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现代金融创新对凯恩斯货币政策有效性的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金融创新扩大了货币供给主体,使货币定义和计量复杂化,金融创新放大了货币乘数。同时,金融创新减少了货币需求量,改变了货币内涵和需求结构。金融创新从政策工具、中介目标、传导机制方面对凯恩斯的货币政策有效性提出挑战。金融创新降低了存款准备金机制的作用,削弱了再贴现政策的效用,强化了公开市场业务的作用。金融创新对利率、货币供应量、汇率等中介目标进行着影响。金融创新使传统的传导机制受阻。  相似文献   
保险代位求偿权作为保险法领域一项重要的法律制度,其要义是为了维护第三人的损害赔偿义务,确定保险人的保险赔偿义务以及防止被保险人的不当得利。传统的保险法理论认为保险代位求偿权是财产保险中的一项重要制度,笔者则认为,保险代位求偿权不应局限于财产保险,其适用的范围应是损害保险。损害保险包括财产保险和人身保险中有损害填补性质的保险。我国保险法对于保险代位求偿权的规定并不完善,实践中出现诸多问题,鉴于此,本文将把握保险代位求偿权的真正内涵,重点阐述现行立法有关保险代位权规定中存在的问题,并提出相关完善措施,以期对完善我国保险代位求偿权制度有所参考。  相似文献   
文章采集上证50综合指数及其成分股数据进行V/S长记忆性检验,实证发现:V/S方法具有较好的稳健性,但其计算复杂度较高,不适合处理海量的数据;采用日、周或月三种采样间隔所得到数据的检验结果有显著差异。增大采样时间间隔虽然可以减少数据量、简化计算,但将导致检验结论不一致;上证50综合指数检验结果与其成分股数据检验结果之间存在明显区别,由此可见,综指与其成分股的长记忆性判断不可混为一谈。实践中应谨慎对待V/S检验结果。  相似文献   
These common methodological problems affect the usefulness of pathological gambling (PG) treatment research: (1) Most PG etiological models derive from substance abuse; (2) Most PGs recover on their own and few seek treatment, so PGs in treatment studies may not be representative; (3) Data on treatment-seeking PG women, older adults, and minority group members, or on group, marital, and psychodynamic approaches to PG, are sparse; (4) Little research has examined the impact of comorbidity on PG treatment response; (5) Design deficiencies burden many PG treatment studies.  相似文献   
以因子统计方法分析语言测试中的构想效度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在阐述语言测试构想效度的基础上,以具体的语言测试及其因子分析结果为例,对语言测试是否能证实或解释某一理论构想进行分析,指出依据定量分析能有效提高语言测试试卷质量,并提出提高语言测试构想效度的途径。  相似文献   

The Performance Diagnostic Checklist-Human Services (PDC-HS) is an informant-based tool used to identify the environmental variables contributing to employee performance problems in human service settings. Although previous research has suggested that the tool is useful to identify an intervention which can be used to improve performance, no studies have formally examined the validity and reliability of the tool. In this study, we used video vignettes to assess the validity and reliability of the PDC-HS. We created three videos; each described a performance problem in one or more of the four PDC-HS domains. Twenty-one participants then watched the videos and evaluated the performance problem depicted using the PDC-HS. We measured the validity of the tool by calculating the percentage of participants who correctly identified the PDC-HS domain responsible for the performance problem. Two to four weeks later, we had participants re-watch the videos and complete the PDC-HS to obtain a measure of test re-test reliability. We also compared PDC-HS item responses across participants to evaluate inter-rater reliability. Results show that all participants correctly identified the problematic PDC-HS domain(s) in each video. PDC-HS validity values were above 93% across all three videos and domains; mean test re-test and interrater reliability values were above 95%. The results are discussed in terms of the preliminary nature of this analysis; although these data are limited by the amount and clarity of the information provided in the videos, this study represents a necessary first step in the assessment of the reliability and validity of the PDC-HS tool.  相似文献   
对专家评分员在无引导评分过程中的口头报告分析表明,语法词汇及表达、复述内容、流利度、语音语调这四个方面是英语专业四级口试故事复述任务的主要考察因素。按照由高到低的比例,依次是语法词汇及表达、复述内容、语音语调和表述流利度。因此,应将流利度纳入故事复述评分标准,避免仅将语音语调和语法作为故事复述评分的侧重点。同时,应该丰富和细化故事复述任务评分标准在优秀、良好、合格与不合格四个层级的描述,以提升评分的科学性、客观性及公正性,进而充分发挥英语专业四级口试在高等学校英语专业英语教学中的导向作用。  相似文献   
以有关阅读测试方面的理论知识为基础,讨论了目前CET阅读测试的改革内容和理论依据,认为新的CET阅读试题比原试题更能体现测试的真实性,提高了测试效度,但是今后还需进一步改进和完善。结合在一些大学非英语专业学生中展开的问卷调查统计数据,提出CET阅读测试在阅读材料的选择和阅读任务的设计上的进一步的改革构想。  相似文献   
Both the National Gambling Impact Study Commission and the National Academy of Sciences have evaluated the current state of gambling studies research in general while making specific suggestions for future efforts in the psychological and biomedical areas in particular. Recognizing the importance of evaluating the state of the field on a macro level, this paper considers and categorizes several decades of psychological and biomedical gambling research. By examining the number of references to gambling in two major bibliographic databases, quantifiable trends and observations are presented about gambling-related psychological and biomedical research. Two trends in particular are salient: the rate at which gambling-related articles are published in scholarly journals is increasing, and the plurality of these articles deals with issues of cognition and personality as related to gambling.  相似文献   
本文依据全国大学英语四、六级考试办公室提供的考后数据,对大学日语四级试题文字、词汇部分的难易度、区分度、误答率等问题进行了分析和研究,通过观察成功和失败的典型试题,探讨其原因,旨在通过科学的分析和研究,对试卷的文字、词汇部分做出客观的、公正的评价。同时希望能对教学现状提供精确客观的描述,加强考试的正面后效作用。  相似文献   
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