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This article focuses on individual perceptions that shape migration decisions and investigates how the process of migration or settlement itself is framed by a variety of personal considerations. It is a comparative study of Polish female migrants in Barcelona and Berlin who moved for the sake of economic and educational opportunities, because of family reunification and formation considerations (‘move for love') – as well as other reasons. It is argued that the factors influencing women's decisions about continuous mobility or settlement are negotiated within social, cultural and economic transnational spheres and exchanges. In most cases, Polish women formed families with foreigners or Polish migrants in the host countries which contributed to their settlement decisions. Complex perceptions of life abroad juxtaposed with previous experiences and present ideas about life in Poland also influence decisions to move or settle. It is argued that the specific cultural, intellectual, economic and professional capital as well as the potential of these privileged EU migrant women accounts for their opportunity to choose and their specific freedom to make migration related decisions. A balancing of premises related to life-projects in both localities is an important aspect of the gendered experience of migration within Europe. It also brings attention to individual agency in a globalized world. The study is based on ethnographic research in Barcelona and Berlin that has been conducted since 2010.  相似文献   
自由主义者以赛亚.柏林与社群主义者查尔斯.泰勒都认可自由是重要的价值规范,但前者把自由看作是免于外在干涉的个人的选择自由,后者则把参与自治看作是自由的实质。二者自由观的差异体现着自由主义与社群主义之间的本体论差异,即个人与社会何为本原的差异。自由主义认为应当依据个人的性质来解释社会的行动、结构和状况,应当依据个人的善来解释社会的善;而社群主义则认为应当依据社会来解释构成性的个人,应当依据社会的共同善来解释个人的善。  相似文献   
伯林认为马基雅维利在《君主论》中解释基督教道德与历史上伟大人物取得赫赫功业的手段之间的道德冲突问题时,无意中揭示了一个根本的问题,即价值多元。由此,伯林认为这一道德困境不是同一道德体系下的困境,而是两套道德体系之间的矛盾。在此基础上,伯林阐发了他的价值多元论,并引入消极自由和积极自由这一对概念来解决上述道德困境。但是,通过两套道德体系的理论不足以消解这一道德困境,而且也不足以证成价值多元论。消极自由与积极自由的提出对解决道德困境的伦理标准的选择于事无补,反而容易陷入相对主义,使问题变得更加复杂。  相似文献   
本文试图通过比较米歇尔·福柯和以赛亚·伯林处理癫狂、非理性、理性、消极自由、权力、强制等相似难题中表现的各自特点,说明当代思想家在反省自近代启蒙以来人类"他者事业"面临的艰难困境,进而讨论罗蒂、德里达、罗尔斯、德沃金等人在解答福柯-伯林难题时提供的不同解决方案,探讨在挽救"非理性"事业中采取与居于主导地位的"理性事业"相协调的温和而宽容的策略的可能性.  相似文献   
威廉姆·冯·洪堡的大学观述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“德国现代大学之父”威廉姆·冯·洪堡自19世纪初在德国大力推行教育改革,他的教育改革和大学观是现代大学确立的基础和范式,他主持创建的柏林大学可谓是现代大学的范本和蓝本。他关于大学完善人性的目标职能以及自由和寂寞原则的阐释在当代大学建设过程中依旧具有重要的指导意义,如防止大学功能过于功利化、市场化,平衡教学与科研的比重,促进科技发展与社会进步等。但当代大学面临着更多新的挑战,洪堡模式不能照搬。  相似文献   
Silence appears frequently in discourses of the Holocaust – as a metaphorical absence, a warning against forgetting, or simply the only appropriate response. But powerful though these meanings are, they often underplay the ambiguity of silence’s signifying power. This article addresses the liminality of silence through an analysis of its richly textured role in the memorial soundscapes of Berlin. Beyond an aural version of erasure, unspeakability, or the space for reflection upon it, I argue that these silent spaces must always be heard as part of their surrounding urban environment, refracting wider spatial practices and dis/order. When conventions are reversed – when the present is silent – the past can resound in surprising and provocative ways, collapsing spatial and temporal borders and escaping the ritualized boundaries of formal commemoration. This is explored through four different memorial situations: the disturbing resonances within the Holocaust Memorial; the transgressive processes of a collective silent walk; Gleis 17 railway memorial’s opening up of heterotopic ‘gaps’ in time; and sounded/silent history in the work of singer Tania Alon. Each of these examples, in different ways, frames a slippage between urban sound and memorial silence, creating a parallel symbolic space that the past and the present can inhabit simultaneously. In its unpredictable fluidity, silence becomes a mobile and subversive force, producing an imaginative space that is ambiguous, affective and deeply meaningful. A closer attention to these different practices of listening disrupts a top-down, strategic discourse of silence as conventionally emblematic of reflection and distance. The contemporary urban soundscape that slips through the silent cracks problematizes the narrative hegemony of memorial itself.  相似文献   
伯林自由理论的内在困境及其出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伯林自由理论的基本致思取向是以多元论对抗一元论.然而,由于他严格区分自由与自由的条件,坚持自由条件的任何改善都与自由本身无关,结果客观上把自由与其他价值观如知识、平等、民主等绝对地对立起来,在自由与其条件之间挖下一条不可逾越的鸿沟,致使其自由理论陷入内在困境,出路在于把自由本身重新置于自由的条件这一实际前提之下.  相似文献   
1948-1949年发生的第一次柏林危机是冷战史上的重要事件,而美国应对危机的空运行动则是世界军事史上的奇特现象。美国采取该行动既是出于自身文化传统中"特殊使命观"影响下的维护"国家声誉"的诉求,也是由于受到冷战决策困境的制约。从行动成效上看,空运对美国组建西德国家计划的顺利展开、遏制苏联战略的实施以及国家软权力的提升都起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   
柏林教学论模式的核心思想是教学设计需充分考虑人类心理学条件和社会文化条件,而外语学科的内容和形式应顺应社会生产力、文化发展和人才市场的需求而不断进行调控、改革。本文以此为理论依托,从综合英语课程设置的角度探讨新型外语专业课程的发展思路,以期给综合英语课程建设与改革一定的启示。  相似文献   
文章以1989年柏林墙倒塌这一历史转折为背景,分别对德国转折文学的定义、代表作家和作品以及转折文学的主要特点进行了分析和总结,同时还简要阐述了转折文学所反映的转折后德国的社会风貌以及转折文学给德国社会生活带来的深远影响。  相似文献   
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