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程歗  谈火生 《文史哲》2003,(1):136-143
讨论 190 0年极端情境下中国基层社会天主教教民的信仰状态及其文化含义有其独特的学术价值。这种经由灵魂意识、神功崇拜和身体观念所表达的信仰状态 ,具有基督教教义和中国乡土文化诸要素交错互动的特色。它表明激烈的拳教冲突并非两种信仰体系的绝然对立 ,而是在不同程度上反映了冲突双方根植于政治和经济事实的对于本土文化资源的分别解释和重塑。  相似文献   
冯永朝 《阴山学刊》2009,22(2):18-22
萧红是中国现代文学史上具有成熟的女性意识的女作家之一。她以独特的女性视角和女性情味,书写着从自然存在到社会存在到精神存在均受到男权社会的压迫、歧视、侮辱和摧残的处于社会最底层的中国农村妇女的历史和命运,展示了她们在严酷的自然条件和恶劣的社会环境中为了活下去所遭遇的痛苦不幸,所付出的惨重的身心代价。  相似文献   
从先秦到魏晋,人的身体在历史的场景中一直是缺席的,人们赋予了自我的身体以太多的文化内涵和历史意义,即过于关注人的精神的发展,而对人的身体的另一面——肉体和欲望关注不够。这种情形从先秦经两汉,一直到魏晋时期,人们的身体才终于走出了历史的黑暗之域,其自身的自然属性才得到人们的关注。随着历史的变迁,人对自我身体的理解也大致经历了三次变化,即,从文化意义上的身体到精神和肉体俱被双重奴役的身体,再到欲望的身体。  相似文献   
潘志国 《社会工作》2008,(12):55-56
建设社会主义和谐社会,必须加强社会管理体制的建设和创新,建立健全党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与的社会管理格局,明确社会管理格局中党委的领导核心地位、政府社会管理的职能定位、社会组织的协同功能、公众参与的积极作用,以整合社会管理资源,推动“多中心主体”社会治理。  相似文献   
Objectives: the aim of the paper is to provide an overview of the literature published 2005-2015 on sexual satisfaction and body image in older adults. Method: A narrative literature search using the PsycINFO database was conducted. Results: Although women in general seem less satisfied with their bodies than men, particularly in sexual contexts, older women appear to be less vulnerable to body-related dissatisfaction than younger women. Despite the age-specific dynamics of sexual satisfaction and sexual well-being, which parallel age-related decrease in the frequency of sexual activity, research findings from different countries show that substantial proportions of aging men and women are satisfied with their sex life. There is some limited evidence that this proportion may be increasing across cohorts. Gender differences in factors that influence sexual satisfaction among older adults appear marginal. Conclusion: Older age can affect sexual satisfaction on individual, interpersonal, and culture-related levels. Future research in older adults' sexuality should focus on sexual well-being in women who are without partners, sexual satisfaction among aging lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and couples, the relationship between religiosity and sexual satisfaction, and employ a comparative, cross-cultural approach.  相似文献   
This paper extends the program evaluation literature by investigating intra-household externalities generated by a reproductive health program, administered as a quasi-control experiment in rural Bangladesh. Although the program targeted only mothers and children in randomly selected treatment areas, using a reduced form demand approach and data from Matlab Health and Socio-economic Survey of 1996, we found a significantly positive spillover impact of this reproductive health program on the health of the never-targeted elderly women.
Anoshua ChaudhuriEmail:

Anoshua Chaudhuri   is an Assistant Professor of Economics at San Francisco State University, California. Her research studies the impact of health and social policy on household outcomes with particular focus on the health of elderly and children. She teaches courses in Health Economics and Economics of Gender and Family.  相似文献   
一个价值网关联的协同电子商务解构模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
盛革 《南开管理评论》2007,10(6):105-109
从管理学角度简明了价值网的基本含义,描绘了协同电子商务的网络结构,分析了二者的关联统一性,继而探讨了价值网关联的协同电子商务解决方案及设计范式,并从理论上刻划了其解构模型,以期为联盟体中新型管理平台的再造或重构提供理想范式.  相似文献   
随着商业文化、大众传媒的迅猛发展,一直隐匿于私人领域深处的身体,开始了几乎无需遮掩的向公共话语空间展示的过程,成为当代审美文化场景中最为突出的主题意象之一。这一风潮成功地穿越了大学的围墙,影响了当代大学生的身体审美,形成了他们特定的趋向和特点。深入地分析当代大学生身体审美的生成背景、发展趋向和特点,从思想和实践层面对大学生加强引导,不断地提升大学生对时尚文化甄别能力和欣赏品位,这是当前高校大学生文化建设的当务之急。  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the effects of social media consumption on body dissatisfaction and negative affect using ecological momentary assessment, a method of assessment over time in the participants’ naturalistic environment. Participants: Woman college students (N?=?30) from a large public university participated in the study in Fall 2015. Methods: Participants were contacted via their smartphones five times per day for five days and asked to complete a battery of measures which assessed social media use, body dissatisfaction, and negative affect. Results: Results demonstrated that the number of social media sites visited was a significant predictor of body dissatisfaction while time spent using social media was not. The number of sites visited and time spent on social media were both significant predictors of general negative affect, sadness, and guilt. Conclusions: Results demonstrate the negative impact that social media use can have on body dissatisfaction and negative affect.  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(12):1749-1763

This article explores the idea that the AIDS epidemic constituted a defining moment for the Canadian gay rights movement and illuminates the intricate power dynamics of the development of a community identity. Using grounded theory inductive and deductive content analysis, and interviews with activists from the Body Politic magazine, this article considers notions of health “from above” and “from below” by examining relations between the community and government and their confrontation with medicalization and the medical profession. I also examine how the magazine reported and negotiated issues related to the community’s self-policing and “self-managed oppression” through efforts to promote safer sex and risk reduction.  相似文献   
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