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This paper examines the entry of Asian immigrant women into a gendered labor market via government-funded job training programs. The focus is on the intake processing of clients into an employment training program operated by a community based organization. The study reveals that women's family responsibilities and the cultural capital they bring function to screen them into or out of training programs and ultimately shape their location in the workforce. The study thus draws attention to how race, class, and gender enter into the organization of Asian immigrant women into the labor market. This investigation is based in institutional ethnography (Smith 1987), a research strategy which displays how activities in a particular setting are coordinated with more extended forms of social organization. The study shows that the overriding concern with successful placement in a job as mandated by government regulations is a critical factor in selecting the women for these programs.  相似文献   
Women in many countries of southern Africa do not have majority status or have only recently gained this right. Majority status grants individuals adult legal status and the right to bring matters to court, own and administer property, have legal custody of children, and contract for marriage. This article summarizes the legal status of women in Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Lack of majority status contributes to the ongoing risk of poverty for women and makes them overly dependent on men. Compounding the situation in these countries is the presence of a dual legal system. Improving the situation of women and their families involves targeting changes in the legal system, influencing implementation of laws, educating women about their rights, and giving women needed support to seek their legal rights. The legal status of women must be viewed in the context of historical changes in the economic, educational, political, and cultural developments of society.The research for this paper was conducted during her previous faculty affiliation with the University of Michigan, School of Social Work. Her research interests include the impact of social change on women and families, rural mental health services, and health and mental health linkages. She received her Ph.D. from Rutgers University and her M.S.W. from the Columbia University School of Social Work.Her research interests are gender, work and family, culture and power, social transformations in rural and peri-urban communities, critical education, women and community politics, history of women, family and kinship issues, and community-based program development and evaluation. She received her M.S.W. from Dalhousie University, Halifax.  相似文献   
Mosler  Karl 《Theory and Decision》1997,42(3):215-233
Indices and orderings are developed for evaluating alternative strategies in the management of risk. They reflect the goals of reducing individual and collective risks, of increasing equity, and of assigning priority to the reduction and to the equity of high risks. Individual risk is defined as the (random or non-random) level of exposure to a danger. In particular the role of a lower negligibility level is investigated. A class of indices is proposed which involves two parameters, a negligibility level and a parameter of inequality aversion, and several interpretations of the indices are discussed. We provide a set of eight axioms which are necessary and sufficient for this class of indices, and we present an approach to deal with partial information on the parameters.  相似文献   
传统“警世”文学里,作家在表现人的基本需求时往往流露出既向往又恐惧的心态。这种向往与恐惧心态的交替或反复出现,反映出作家对于喜与悲、幸与不幸,对于历史、社会、人生的倏忽变幻的循环感,这使中国古典作家轻易地接受佛教的轮回观念。这种对于生命存在的不确定性的感受与表达,显示了传统“警世”文学的深刻与凝重。  相似文献   
This study assesses two competing theories about the extent to which homework—paid work in the home—helps integrate work and domestic roles for men and women. Contrasting male and female homeworkers with their counterparts working outside the home, it supports some aspects of both the resource and role overload theories, but predominantly the role overload perspective. Homeworkers, especially in the working class, experience less interference between job and family life, but perform more housework and child care. They have no more leisure time nor greater marital satisfaction than those working outside the home, but receive more family assistance with their paid jobs, suggesting that they combine tasks from their first and second shifts. Working at home does not break down gender roles in domestic life. Despite time saved from commuting, male homeworkers perform no more housework than comparable men working outside the home. Thus, the gender division of unpaid household labor is not simply a matter of resources or spatial logistics.An earlier version was presented at the meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society, Providence, Rhode Island, April 1991.  相似文献   
在全球卫生领域以大型会议为代表的国际会议外交已成为全球卫生治理的一种重要形式和载体。文章梳理了全球卫生治理中会议外交的两方面体现,一是以国际会议为代表的会议外交与全球卫生治理,二是以国家行为体为代表的会议外交与全球卫生治理,并进一步归纳了会议外交促成的全球卫生治理进程,包括多次会议促成了全球卫生安全的国际规则《国际卫生条例》,以及历经多年会议磋商促成了全球人口覆盖范围广的《烟草控制框架公约》。中共的十九大报告中对外交工作和健康中国战略有了明确表述,由此需要卫生与外交工作者审时度势、认清角色,通过会议外交表明态度,并以全球卫生会议外交为起点,促进国内立法接续。  相似文献   
党的十九大明确作出“坚持和加强党的全面领导”的重大政治论断,并把它作为新时代“党的建设”总要求的首要观点、坚持和发展中国特色社会主义“基本方略”的第一条提出来,这是中国共产党人进行党建工作的基本指导和根本遵循。新时代,正确把握坚持和加强党的全面领导的逻辑理路至关重要,因为这是我们党与生俱来和新时代历史使命的必然要求,是我们党带领人民战胜敌人的强大法宝和克服一切困难风险的定海神针;是执政党持之以恒正风肃纪和紧锣密鼓反腐惩恶的内在需要和客观要求。  相似文献   
湖南是原始拜火教的发源地和稻作农业的诞生地,也是炎帝族中心聚落的所在地,湖南才是炎帝文化的母体。中华炎黄研究会认为山西高平是炎帝故里的说法缺乏关键证据支持,因而难以成立。  相似文献   
近年来,在网络通俗小说创作中涌现出大量的拟古世情小说。这类小说往往以宏大的故事布局和对优秀女主人公的塑造,吸引了众多阅读者的目光。这些女主人公群像,不仅反映出汉民族文化传统的审美眼光,也寄托了根源于以家族、财富为中心的社会价值期待,还与当下价值评判体系中的女性群体的自我期许相吻合。这些拟古世情小说在完成言情小说的爱情故事构形和实现娱情的休闲功能以外,也因为广大阅读群体逐渐步入或即将步入中产阶层而发生相应的变化,重新赋予女性作为稳定家庭、增长财富、养育子女、传承家风的核心力量的社会意义,她们洁身自好,对爱情专一,勇于面对困难,乐于奉献,担当责任,胸怀宽广。这些新型的“高大全”形象,表达出女性主义的新倾向:女性的成长和幸福的获得,更重要的在于女性内在的精神力量,与传统的气节、操守有关的人格因素,以及家教和门风。这使得网络平台的民间话语表达,具有更为包容传统以及融合其合理因素的价值取向,也与当下主流意识形态遥相呼应。  相似文献   
随着中国单身人口比例的上升,单身人群特别是单身女性群体受到了社会各个层面的关注。目前国内对单身女性的研究主要通过深度访谈来探讨单身未婚女性的身心和生活状态,缺乏系统的理论观照,且访谈样本又大都局限于大城市的中产阶层单身未婚女性,因而限制了研究成果的代表性。从交叉性理论出发,分析中国单身女性面临的宏观(儒家文化和人口调控压力)、中观(媒体的形象控制和代际压力)和微观(性别歧视、年龄歧视和单身歧视)的多元交叉压力和歧视,厘清目前单身女性所受到的压力和歧视,从不同阶层单身女性的需求出发,才能为她们提供切实有效的帮助,并有助于解决目前我国单身人口比例上升的问题,缓解人口老龄化的压力。  相似文献   
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