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张久清 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》2004,30(2):92-94
邓小平的民主理论,是邓小平在长期的社会主义建设实践过程中,对社会主义民主理论的发展。只要坚持党的领导,坚持使民主制度化、法律化,循序渐进地推进民主,不断丰富和发展邓小平的民主理论,我们就一定能够建立起一个高度民主、法制完备、富有效率的政治体制。 相似文献
刘芳 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2010,55(5):135-139
民主革命时期,国民党以孙中山的三民主义为基本信仰,但并没有真正树立起为民众谋利益的理念,在实践中也不能满足人民的基本经济需求、尊重人民民主权利,党员只为谋个人私利而非党的利益,致使腐败丛生,因而日益失去人心遭致在大陆的失败;共产党则以"全心全意为人民服务"为根本价值理念,着力于满足民众最基本的生活需求,努力保障和争取人民民主权利,并保持了密切联系群众、廉洁奉公的优良作风,因而得到了人民的真心拥护和支持,最终战胜国民党而执掌全国政权。 相似文献
戈尔巴乔夫推进的激进改革,用西方的片面"民主化"取代苏共传统的民主集中制,进而走上了"自由化"的不归路,将苏共和苏联引向了自杀道路。社会主义政治改革以"公开性"和"民主化"作为手段有着合理性,但问题在于戈尔巴乔夫将"公开性"和"民主化"推至了极端,将手段当作目标。戈尔巴乔夫对苏联民主集中制的破坏,留下了惨痛的历史教训。 相似文献
五四运动中的统一战线是中国新民主主义革命统一战线的开端 ,它是由新文化运动统一战线和爱国运动统一战线所组成的 ,范围是极其广泛的 ,是在矛盾运动中向前发展的 相似文献
朱晨遐 《华北水利水电学院学报(社会科学版)》2009,25(2):114-116
法律监督作为民主监督的最高形式,是指用法律形式规范民主监督的目的、内容、形式、原则、程序,实现民主监督的法律化。法律监督是社会主义法制建设的基本要求,是民主监督健康发展的基本保证,是我国民主政治建设的重要目标。加强和完善法律监督,就要树立依法治国理念,增强公民法律意识;建立健全法律体系,保证监督有法可依;强化权力监督制约,营造法律监督氛围。 相似文献
2012年台湾地区领导人大选以国民党人马英九成功连任落幕,民进党大佬苏贞昌随即提议“修改‘台独’党纲”。民进党近年来在某种程度上逐渐调整“台独”党纲,呈现出走“中间化道路”的趋势,这既是其自身发展的需要也是大陆和国际局势发展的要求,“中间化道路”有利于民进党的壮大,也有利于稳定台海局势,维护两岸人民的共同利益。 相似文献
Zdravka Georgieva Dimitrova Isabel Álvarez Vispo Sophie Dowllar Ogutu Havin Guneser 《Globalizations》2020,17(7):1310-1323
ABSTRACT In the current political situation - with the crisis of democracy, shrinking civic spaces and dominant repression along with the rise of right-wing political movements, the current article aims to show the powerful roles feminisms play in the struggles of social movements. It focuses on the aspect of power, domination, authority, neoliberal forces and systems of oppression in order to propose alternative models based on concrete experiences from the ground of anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-patriarchy actions. Stories from Rojava, Kenya, and the Basque country; interviews; and literature review are used to show how women's efforts to achieve a balance of power and inclusion in decision-making is shifting the models of leadership, forcing changes in law and putting women at the centre of social movements by advocating for a change in social relations. All these interconnections propose a process of democratization as a tool for radical social change by delivering decision-making back to women and people. 相似文献
中俄对朝鲜半岛的政策同大于异,在政策目标和基本内容上,中俄具有很多一致性;在政策的演变过程与限制因素方面,两国间又存在差别.中俄朝鲜半岛政策的相近是两国在朝鲜半岛问题上战略协作的基础.两国在朝鲜半岛问题上的协作是东北亚局势发展的需要,也是为了减少中俄间矛盾,促进两国关系全面发展的要求.尽管面临挑战,但中俄在朝鲜半岛问题上的战略协作前景乐观. 相似文献
J. A. Diemel D. J. M. Hilhorst 《Development policy review : the journal of the Overseas Development Institute》2019,37(4):453-469
Since the early 2000s, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the international community have initiated a reform process in the artisanal mining sector to break the linkages between mineral extraction and violent conflict. Research on the reforms reaches different conclusions about their impact on conflict, governance and livelihoods, and usually focuses on one aspect of the reforms, accepting the objectives of the policy at face value. This discourse analysis of the objectives of reform policies aims to understand how they represent the problem, the solutions they envision and their proposed plans. The study applied the method of interpretive policy analysis to four policy documents issued between 2010 and 2012: the UN Group of Experts report, the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict‐Affected and High‐Risk Areas, and the International Conference on the Great Lake Region (ICGLR) Regional Certification Mechanism (RCM) Manual. The study finds that the policies hinge on two seemingly commensurate objectives, varying between conflict‐free sourcing and promoting peace. We find that, in reality, these objectives may not align. We also find that much reform practice is geared towards conflict‐free sourcing, and is far less appropriate when it comes to promoting peace. This includes the tendency to implement the policies in conflict‐free zones, their narrow scope, the reliance on the government and their indifference to the impact of the reforms for poor miners. The findings suggest that exercising due diligence has become a goal in itself. This raises the question of whether giving buyers a clear conscience and developing a traceable and conflict‐free product has received more attention than improving the situation of the Congolese population. 相似文献
Chris Allen 《Social movement studies》2013,12(5):639-646
ABSTRACTIn response to 2017’s terror attacks in Britain, the Football Lads Alliance (FLA) and latterly, the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) were formed. Self-described as street-protest movements that encourage rival ‘football firms’ to reject acrimonious hostilities to unite against the Islamist extremism and extremists it believes are threatening Britain, its culture, values and way of life. As new incarnations of the British counter-jihad movement, this article affords new insights into how the movement and constituent parts are dynamically identifying and mobilising behind an increasingly diverse range of identities and socio-political issues. Contributing new knowledge about the FLA and DFLA, neither of which have been subjected to scholarly inquiry, this article makes a timely contribution to an embryonic scholarly canon. Contextualising the counter-jihad movement, this article explores how ‘football’ afforded the FLA and DFLA with a shared identity around which to mobilise. Highlighting how this is different to other far-right and counter-jihadi groups, their ideologies and activities are explored in relation to their establishment, support base and function. In conclusion, this article positions both groups within an ‘identity-oriented’ paradigm of new social movements as a means of offering new understanding and explanation. 相似文献