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城市经营是近几年来城市管理和学术研究中的热点问题,但众多学者和城市管理者在城市经营的现实基础、内涵本质、所遵循的基础理论和所面临的问题等方面并没有取得一致的意见。虽然城市经营表现出的形式多种多样,但其内涵和本质是以提高城市竞争力为目标;城市经营的理论基础可以从蒂伯特模型、政府再造运动和布雷顿竞争性政府的概念中去寻找;片面理解城市经营不但会造成土地等城市资源枯竭、加重企业和群众负担以及城市负债过度,而且极易诱发金融风险;要防止城市经营走入歧途,不仅需要彻底解决地方政府财权事权不对等的问题,完善城市管理的立法工作,还需要全面反思城市的土地经营思路,规范政府行为和市场秩序的重建。  相似文献   
《大公报》与南京政府初期之裁兵运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南京国民政府成立之后,随着北伐成功以及中国形式上统一,裁兵运动重新提上议事日程.<大公报>认为裁兵不仅反映了民众呼声,亦是救民众于灾难之中的一项重要行动,遂担当起舆论鼓吹的角色,为裁兵运动大声疾呼,力图促进各界人士共同推动裁兵事业取得应有之绩效或实质性进展.该报详细报道了裁兵运动发展的全程并连篇累牍地发表评论,比较全面地分析了此次裁兵的缘起及其失败的后果.  相似文献   
政府权威与社会公共利益   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
季燕霞 《学术探索》2003,(12):19-22
政府权威是社会公共利益的需要。在我国由计划经济向现代市场经济转变的过程中,社会利益的多元性和复杂性以及人们生存需求的多样化,都在更为深入的层面上对政府的社会秩序供给提出了新的要求,对传统的政府权威形成挑战。适应新的社会历史条件,强化政府权威,需要完善制度法规,限定权力,制衡权力,监督权力,推进民主化进程,增强社会凝聚力。  相似文献   
中小企业的发展,在推进国有企业改革、解决下岗职工再就业、增加财政收入、搞活城乡经济和加快小城镇建设等方面发挥了不可替代的作用。在我国中小企业的发展中,长期存在着一些制约其快速发展的因素,迫切需要政府构建和完善中小企业支持体系,以推动中小企业的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   
This paper adds to the literature by shedding new light on the causes of corruption. Specifically, we provide evidence on the extent to which corruption might be contagious. In other words, what is the extent to which a demonstration effect is at play at inducing corrupt acts? Using state-level U.S. data over the 1995–2004 period, the results show that the effect of neighboring corruption is positive and statistically significant in all cases, implying that corruption does appear to be contagious. Specifically, a 10% increase in corruption in neighboring states appears to increase corruption in a state by about 4–11%. Of the different types of government activity, the size of defense and non-defense federal sectors in a state seem to have opposite effects on corruption, with the former contributing to corruption and the latter serving as a deterrent. The size of the state and local governments does not seem to be relevant. Of the variables controlling for detection and punishment of corrupt individuals, greater corrections employment reduces corruption, while greater judicial employment seems to increase corruption. Changes in the police force do not seem to have a statistically significant impact. These findings generally hold when we control for the disproportionate effects of the Washington, DC area and when a pooled data set is estimated. Contagion effects are also found for other crimes. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   
无论从城市人口变化还是城市空间变化角度观察,以上个世纪90年代中期为界,中国的城市化都经历了两个不同的阶段。90年代中期以来的城市化是以地方政府经营土地使用权为内在动力的空间城市化过程,这一机制是由一系列土地法规催生形成的。这一城市化机制的主要问题在于:它无意于解决人口城市化中跨省市流动人口的异地城市化问题;它造成空间意义上低效率的假性城市化;更为重要的是,它造成了具有宏观影响的土地金融风险。本文基此认为,应该制定相关政策调整和规范地方政府策动的空间城市化机制,规避其产生的问题,通过激励设计促进城市化在机制与目标方面的协调。  相似文献   
自隋炀帝开通运河之后,漕运成为历朝历代统治者所重视的一项内容。延续到了清代,更是被称为“三大政”之一。清中叶以后,清朝的封建统治日益腐败,世风日下,萎靡不振,漕政也是弊病丛生,已严重威胁到京师的粮食和财政供应。有着“干国良臣”美誉之称的陶澍,为了打通这条大动脉,维系清政府的正常运转,在“经世致用”思想的指导下,通过裁汰冗员,删除浮费;严禁包漕,严格制度;治理运河,疏通河道;另辟新径,漕粮海运等措施,对漕政进行了大刀阔斧的改革,并且取得了明显的成效,给后世留下了深远而广泛的影响。文章试以陶澍漕政改革为中心,做一些探讨。  相似文献   
Despite the importance of public relations within local, national, and international government organizations, government public relations (GPR) is still an understudied field in public relations research when compared to its corporate and nonprofit counterparts and has been critiqued for lacking theoretical development (Liu & Horsley, 2007). To present the accumulated knowledge about GPR, this study used content analysis and bibliometric network analysis to systematically review 155 articles published in key public relations journals from 1976 to 2021. Our findings illustrate the status of GPR scholarship in terms of publication trends, authorship, research contexts, research topics, theoretical knowledge structure, methodological approaches, and ethical considerations. Findings suggest that GPR is a fast-growing field attracting international and multidisciplinary scholarly interests; yet has not been clearly defined and theorized. With strong theoretical roots in relationship management, GPR has the potential to develop context-relevant theories capturing the distinctive relational dynamics in various government communication situations. This study proposes a work-in-progress definition of GPR, identifies critical research gaps, and suggests future research directions to assist GPR in developing into a distinct and promising subfield of public relations research.  相似文献   
This research adds to the literature on gender and corruption, with the main contributions lying in the comparison of the relative influence of women in the legislative versus the executive branches of the government on cross-country corruption. Placing the empirical analysis within the context of the determinants of corruption, results, using data over a large sample of nations covering the years 2018–2020, show that it is women in the legislative branch (via membership in parliaments) that exert a downward pressure on corruption. On the other hand, women in the executive branch (captured via female heads of state and female cabinet ministers) did not exert a statistically significant influence on corruption. Such insignificance also held when an overall index of women’s political empowerment was used and with respect to the longevity of women’s suffrage in a nation. Interestingly, nations with quotas for women’s political participation experienced greater corruption. Our quantile regression results uniquely show the sensitivity of the prevalence of corruption to the factors driving it. These findings provide additional insights into the role of women in government - women across the board in government will not necessarily lead to a “cleaner” government, and that, the institution of quotas to bolster women’s participation in the political process is not advisable, at least when corruption reduction is a goal.  相似文献   
网络问政已经成为政府执政的重要补充方式,且作用日益显著。本文界定了网络问政的内涵,分析了网络问政的三种主要形式,并进而对政务微博的发展概况和运用中的关系把握做了尝试性探讨。  相似文献   
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