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当代环境伦理学家为人类保护环境确立了不同的伦理定位即生态中心主义和人类中心主义,本文认为环境保护应该坚持人类中心主义,人是最终目的,只有这样才能为环境保护提供伦理基础。  相似文献   
抗战时期,大后方文化人对抗日战争作出了不可忽视的贡献。文化人对抗战的贡献主要表现在三个方面:唤醒民族觉醒,宣传、动员民众参加民族解放斗争;实现文艺大众化的质的飞跃,创造繁荣的抗战文化;推动大后方的民主进程。当下文化人的重要作用更是越来越充分地显示了出来。  相似文献   
改自北曲杂剧的南戏《小孙屠》,其用韵沿袭了南戏的押韵特点,如支微与鱼模通押,真文、庚青、侵寻通押,先天、寒山、桓欢、廉纤、监咸通押。韵部的分合接近宋词18部,如齐微与支思合为一个韵部,这与宋词18部相同,而先天独立为一个韵部则与之有异。《小孙屠》中没有单独押入声的曲子,入声字一律与阴声韵的字相押,这可能与改自北曲有关。其入声字的归属与《中原音韵》大致相同,只有个别入声字的押韵不同,这种不同属于方音的音近通押。  相似文献   
2010年4月23日至26日,中国中外文艺理论学会第七届年会暨文学理论前沿问题国际学术研讨会在扬州大学召开。与会代表提交了150余篇论文,涉及当代马克思主义文艺理论形态建构、文学理论走出去与本土化、文学本质与知识化、文学理论与当代文学实践、中国古代文论及西方文论研究的前沿问题等众多专题。本次研讨会内容丰富、观念多元,在一种总结、反思、对话的学术氛围中达成了诸多共识,取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   
作为晚清最早以个人身份访问法国的近代知识分子,王韬详细考察了法国的经济、军事、文化、教育等各个方面,在游记《漫游随录》中以细腻、生动而又深刻的文笔记载了在法国的所见所闻,把法国以真实可感的形象介绍到中国来,对当时国人了解法国大有帮助。在普法战争爆发、欧洲社会发生巨大变动的历史时刻,他及时撰写了《普法战纪》、《重订法国志略》报道战况,介绍法国普鲁士的历史地理情况,开阔国人的视野,为国人睁眼看世界提供了一面镜子,对当时渴望了解世界的中国知识分子产生了积极的影响。在当时的历史条件下,他当然承袭了前人对法国的—些看法,但是,由于他有游历法国的亲身经历和编纂法国志的经验,所以,他又极大地发展、推动当时国人对于法国的认识。   相似文献   
中国改革开放的新时期,先后处于世界"冷战"、"后冷战"时代。中国审时度势,锐意改革进取,既为世界冷战的终结作出了历史性的贡献,同时也发展壮大国力,摒弃了旧有的"中国模式"理论话语。中国式改革使自己摆脱了苏东剧变引发的"多米诺骨牌效应",由此也兴起了有关"中国模式"的初步探讨。尽管在"后冷战"时代,西方国家"冷战思维"阴魂不散,"中国模式"论的兴起仍凸显世界融解的信息。其与中国威胁论的交错杂糅,又凸显了国际背景的复杂艰辛。有鉴于此,中国学者有关"中国模式"的探讨更应注重与海外的学术博弈。  相似文献   
While the populations of the Central Asian successor states are extremely heterogeneous on many indicators, the issue of rural or urban residence is consistently important in terms of differentials in population growth, socio-economic status and public health. In this paper I focus on rural population trends in Kazakhstan, Kyrghyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. I explore the relatively disadvantaged position of rural inhabitants as well as regional variations within the rural population. The differentials in fertility and mortality rates and the large projected population increases indicate that future policy interventions and data collection efforts should incorporate a specific focus on rural areas.  相似文献   
1937年对日全面抗战开始后,国民政府主张抗战与建设并重。在金融方面,对政策进行了一系列调整,在战前经济金融政策的基础上,国民政府制定实施了战时金融统制政策,在此过程中邮政储金汇业局的经营发生了深刻变化。作为四联总处下属的“四行二局”之一,邮政储金汇业局在战时的金融体系中占有举足轻重的地位。通过利用中国第二历史档案馆馆藏的邮政储金汇业局、四联总处等机构的资料,重点分析邮政储金汇业局在抗日战争时期的经营活动。这不仅有助于我们了解抗战时期国民政府经济金融政策实施的过程及成效,也可以清楚地认识到邮政储蓄在抗战金融体系中的地位和作用。  相似文献   
The performances of urban growth management are often criticized because their original objectives are frequently inconsistent with local development facts. Underlying the many reasons for this are the political and institutional contexts that influence policy-making and development activities. The urban fringe, a zone is managed to against urban sprawl in many countries, represents the conflicts between urban management system and local development resulting from political transformation. This study examines the case of decentralised-concentration strategy, one of the most important metropolitan growth management in Beijing since the 1990s, and sheds some lights on the performance of the growth management in the transformation context. The results suggest that the aims of municipal growth management to concentrate developments in urban fringe have partly been achieved through actual local developments; however, some unexpected and illegal local developments outside the planned areas are counterproductive from the perspective of municipal growth management. The performance of the present growth management is being challenged by new trends towards political decentralisation and locally fiscal responsibilities. In the interest of future policymaking, the dominant central planning system in Beijing should take these decentralisation trends into growth management account, compared with the great progress in decentralisation in economy system. The urban policy needs to shift from the dictatorial manner and put more efforts into creating a harmonious relationship between municipal growth management and actual local demands on development.  相似文献   
This article aims to examine the pertinence as well as the limits of the just war theory in order to apprehend the ethical issues raised by contemporary forms of political violence. Terrorism is undoubtedly an extreme case of political violence that puts to the test the theoretical and practical relevance of jus ad bellum and jus in bello principles. From a sociological point of view, it appears necessary to understand contemporary terrorism within the historical evolution of armed conflicts and under the light of current research devoted to the concept of ‘new wars’. Although I will argue that just war theory does not sufficiently take into account current studies on the empirical features of contemporary wars, it is nonetheless possible to salvage the theoretical and practical relevance of just war theory in a more specified sense. From a philosophical point of view, the goal of this article is to confront the theoretical and practical relevance of just war theory with the current body of research in the field of the sociology of war in order to assess both its limitations and its potential scope.  相似文献   
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