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已于2011年4月1日正式施行的《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》从我国实际情况出发,改变了以往我国国际私法立法体系分散、法律规定不明确、相关制度规定不科学的状况,进一步完善了我国涉外民事关系法律适用制度。无论在立法体系,还是在编排体例、相关制度方面该法都体现了“两点论”的指导原则和影响,既充分借鉴了当今世界国际私法制度的先进理念,同时又从中国经济发展的实际情况出发,一定程度上体现了中国特色。  相似文献   
无近亲属或近亲属不明的受害人被伤害致死,其生前所欠医疗费、护理费、交通费、住宿费的债权人,得向加害人行使具有物权性的追偿权;有权接受其遗产者得提出误工费、死亡补偿费赔偿;料理死者后事者享有丧葬费等费用请求权;与受害人间无法定权利义务的扶养人、被扶养人有权享有属于遗产部分的请求权.死亡赔偿是加害人必须承担的责任,国家接受死亡赔偿具有正当性,民政部门作为请求权人具有妥当性.立法建议民政部门接受赔偿后,代为支付上述费用后,所余归国家所有.  相似文献   
作为人工智能产品的重要代表,民用无人机的广泛应用在增加社会生活便捷性的同时,给公民隐私安全也带来了前所未有的风险与挑战。对此,有必要结合民用无人机的运行特点,总结归纳民用无人机侵犯公民隐私权的法律特征,即侵权主体的双重性、侵权手段的隐蔽性和侵权方式的短时性。在此基础上,全面梳理我国民用无人机隐私侵权行为的法律规制现状。国家及地方性法律法规对无人机等相关名词规范的定义,以及驾驶人员审核登记、实名制登记管理、无人机适航管理、空中交通管理、无人机飞行空域、市场准入等问题已有规制,但在实际应用中仍存在诸多漏洞,尤其是对公民隐私权保护性规定的缺失。具体问题主要包括法律位阶较低,顶层设计不足,现阶段国家层面的法律可对无人机进行规制的仅有《民用航空法》一部,但该部法律中并没有能够直接适用于无人机的条文;部门推诿严重,监管体系不明,法律虽明确规定无人机飞行管理工作的最高领导机构为国务院和国家空管委,但双方的职能界定与权责划分依旧模糊;针对公民隐私权保护、无人机管控和无人机空域管理的法律真空明显,实践中可操作性较差等。在合理吸收域外先进立法经验的基础上,结合我国国情,提出完善我国相关法律制度的对策建议:...  相似文献   
This article discusses why national civil society organisations (CSOs) use or abstain to use the participatory opportunities that the EU has developed in the last years. This is done by analysing the role of French and Spanish civil society groups in the debates on participatory democracy during the drafting and the referendum debates of the European Constitution (2002–2005). The paper departs from existing assessments of the role of national civil society in the Convention and demonstrates that national organisations built on their expertise on certain EU policies, on access to EU-level political actors and on contacts and alliances with other CSOs. It also differs from previous studies in finding that participation does not entail sharing the interpretive frame promoted by the EU. The finding that access opportunities do not fundamentally influence the frames of the organisations is related to their ability to strategically choose to participate in European and national venues. The paper finds that because of their scepticism on the constitution's participatory framing, French organisations preferred a stronger role at the national level, whereas Spanish organisations did not have real incentives to develop a campaign at the national level. While it is expected that dialogue with CSOs can contribute to bridging the gap between the EU and its citizens, this paper finds that the institutional setting provided incentives for national organisations to get involved only in one of the levels rather than to link them.  相似文献   
罗斯福政府并没有给予黑人真正的"新政",也没有为促进黑人民权的发展采取重大举措。但是罗斯福政府在大萧条时期所采取的救济措施,以及联邦政府扩大对黑人知名人士的任命,使黑人看到了民主党统治下的联邦政府可以成为黑人争取民权的工具。罗斯福"新政"也因此改变了多数黑人在政治上的政党选择,对日后美国的政治生活和黑人争取民权的斗争产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
适者生存——简析《飘》的主题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文拟就长篇小说《飘》中的四大主角在南北战争爆发后的不同反应和命运,展开主题讨论。斯卡利特与雷特代表了一种新的价值观念;而梅拉尼与阿什利则代表了一种旧的价值观念。在新旧观念的碰撞中,只有适者生存。这一生存原则在我们所处的这个社会转型期和时代转折点有其现实意义,因为在社会转型时期,社会竞争加剧,人们感到了前所未有的生存压力以及精神危机。  相似文献   
Among the various educational models in Latin America that seek to increase parental participation in schooling, perhaps the most far‐reaching is the experiment with self‐managed schools. These are publicly funded schools administered by parents. Broad public powers, such as the capacity to decide the budget and make staffing decisions, are given to parents, many of whom have had very limited prior administrative experience. How does this policy innovation impact on civil society? Does parental participation in school administration empower participating citizens or strain civil society? There are various ways of answering these questions. This article looks at some possible ways to conceptualize and assess the relationship between parental participation in self‐managed schools and civil society. The article draws from the experience of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, where these reforms have advanced significantly since the 1990s.  相似文献   
本文对陕西省土建类高层次人才需求状况和需求特点进行了调查分析 ,并在此基础上提出了培养土建类高层次人才的建议 ,以期为陕西省高等教育主管部门制定有关政策和决策提供依据  相似文献   
当前 ,开展公民道德教育 ,推行《公民道德建设实施纲要》的关键是要落实与加强公民道德教育的层次性。我国现阶段出现道德失范现象的主要原因就是道德教育层次性的不力 ,甚至缺失。因此 ,应从道德教育目标层次、内容层次、方法层次等角度入手 ,以求道德教育取得显著效果 ,使《公民道德建设实施纲要》得到切实贯彻落实  相似文献   
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