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老子的哲学思想以"道"为核心,以"道法自然"为框架,以其独特的方法探讨宇宙本原、治国方法、生命奥秘、人生真谛,在中国思想史上占有极重要的地位,对后世影响深远,特别是在唐代,更是备受推崇。著名思想家柳宗元以严谨的态度,挖掘出老子哲学思想中的许多积极因素,并在深刻领悟的基础上,将其融入自己的思想领域,丰富了自己的哲学思想。  相似文献   
德国浪漫哲学意义深远,但却长期不为汉语学界所了解。有人认为直至近几年有关论著的翻译出版,方才填补国内研究空白。事实上早在1980年代中期即有评述专著《诗化哲学》发表。该书论述了浪漫哲学批判理性主义,强调感性个体生命,主张审美主义,重视存在与价值,以及体验、想象、情感、直观等感性生命现象,还有对爱的关注等方面特质。  相似文献   
賭徒參與賭博其實質有如消费者購買一項商品。只不過這項商品較為特殊,它不僅具有娛樂功能(效用),而且還包含風險和不確定性。風險(事件)具有令參與人的財富意外增加或減少的作用。所以愛好風險的人會參與賭博,而不喜愛風險的人若預期從風險事件中獲得足夠多的風險溢價(Risk premium)也願意參與一博。不確定性具有吸引人類不斷研究、探索、進步的一種魅力。  相似文献   
目前,学术界对以人为本的精神实质和理论边界的讨论,不能不涉及到马克思哲学中的人学理论,从讨论的情况看,许多人仍然对马克思哲学的人本主义理念存有误解.其实,以人为本是马克思哲学的本质规定,马克思创立的唯物史观,本质上就是以人为本的历史观和发展观.以人为本是马克思哲学的核心价值观和科学性之所在,历史唯物主义是彻底的人本主义.但在马克思哲学视域中,以人为本具有自己的特殊意义和性质.  相似文献   
During the past two decades, child welfare professionals have given kinship care priority as the preferred least restrictive, most family-like placement option when a child has to be removed from his or her family. However, the available literature lacks investigation into what factors drive the decision to use kinship care, specifically an understanding of why some children are diverted from child welfare system (CWS) into unpaid kinship arrangements while other children enter the traditional foster care system. This study uses baseline (Wave 1) data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being II (NSCAW II), which provides information about children and caregivers in different types of kinship care. The data were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression based on the multiple imputed data files using NSCAW II weights. Results show important predictors of a child being diverted into private kinship care included the child’s age, caseworker’s educational background, and caseworker’s assessment of harm level. Important predictors of a child being diverted into voluntary kinship care included the maltreatment type, family structure, caseworker’s educational background, and caseworker’s assessment of risk level. Differentiating between the types of kinship diversion has important implications for practice and policy. Examining a variety of factors can help child welfare scholars develop a comprehensive understanding of the decision-making processes used in selecting kinship diversion for out-of-home placements.  相似文献   
在中国现代哲学界 ,张岱年是逻辑分析方法的积极提倡者 ,罗素、穆尔和金岳霖等人的逻辑分析方法思想深刻地影响了他。早在 2 0世纪 30年代初 ,张岱年就对什么是逻辑分析方法、逻辑分析方法的对象、逻辑分析方法与辩证法和直觉方法之间的关系等问题做了深入细致的探索。同时 ,他又积极地在中国哲学史研究领域和自己的哲学思想创建中熟练地运用逻辑分析方法 ,来剖析中国哲学概念的含义和建立自己的哲学思想体系 ,试图把逻辑分析方法和唯物论结合起来  相似文献   
波斯伊斯兰文化在中国伊斯兰文化结构中占据着重要的一面,其中的苏非主义哲学,对中国回族穆斯林哲学思想产生了重要影响.本文在系统分析明清之际中国回族穆斯林知识分子发起的"以儒诠经"的文化运动及其代表性人物刘智、马注、马德新哲学思想中的苏非主义因素的基础上,提出了云南马注、马德新的伊斯兰哲学中充满了波斯苏非的"万有单一论"思想,他们的"万有单一论"哲学,在中国回族社会的传播中,作出了特别的贡献.云南是苏非哲学与中国儒家哲学融合与传播的重要中心.  相似文献   
论“以人为本”科学发展观的哲学内涵   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
党的新一届领导人提出了“以人为本”的科学发展观,实现了党在发展观上的与时俱进。这种发展观包含着发展、联系,人的本质属性及人民群众是历史的创造者等丰富的哲学内涵,反映了社会主义的本质要求,进一步深化了对社会主义建设规律的认识。  相似文献   
The recent focus on the intangible resources of the organization in general, and specifically the notion of knowledge, has problematized the notion of organization. Rather than seeing organizations as systems that integrate the use of all kinds of physical, financial and human resources, the knowledge‐based view (KBV) of the firm and knowledge management literature emphasize the organization as a site for the development, use of and dissemination of knowledge and other forms of intellectual resources and assets. KBV and knowledge management literature also address the notion of knowledge as such; is knowledge what can be represented by concepts, figures, and statistics, or are there qualities inherent in knowledge that cannot easily be described, disseminated, or procured? The notion of tacit knowledge has been used to denote all forms of knowledge that cannot be represented: knowledge that cannot be fully articulated, expressed in formulas or described in documents. This paper aims to provide a critique of the notion of tacit knowledge as it is used in KBV and knowledge management literature. It examines the notion of tacit knowledge through the philosophy of Henri Bergson and concludes that the notion of tacit knowledge is little more than an umbrella term for unrepresentable knowledge. Thus, the notion of tacit knowledge should be used with care rather than being a residual category of knowledge.  相似文献   
This paper is an investigation into the philosophy and the history of the social sciences. Some philosophers of the social sciences have suggested that a key feature of the natural sciences is their capacity to create phenomena, and that the social sciences do not meet this criterion. We suggest, to the contrary, that the social sciences can and do create phenomena, in the sense of new ways of describing and acting that have been used to produce all sorts of effects. Like the natural sciences, the social sciences create their phenomena through the procedures that are established to discover them. But the creation of phenomena is a complex, technically difficult and contested process and its success rare. Historically, this argument is developed through a case-study of the development and evolution of public opinion research in the USA and Britain. We argue that by the 1950s public opinion produced a version of the world that had entered 'into the true'. Special attention is given to technical considerations in the development of public opinion research, especially the genealogy of a particular research technology, that of the representative sample. Whilst we are not concerned with demarcation criteria, we argue that there are some important differences between the social and the natural sciences; that the former have a less concentrated 'spatial mix' and a slower 'tempo of creativity'. None the less, in this particular case, the social sciences have played a key role in the creation of opinioned persons and an opinionated society.  相似文献   
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