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外汇市场冲击与国内资本市场波动的关联机理解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用三元VAR-GARCH(1,1)-Asymmetric-BEKK模型,解析了汇市、股市和债市间的关联机制。结果显示,汇市对股市和债市有显著的均值与波动溢出,而股市和债市对汇市仅有波动溢出,且汇市对股市的溢出效应大于对债市的溢出。基于新闻冲击曲面的分析揭示了资本市场对汇市冲击呈明显的非对称性。为此,政府应将金融市场开放度的扩大与资本流动的监管相结合,构建针对资本市场风险的多层次测度与监控体系,并完善资本市场的制度架构,增强信息披露的有效性。  相似文献   
文化全球化作为人类历史发展的客观进程,是一个长期的、不均衡的复杂过程。中国要全面构建和谐社会,实现中华民族的伟大复兴,离不开先进文化的支撑。从考察文化全球化的特征入手,探究其成因,展望其发展趋势,有利于我国文化发展战略的制定和实施。  相似文献   
毕飞宇的文革记忆深刻影响了他对世界、人生的体验,从而影响了他的小说题材、主题和叙述方式,使之呈现出后现代小说的特征和“气质”。毕飞宇一直热衷于创作文革题材与准文革题材小说。一方面,对权力的体认和解构成为小说中最常见的主题;另一方面,他的小说常常运用“戏仿”修辞和“反讽”的叙事方式。  相似文献   
自伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德注释《古兰经》起,《古兰经》注释便逐渐发展成为伊斯兰文化体系中举足轻重的传统学科——主释学(‘ilma1-tafsir)。注释学历经两大时期形成并完善:口耳相传时期——枞先知穆罕默德时期到再传弟子时期;文字记载时期——始于阿拔斯王朝早期,结束期不得而知。注释学的发展以及涌现出的大量学术成果,彰显出历代穆斯林阐释《古兰经》微言大义的学术动态,反映了伊斯兰文化学术的纵深发展。  相似文献   
文化财产是人类的宝贵财富,但饱受武装冲突的摧残与破坏。国际社会早在1899和1907年海牙公约体系中就规定了保护武装冲突中文化财产的规则。迄今为止,1954年海牙公约及其两个议定书,1899和1907年海牙公约中的相关规定,以及1949年日内瓦公约及其1977年附加议定书中保护文化财产的专门条款,构成了武装冲突中文化财产保护的国际条约体系。近些年的实例表明,虽然文化财产在武装冲突中仍然遭到破坏,但是,在武装冲突中更为尊重和保护文化财产是其主要发展趋势。  相似文献   
This study describes the implementation of three evidence-based treatments addressing traumatic stress symptoms within a wraparound foster care program in Illinois. Child–Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), and Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS) were implemented with a racially diverse sample of youth ages 3–18 at six agencies. Culturally sensitive adaptations were made to treatment approaches to improve client retention and outcomes. Data analyses revealed no racial differences in retention in the program and no differences in outcomes between minority youth exposed to the intervention and other participants. All three evidence-based treatments were effective in reducing symptoms and improving functioning among minority youth. Implementation issues, including challenges and culturally competent accommodations, are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper identifies interrelationships between evidence-based practice (EBP), radical structuralism, and culture, arguing that culturally-specific beliefs and norms should be integrated into evidence-based, cross-cultural partnerships within child and family service systems. A single case study of family advocate training in evidence-based practice is provided as an illustration of, and impetus for, the development of a format for use with community-based and ethnically-diverse parent/family advocates. The lessons learned from teaching evidence-based practice to a parent advocate in a particular child welfare service system are highlighted. The use of enhanced roles for social workers and indigenous social capital and resources, such as family advocates as allies, is recommended to help achieve a greater degree of accountability, cooperation, and core understanding in the use of EBP. By training racially-diverse foster parents as mental health advocates to work collaboratively with policymakers, community groups, and family participants, proponents of EBP will reach and benefit more diverse populations.  相似文献   
This study applied a cultural divergence approach to examine online marketing interactivity and corporate public image on corporate websites. It analyzed different online strategic communication of corporate websites from two different nations—the United States and China. Results indicated that U.S. corporations were more likely to highlight online marketing interactivity and social responsibility, which integrated marketing and public relations as their online communication strategy. Chinese corporations provided more online spaces for the consumer–consumer interactions and emphasized corporation-oriented information.  相似文献   
中日因文化背景、对事物的看法以及思维方式的不同,在语言表达上有很大的差异.日本人因其集团意识使然,在语言表达上也有内外之别,即便对同一个人有时用敬语,有时又不用敬语.其他在探病、家庭成员间称呼、爱情表白等方面中日之间均有较大的差异.  相似文献   
运用计量分析方法,对我国1994—2009年外汇储备与货币供应量M2、外汇占款及基础货币的相关关系进行实证研究,结果表明,双顺差引致外汇储备的大量增长是导致M2增长的原因,外汇占款已经成为央行供应基础货币的重要渠道之一,而国际收支双顺差最终会造成货币政策的有效性降低。  相似文献   
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