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【正】今年6月12日,澳大利亚正式将一纸证明交给迈克尔和林迪,告诉他们:一只野狗将为他们的女儿阿扎利亚之死负责。此时,迈克尔和林迪终于可以长舒一口气,为了这一纸证明,他们足足等了32年。此前,阿扎利亚的死一直被归咎于其亲生母亲林迪。作为澳洲历史上最有名的婴儿,  相似文献   
近年来,国内学者对多模态隐喻的关注度显著提高,但电影中多模态隐喻的研究数量较少。因此,本文通过对电影《澳洲乱世情》中几处多模态隐喻的研究,试图寻找多模态隐喻对电影主旨体现过程中的作用。通过分析,作者发现电影主旨的展现离不开多模态隐喻,更要与电影的背景与观众的认知相结合。  相似文献   
正如果你选择在旱季去澳洲荒漠旅行,肯定会有人跟你说起那里的动物。而最不能不看的不是袋鼠也不是野牛,而是一种名不见经传的小动物——澳洲蹼鼠。在澳洲的西北部,人烟稀少。天空是无杂尘的蓝,蓝得干燥干脆;天空尽头泼辣辣地横铺开一片汹涌起伏的赭红,带着血液流动的气势,沉默中传递出深不可测的力度。此时,桉树的叶子已经落尽,都伸长了光秃秃的枝桠在烈  相似文献   
纯朴的澳洲人特别疼爱动物,鸟儿,袋鼠,树熊等小动物在澳洲绿色环境中自由自在地生活。形成了一个良好的生态环境,优美的大自然又滋润着纯朴的澳洲人。  相似文献   
澳洲淡水龙虾原产澳大利亚,是目前世界上最名贵的虾种。酷似海中龙虾。该虾体色褐绿,螯的外侧顶端还有一膜质鲜红带,美丽好看,有较高的观赏价值。它有六大特征:一是体大肥美,一般个体重100——200克,最大个体达到500克。二是生长  相似文献   
近日,一名澳洲车主因为所购Jeep屡出问题,返厂维修了5次未解决,该车主一气之下写了一首歌来讽刺Jeep是“柠檬车”。很多视频中将该曲译为《谁买Jeep谁傻缺!》,从视频网站出现到微博、微信朋友圈流传,最终新闻客户端推送,这个视频火了,却给Jeep带来难以想象的品牌危机。  相似文献   
澳大利亚是一块充满诱惑的大陆,直到上世纪中期,它仍然是一个令人相当陌生的地方。然而,当萨马兰奇宣布把2000年夏季奥运会主办权再一次授与这个幸运的国家时,人们有理由相信,澳大利亚已经发展、长大。兰天、白云、桉树、沙滩、袋鼠、考拉熊、  相似文献   
王宏宇 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):8-14,99-100
The post-Victorian anthropologist Baldwin Spencer was the first to investigate the central and northern aboriginal tribes of Australia. His ethnographic works in this area have greatly in-fluenced related disciplines and studies in fields such as kinship, totem worship, and primitive reli-gions. In the field of classics and anthropology, Spencer’s academic heritage has received wide-spread respect and recognition, and has made sub-sequent academic discussion possible. In order to present Spencer’s personal experiences and aca-demic ideas clearly and comprehensively, it is nec-essary to return to the post-Victorian context, and comb Spencer’ s life history and academic history. Taking important clues from various times an e-vents in his life, the paper introduces three peri-ods:Spencer’s early training in the discipline and his epistemic background, his medium-term eth-nographic investigations and works, and the later investigations of Tierra del Fuego. Textual study, based on Spencer’s life history and academic histo-ry, is very useful to understand his ethnographic investigations. Sir Walter Baldwin Spencer ( 1860 -1929 ) was born on 23 June, 1860 in Lancashire, Eng-land. Spencer was educated at Old Trafford School and at the Manchester School of Art. His interest in art and sketching was lifelong, and would reveal itself in his competence as a scientific draftsman and illustrator ( D. J. Mulvaney,1990 ) . Entering Owens College ( Victoria University of Manchester) in 1879, Spencer intended to study medicine. In-spired by Milnes Marshall, a disciple of Darwin disciple, he became a committed evolutionary biol-ogist, soon abandoning conventional religion. He entered the University of Oxford in 1881 to study
science under Professor H. N. Moseley, who com-bined an enthusiasm for evolutionary biology with ethnological interests. Spencer grasped Oxford ’ s diverse opportunities, which included lectures by Ruskin and E. B. Tylor. In 1887, Spencer ar-rived at Melbourne University . With his colleague Professor David Masson, Spencer helped to trans-form university standards and they co-operated as entrepreneurs of Australian science. Spencer was recruited as zoologist and photog-rapher in the 1894 Horn scientific exploration ex-pedition to central Australia. His anthropological interest was rekindled when he met F. J. Gillen, the Alice Springs postmaster, during the expedi-tion. In 1896 Spencer joined Gillen for the most intensive fieldwork