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20世纪的中国文学作为一种价值性存在,其价值走向经历了戊戌文学革新时启蒙社会、开通民智的文学救国论;五四时期以民主与科学实现人的启蒙与觉醒,文学完成了从古典形态到现代形态的整体转换;30年代在救亡背景下的文学社会化转向;40-70年代大众化的政治工具论;80年代在非艺术的轰动中复兴文学之梦,以找回人的尊严和文学自信;90年代在边缘中寻找本位,文学在非轰动的艺术坚守中回到自身等发展阶段.基于历史的逻辑和理论的逻辑,可以对百年中国文学的价值范式作出这样几种判断一是意义认同--社会本位的"世纪波";二是形态复归--构筑价值载体的"同心圆";三是本体认知--价值转型、价值游离、价值接轨的"三级跳"等.  相似文献   
This article starts with a brief overview of the role of women in the workforce in the former USSR and contemporary Russia. Next, gender stereotypes in the human capital development practices of Russian companies are described. The article then presents the results of a study of the gender aspects of human capital practices (including hiring, evaluation, training and development, and promotion policies) in 60 Russian companies from nine sectors of the economy. It then reflects on some of the main features of gender issues related to human capital development in Russia. Most are determined by socio-cultural and psychological barriers in the social (public) and individual consciousness of managers and employees.  相似文献   
The intent of the present study was to assess the effects of discrimination training only and in combination with frequent safety observations on five participants' safety-related behavior in a simulated office setting. The study used a multiple-baseline design across safety-related behaviors. Across all participants and behavior, safety improved from 53% during the baseline phase to 74% during the training phase, and improved further to 89% during the training plus observation phase. The results show that both discrimination training only and in combination with frequent observations improves safety-related behavior with a medium effect size. The study also measured participants' accuracy of observation, which was the extent of their correct classification of safe and at-risk behavior. Participants' accuracy of observation was above 80% and had little correlation with safety-related behavior. Based on the various measures, conducting observations appears to serve more than a skill acquisition function for the safety-related behavior.  相似文献   
从实证分析角度,探讨作为一门基本方法论学科的统计学对经济学的影响和渗透。论述了经济实证分析的若干领域,运用统计分析技术的内涵和特征;表明了在社会经济复杂现象的各个方面,统计分析手段大有用武之地并将显示极强的生命力。  相似文献   
中国城市性别收入差距研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
迟巍 《统计研究》2008,25(8):54-58
本文利用三年城镇住户调查数据研究在不同收入水平的群体里性别收入差距的程度以及成因。研究发现在1980年代,性别收入差距程度较小并且在各个收入水平上类似。而到了1990年代以后,性别收入差距的程度有所扩大并且主要集中在低收入群体里。本文还发现在低收入群体里较大的性别收入差距主要是由性别歧视造成的。本文由此建议社会更加关注低学历、低收入的女性劳动者,保护她们的权利,该群体是劳动力市场上最弱势的群体。  相似文献   
江西流动人口规模的统计预测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据有关数据显示,江西省目前有300多万的流动人口规模,随着经济的发展,江西省的流动人口将趋于增长。文章利用统计预测方法,从三种不同的角度预测了江西省从2005~2050年的流动人口规模,并对如何加强其管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   
This article explores the work of clergywomen in the Church of England within an analysis of the Church as a gendered organization. We highlight the sex discrimination they often face, at the same time as satisfaction with their work and the need to follow their calling regardless of the difficulties. This is explained through an analysis of the significance of religious calling and the requirement for ‘sacrifice’ on their ability to endure their work and to challenge discriminatory treatment.  相似文献   
Since the introduction of the search design by Srivastava [Designs for searching non-negligible effects. In: Srivastava, editor. A survey of statistical design and linear models. Amsterdam: North-Holland, Elsevier; 1975. p. 507–519], construction of such designs has been considered by many researchers. The efficient performances of constructed search designs in terms of parameter estimation and search ability of parameters have also been investigated by several authors. They have proposed suitable optimality measures such as DD- and AD-optimality for estimation in the early stage of search design construction. Moreover, since 1990s, some criteria have been developed to evaluate search performance of a design. Although these criteria are useful none of them is able to evaluate both estimation and search efficiency of a design simultaneously. In this paper, we propose dual-task criteria to deal with searching and estimating performances of search designs. These compound criteria are weighted multiplication of estimation and search suitable criteria. They will be used for design comparison and the results will be presented.  相似文献   
We are concerned with three different types of multivariate chi-square distributions. Their members play important roles as limiting distributions of vectors of test statistics in several applications of multiple hypotheses testing. We explain these applications and consider the computation of multiplicity-adjusted p-values under the respective global hypothesis. By means of numerical examples, we demonstrate how much gain in level exhaustion or, equivalently, power can be achieved with corresponding multivariate multiple tests compared with approaches which are only based on univariate marginal distributions and do not take the dependence structure among the test statistics into account. As a further contribution of independent value, we provide an overview of essentially all analytic formulas for computing multivariate chi-square probabilities of the considered types which are available up to present. These formulas were scattered in the previous literature and are presented here in a unified manner.  相似文献   
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