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年画的历史渊源及其发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年画是我国传统的民间艺术形式,是中华民族乃至世界文化的重要组成部分,随着时代的变迁和社会的变化,这一曾盛极几个时代的民间艺术逐渐走向了衰落。但是随着时代的发展和人们对于传统文化的重新认识和审视,年画作为一种优秀的俗文化品类很有可能在将来的社会发展过程中变化其审美形式和艺术样式,向具有传统年画装饰意义的新艺术式样蜕变,成为一种新的符合时代要求和社会发展的年画艺术。  相似文献   
在实现马克思主义中国化第二次历史飞跃的过程中,无论是历史和逻辑的起点,还是历史的逻辑和逻辑的历史,都昭示了邓小平理论作为马克思主义中国化第二次飞跃的理论成果,其形成和发展是一个复杂的逻辑与历史、理论与实践、主观与客观矛盾统一的过程。具体考察这一过程中理论逻辑和历史逻辑的内在关系及其相互转化的机制,探讨邓小平理论逻辑的风格和个性特点,有利于我们更深刻地认识和把握马克思主义中国化第二次飞跃过程的一般规律。  相似文献   
冯友兰先生的哲学思想在中国近代哲学思想中占有非常重要的地位,他的“三史”和“六书”影响广泛,他的“新理学”体系,是对宋明理学的继承和发展,他的人生境界说,还有融入其中的中西文化观,对中国哲学发展的思考无不表明冯友兰先生是一位伟大的哲学家和思想家。将2005年学术界关于冯友兰哲学思想研究的论文作一综述,以纪念冯友兰先生诞辰110周年。  相似文献   
皮锡瑞《经学家法讲义》稿本的内容及其价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保存在《师伏堂经学杂记》中的一组经学文稿,是近代经学大师皮锡瑞晚年讲授"经学家法"课程时所编讲义原稿。这部《经学家法讲义》手稿对先秦至魏晋的经学变迁与得失作了简明扼要的疏理和评述,描绘出魏晋以前经学历史的基本轮廓,其中的新见卓识,更显示出这部隐秘至今的经学遗稿的学术价值。皮锡瑞还在稿中自道其"郑学"研究,有助于今人全面体认他融通今、古文经学的学术品性,确证他决非专治今文家言的经师。  相似文献   
陕西眉县杨家村发现西周窖藏青铜器21件,其中达盘铭最长,达372字,是研究西周历史化的重要资料,对单氏家族及中国家谱发展史、成康时期民族问题的研究有重要意义;同时也为西周晚期铜器断代提供了标准器,将宝鸡各地出土传世的青铜器串联起来,对于研究杨家村遗址及周原的性质有重要作用。  相似文献   
张钧成先生是我国著名的林业历史学家.该文从林业史学科建设、林业史研究概况、中国古代林业通史、中国古代林业思想和传统文化、林业科技史和经济史、近现代林业史等研究领域,概述了张先生的学术成就,并回顾了张先生高尚的人生哲学和宝贵的治学经验.张先生的研究成果和治学经验,为我国林史学科的发展奠定了基础.  相似文献   
The development of a Municipal Information System, or currently better known as a local spatial data infrastructure, is considered complex due to the required inter-institutional relationships. In many developing countries Geographical Information Systems (GISs) are introduced but the benefits are modest as no changes take place in technical and organisational structure of organisations. Digital databases and computer-aided design (CAD) maps are mushrooming in great variety within different private and public institutions, municipal organisations and even within single departments and with structures similar to the paper period and thus operating on a stand-alone basis.Many national mapping agencies are not able to provide large-scale digital urban base maps, while the absence or low quality of cadastres makes those basic core data sets unavailable or inaccessible. The result is that duplication and incompatible data are frequently observed and also donor-driven stand-alone projects have a limited impact through the lack of institutional embedding and are not able to mature from the project to the institutional level. However, a positive sign is that there is an increasing awareness among data producers and consumers that investments in the development of digital data sets should be combined to reduce costs and increase benefits from especially GIS, and information and communication technology (ICT) in general.Within Trujillo a long-term vision was developed to make full use of ICT and GIS to modernise all operations of the Municipality to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its tasks. However, large investments are not feasible due to the very limited municipal budgets. To guarantee the support of the municipal council, short-term results are required. This paper describes three ‘products’ as part of the vision to develop through a step-by-step approach a local spatial data infrastructure for Trujillo.The three, rather different, products are:
1. fiscal cadastre, to increase municipal revenues through property taxation;
2. an ‘environmental atlas’ based on a compatible spatial and attribute data sets from a variety of organisations; and
3. a municipal website with interactive GIS and meta data information.
The paper concludes with some comments on the institutional and political requirements for the successful development of a local spatial data infrastructure and stresses that such an infrastructure is not a product but an incremental development process that will progress only in case such a process is simple, cost effective, user-friendly, and flexible with clear products.Political interest and institutional stability and genuine interest for inter-institutional cooperation will add much to the success of this process.  相似文献   
清代评论者对钗黛形象的理解与阐释,是<红楼梦>无限发展的接受链条上的第一环,他们对钗黛形象的理解,在很大程度上奠定了后人理解的基础;他们对钗黛形象理解的丰富性和差异性,以及在评论过程中流露出的强烈的主体心态,其背后复杂的原因值得我们探究.  相似文献   
辛亥革命准备时期,资产阶级革命派的宣传活动家以及一大批富有爱国心的知识分子,为教育民众、唤起民众、发动民众,挽救民族危亡,纷纷运用史学这一有力武器,以革命“排满”、反帝爱国为宗旨,以大量的历史事实为例证,大力宣传民族革命主张,大力宣传反帝爱国思想。这种对国民广泛进行的历史教育,为开启民智、鼓舞民气,促进民主革命思潮的广泛传播,为中华民族的觉醒发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
20世纪中国文学已经走完了它的全程 ,并完整地展现在我们的记忆与案头。纵览 2 0世纪中国社会思潮的发展进程 ,可以看出 :从“人文主义精神”到“社会主义思潮” ,再到世纪末“现代主义理念”的“生、住、异、灭”的嬗变演进 ,这些决定了 2 0世纪中国文学的整体走向 ,也使传统“现当代文学史”分期理论与编史叙述的本质缺陷清晰地暴露出来 ,从而有力地支撑着“2 0世纪中国文学”编史叙述的基本构想。  相似文献   
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