then attempted in Australia. The Native Tribes of Central Australia ( 1899 ) , which resulted, was to influence contemporary theories on social evolution and interpretations of the origins of art and ceremonial practices. Spencer and Gillen drove a buggy from Oodnadatta to Borroloola in 1901-02 . Their research resulted in The Northern Tribes of Central Australia ( 1904 );Haddon had written that the names of Spencer and Gillen are familiar to every ethnologist in the world, and probably no books on ethnology have been so wide-ly noticed and criticized as have The Native Tribes of Central Australia and The Northern Tribes of Central Australia (A. C. Haddon ,1902). To assist the Government of the Common-wealth, Spencer was appointed Special Commis-sioner for Aboriginals in the Northern Territory, and also their Chief Protector. He also led three other scientists, including J. A. Gilruth, on the 1911 Preliminary Scientific Expedition. Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia (1914)
described his ethnographic observations and the ex-tensive collections made on the expedition. At the government ’ s request, Spencer visited Alice Springs and Hermannsburg in 1923 . He published The Arunta: A Study of a Stone Age People ( 2 vols, 1927 ) to respond to the criticisms derived from Carl Stretlow and defend his work. A popular rewrite of previous books followed—Wanderings in Wild Australia ( 2 vols, 1928 )—this time under his sole authorship. Spencer retired as emeritus professor in 1919 . His nerves and his judgments were impaired from the strain of continuous overwork, the virtual disin-tegration of his marriage, and he was finally hospi-talized in 1921 . His health improved and within two years he resumed anthropological activities and rebuilt his art collection. He sailed to Tierra del Fuego together with Jean Hamilton to undertake anthropological studies early in 1929. Spencer, with an unrivalled record of anthropological field-work in Australia, undertook this journey to fill a gap in our knowledge, and compare very different and remote races of mankind (A. C. H. ,1931). However, his gallant attempt was prematurely frus-trated by his death from angina pectoris, at which point he had been only two months in the field. His notes were organized and published as Spencer’s Last Journey (1931). His achievements were recognized. Elected as a fellow of the Royal Society in 1900 , he was ap-pointed C. M. G. in 1904 and K. C. M. G. in 1916 . Manchester University conferred him with an honorary doctorate of science, while Melbourne a-warded him a doctorate of letters. Exeter College, Oxford, elected him to an honorary fellowship in 1907 , and stained glass in its hall commemorates his contribution. James Frazer’s letter to Spencer in 1899 was prophetic: books like mine, merely speculative, will be superseded sooner or later ( the sooner the better for the sake of truth) by bet-ter induction based on fuller knowledge;books like yours, containing records of observations, will nev-er be superseded ( John M. Cooper, 1932 ) . Therefore, the sense and value of reading and un-derstanding Spencer and his books today goes with-out saying.  相似文献   
【文题设计】一位中国留学生刚到澳洲时,好不容易找了一份工作,然而招聘主管问他:“你有车吗?你会开车吗?这份工作没车是不行的。”为了这份工作,从未摸过方向盘的他不假思索地回答:“有,会。”“四天后你开车来上班”,主管说。四天后开车上班,这位中国留学生做到了。他借钱买了一辆二手车,第一天跟人学开车,第二天摸索练习,第三天歪歪斜斜开着车上了路,第四天竟开着车去公司报到了。今天,他已是“澳洲电讯”的业务主管。  相似文献   
澳大利亚一条名叫“丁基”的澳洲野狗具有令人称奇的“音乐天赋”,在过去8年中,它靠自己的“歌喉”挣到了至少7000英镑的“出场费”。  相似文献   
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