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This article seeks to determine which role Jacques Derrida’s notion of messianicity without messianism (1993) plays within the contemporary discussion of the value of the messianic tradition for political theory. My point of departure is the belief that Benjamin’s, Taubes’, and Badiou’s antinomic approaches to the issue of justice oversimplify some aspects of law. Is there a real need to abrogate the law? I also claim that even Scholem, Rosenzweig, and Lévinas, who believe that a certain law, namely divine law, serves to overcome natural law, fail to provide a consistent account of the interaction between law and justice. This paper is an attempt to demonstrate, firstly, that a messianic narrative that develops a way to achieve justice without needing to turn to transcendence can be found in Agamben and Derrida. And secondly, that they also provide the most complete understanding of the law. They base their arguments on a subtle distinction between the laws in force – which in their messianic narratives must be surpassed – and the force of law, a force that keeps its validity but is not translated into concrete laws [Geltung ohne Bedeutung]. Yet while Agamben considers that even the force of law must be overcome in order for justice to arrive, Derrida says it constitutes the most redemptive stage to which we can aspire. I compare their messianic narratives and claim that Derrida seems to offer a more substantial strategy – not completely exempt from problems, though.  相似文献   
"上帝存在"命题是西方哲学争论的焦点,集中体现人文学科思想精髓的交锋.文章在概述笛卡儿的正方论点的基础上,综述了罗素的反驳和福尔斯的调和论.并从解构主义的角度出发,从能指和所指分离入手,解构了上帝在语言上的存在,分析了"上帝存在"命题的多角度走向.  相似文献   
论德里达解构主义语言哲学观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德里达的解构主义是20世纪后期整个西方后现代思潮最为重要的组成部分,它颠覆了以逻格斯中心主义、语音中心主义为别名的西方理性主义。德里达解构主义的语言哲学观从根本上消解语音中心主义高于书写的思想和传统逻各斯中心主义二元对立观,认为语言意义系统是开放性的,语言结构是不稳定、不明确的,语言写作不是一个封闭稳定的实体。德里达解构主义语言哲学观对我国翻译学界有着深刻的影响和启迪。  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between critical distance and the idea of proximity. In times that are often described as ‘global’, ‘24/7’, ‘connected’, ‘networked’ and ‘immersive’, distance seems ever reduced and proximity omnipresent. The contemporary impression of ubiquitous proximity might constitute a threat to the survival of critical distance understood either as a cornerstone of enlightened and humanist critical practice or as a key metaphysical ‘technology’. The resulting ‘crisis of critical distance’ produces the question of how to position oneself with regard to the ‘other’ in a time that lacks distance and privileges proximity? In tracking the ambiguity (or the ‘aporia’) that surrounds proximity – the desire to be near and the need to maintain a distance – this article rereads some key Heideggerian and Derridean texts in order to attempt a deconstruction of the opposition of distance and proximity at work in the ‘metaphysics of presence’.  相似文献   
德里达在《马克思的幽灵》一书中回答了马克思主义观的基本问题。他指出马克思主义就是共产主义,是发展的、异质的、批判的理论,是强大的精神支柱、科学的方法论和正确的指导思想。所以要认真地学习研究马克思主义,在批判、继承的基础上消化、吸收和发展马克思主义,理论联系实际,反对用中立化的态度对待马克思主义。  相似文献   
有学者指出,德里达晚年翻译思想发生了重大的转变,其《何谓“确当的”翻译》一文便是佐证。然而,德里达并没有将所谓“‘确当的’翻译”视为翻译的标准或本质。围绕莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》中“When mercy seasons justiee”(当慈悲调剂着公道)等的翻译,德里达旨在以隐喻的方式阐述翻译中对原文的“忠实”是个陷阱,提出一切可译又不可译的悖论以及翻译即改写等观点。  相似文献   
德里达马克思主义观的发展是一个动态而复杂的历史过程。第一阶段从1967年到1975年,德里达与马克思主义保持着一种外在的、谨慎的关系。第二阶段从1976年到1993年,德里达对马克思主义从解构走向同构,从怀疑走向肯定。第三阶段从1994年到2004年,德里达坚持马克思主义研究,关注现实问题,关于马克思主义的认识日趋稳定。德里达马克思主义观对当今世界产生了深远影响,有助于了解西方马克思主义研究,对于坚持科学的马克思主义观具有参考价值。  相似文献   
德里达马克思主义观的发展是一个动态而复杂的历史过程。第一阶段从1967年到1975年,德里达与马克思主义保持着一种外在的、谨慎的关系。第二阶段从1976年到1993年,德里达对马克思主义从解构走向同构,从怀疑走向肯定。第三阶段从1994年到2004年,德里达坚持马克思主义研究,关注现实问题,关于马克思主义的认识日趋稳定。德里达马克思主义观对当今世界产生了深远影响,有助于了解西方马克思主义研究,对于坚持科学的马克思主义观具有参考价值。  相似文献   
德里达的“幽灵政治学”以苏东剧变后的时代现实为背景,以马克思的异质性遗产为阐述主题,以祛除现实政治的苦难为宗旨,架构起理想与现实之间的桥梁,体现着特定的伦理意蕴。马克思“幽灵”内蕴着政治伦理的追求,是复数的亡魂。德里达从马克思“幽灵”的政治伦理精神中提炼出了正义,作为我们应该秉持的价值法则,并认为“追求正义”,是我们建构理想生活的现实选择。  相似文献   
只要资本幸存一天,马克思就是批判理论无法超越的地平。德里达的解构主义作为一种激进的批判叙事,与马克思的理论交集集中体现在三个层面:强调历史的生成性和开放性;对资本主义现实的激烈批判;对人的解放的积极憧憬。然而,在上述论域的关键理论质点和政治立场上,德里达完全异质于马克思的逻辑场域,这给我们两点启示:一要坚持历史唯物主义的“基础-主导”方法论范式,全面理解资本主义的当代变化;二要对马克思主义理论生产的旨趣和边界保持清醒的意识。  相似文献   
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