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For African American women, hair is a key site of identity formation and self-esteem that has been largely ignored by education researchers. Fifty-six African American women shared memories of negative hair experiences in school as a means to magnify the implicit injuries of racial and gender marginalization in educational environments. Memories consisted of hair shaming and suffering the consequences of hair damage, by way of classmate or teacher. Embarrassment and anxiety were the most frequently reported emotional reaction, resulting in participants’ discomfort in school and in their interpersonal relationships. Findings from this study suggest that hair bias represents a source of trauma and identity negotiation within school contexts. Critical Black feminist theories were used to frame the method and interpretation of participants’ reflective narratives. The insights provided through the narrative sample fuel recommendations regarding anti-bias teaching and school policy reform.  相似文献   

While there continues to be increasing research about Black male teachers’ school-based experiences, there is less empirical evidence on the variation in these experiences for this subgroup. Drawing on Kanter’s Theory of Numbers and Group Composition, the researcher used the qualitative method to compare the perceptions of Black male teachers in schools that employ just one Black male teacher versus schools with larger numbers of Black male teachers. A theory of social isolation in organizations is proposed to explain differences in the variation of school-based experiences for Black male teachers. When compared to Black men in schools with larger percentages of Black male teachers on the faculty, those Black men who were the only Black male teachers on their faculty were more likely to describe feeling socially isolated and disconnected from their colleagues.  相似文献   

This article engages with the understudied phenomenon of the ‘disinterested, denouncing’ diaspora state (Levitt, P., and N. G. Schiller. 2004. “Conceptualizing Simultaneity: A Transnational Social Field Perspective on Society.” International Migration Review 38 (3): 1002–1039. doi:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2004.tb00227.x) or ‘indifferent’ diaspora state (Ragazzi, F. 2009. “Governing Diasporas.” International Political Sociology 3 (4): 378–397. doi:10.1111/j.1749-5687.2009.00082.x). Focusing on U.S. citizens abroad, the article argues that there is negative diasporic outreach on the part of the state – ‘disinterested’ from the state's perspective, but ‘denouncing’ from that of the diaspora. Negative diasporic outreach is exemplified by the 2010 FATCA legislation, which sought to root out tax evaders resident in the U.S., but has, instead, affected millions of American emigrants through increased financial control and the repercussions of those policies, and has resulted in sharply higher citizenship renunciation figures. Impact on an American diaspora was not considered in the law's proposal, debate and passage into law. Second, the article argues that this negative diasporic outreach, in combination with the continued facilitation of the right to vote, is a reflection of the inclusion of these American emigrants in the American state, but their simultaneous exclusion from the American nation.  相似文献   
基于高校各学院科研绩效评估结果,运用波士顿矩阵模型将高校二级学院分为现金牛类、明星类、问题类、瘦狗类4种类型,提出各类型学院特点。根据不同类型学院特点以及高校所面临的实际情况,将高校未来的发展分为维持模式、发展模式、补救模式。在不同的模式下,以4类学院发展基础为依据,提出高校长期发展5种战略。从案例高校全局统筹角度出发,本着学校资源分配效益最大化目标原则,选择以发展明星类、问题类战略为主的发展模式,建立各二级学院每项资源投入指标改变量模型,并对各学院人、财、物投入提出调整性数据。强调校院二级管理必须立足学院发展,依据各学院考核评价等情况进行相应的教学、科研、人事、经费资源分配,以实现二级管理资源分配相对公平、有效。  相似文献   
近代江南史研究见证并参与了近代中国社会文化的变迁,相比上海、苏南等地,浙江近代文化史研究亟需进一步拓展与深化。以革命与事件、结构与认同、学人与学派等研究路径为线索,回顾浙江近代文化史研究的关键要素,应能展望今后研究的方向:去意识形态化、突破单向度思维,以多元视角阐释近代浙江的革命群体与事件;揭示近代浙江文化现象背后深层次的社会关系和权力关系、结构与心态、集体记忆与文化认同,进一步认知近代精英与民众、国家与社会的能动关系;浙江学人在近代学术流变中发挥承前启后的作用,学人学术思想的本意及其实践成为近代浙学重建的重要参考。运用整体视角综合事件、结构、学理,积极拓展史料与理论范式,深入发掘近代浙江文化的历史经验和内在脉络,将为探索中国原理提供有效的知识与思想资源。  相似文献   
回顾我国集体林权改革的主要进展,介绍产权四模式的主要观点,提出深化集体林权改革的思考和建议。研究发现,林权改革没有统一的格式,产权四模式总结了发展中国家林权改革的一些规律,可以为我国集体林改所借鉴;与其他模式相比,财产权模式对我国集体林改影响最大,明晰产权、提高效率一直是集体林改的目标;农业结构模式明确提出的市场机制可能带来产权不安全的问题需要引起重视;制度模式主张政府发挥产权改革的主导作用、制定法律法规巩固产权的主张对深化林权改革有重要借鉴意义;共有产权模式提出的保留共有森林资源为贫困人口提供"一席之地"的主张,为减贫和乡村振兴提供思路。在结束明晰产权主体改革任务之后,应将工作重点转向制定相关法律法规巩固产权改革成果、维护农户林权利益;在推动林地规模化经营中,要谨慎推进森林资源金融化,防止出现"代价高昂的不平等";充分认识集体林权改革的复杂性、艰巨性和长期性,将林改工作从工程式运作逐渐转向常规监管,加强林权管理。  相似文献   
高中英语新课程标准把"关注情感态度,提高人文素养"作为基本理念之一。着重探讨如何结合高中英语新教材,把培养和发展学生的情感态度融入到教育教学之中。  相似文献   
富兰克林以他的远见卓识认识到,向其他文化学习,对于美洲的人民来说,在把美洲建设成世界其他各地方仿效的样板的过程是十分重要的。在向其他文明学习的过程中,富兰克林努力从中国文明中汲取营养,用孔子的道德哲学来提升自己的道德修养,用中国的技术来提高美洲人民生活质量。他的这一努力为美洲文明的形成做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   
莫里森的批评论著《在黑暗中演奏:白色与文学想象》是作家对美国经典文学长期审视和反思的结果。通过分析白人经典作品中的非裔在场,我们可以揭示出“美国性”的本质和美国“文学白色”神话的炮制过程。如果将短篇小说《宣叙》与《演奏》并置,我们可以看到故事中的麦基其实是对后者所评述的美国经典文学中非裔在场的影射。麦基这个人物的再现是反射性的,与美国经典文学对非裔人物的再现如出一辙。二者的不同在于,故事揭示并最终反拨了人物再现的内在机制。《宣叙》对美国经典文学的观照,实质上是以隐晦的手法介入美国文学的经典辩论,传达了作者文化修正的愿望。  相似文献   
随着我国各种形式的中外合作办学项目的数量和规模不断扩大,海外学生党员的比例也越来越大。规范化、科学化地做好海外学生党员和入党积极分子的教育和管理工作已是当前和今后高校基层党建工作的重要内容。通过规范海外学生党组织建设,以"网络党建"为平台,开拓海外学生党建工作新模式,从而增强海外学生的向心力和凝聚力。  相似文献   
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