人口数量依然严峻的形势下,通过提升经济发展水平促进社会进步才是解决问题的关键所在。  相似文献   
职业地位取得的社会性别差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从描述被调查夫妇之间职业流动的性别差异出发,分别勾画出他们的地位实现模型。首先验证了不论性别,教育地位都是决定职业地位实现的首要变量;但也正是在教育地位的实现和向上流动(再求学)中,伴随婚姻生育等生命事件的发生,无形的结构性制度因素(意识形态层面的性别制度、性别规范和性别文化)正如后现代主义试图解构的那样依然支配着性别角色的社会化和继续社会化,使扮演双重角色的妻子或无意识地或有意识地遭遇了丈夫不为之所累的两难困境,并最终阻碍了女性的教育地位、既而是职业地位的实现。本文最后提出了三点建议和几个尚待解决的问题。  相似文献   
法律保护公民性权利的应然分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在人类社会进入到以张扬个人权利为核心的现代社会,性权利沦为性秩序的牺牲品的年代应渐成历史;揭开婚姻囚禁性权利的面纱也并非难事。从性秩序走向性权利的过程对法律的诉求自然会越来越高。揭开公民性权利长期以来被遮蔽的面纱,尊重并切实保护公民的性权利,使其从应然走向实然,从伦理走向法律,在法律的自由空间最大限度地实现自身的彻底解放应是法律不得不挑起的重担。  相似文献   
This study replicated and extended previously reported sex differences involving both viewer and target in the recognition of threatening facial expressions. Based on the assumption that the evolved cognitive mechanisms mediating anger recognition would have been designed by natural selection to operate quickly in the interests of survival, brief tachistoscopic presentation of stimulus photographs was used. Additionally, in contrast to prior published studies, the statistical methods of signal detection research were used to control for the confounding effects of non-random guessing. The main hypothesis, that anger posed by males would be more accurately perceived than anger posed by females, was supported. A secondary hypothesis, that female-posed anger would be more accurately perceived by women than by men, received partial support. Testosterone levels, measured inferentially in terms of diurnal cycles, failed to show the hypothesized positive relationship to accuracy of anger perception.  相似文献   
从中外水利教育的管理、教学、科研及产学研相结合方面进行了比较研究,并提出了相应的结论和建议。  相似文献   
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