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We extend research on the effects of religious ecologies by examining the role of religious ecologies in intergenerational socioeconomic mobility. We do so first by providing a theoretical framework addressing the diverse cultural influences of religious traditions and their impact on intergenerational mobility. We argue that certain otherworldly orientations among conservative Protestants suppress mechanisms of upward mobility, and that there are meaningful distinctions between sub-groups of conservative Protestants (evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals). An analysis of county-level data from the recently released Equality of Opportunity Project and the Churches and Church Membership Survey is used to empirically examine the relationship between religious ecologies and intergenerational mobility. Findings suggest distinct effects of different religious groups on intergenerational mobility. These results demonstrate the importance of accounting for the ecological impact of religion on social mobility in the United States and challenge the conceptualization of conservative Protestants as a monolithic group.  相似文献   
义和团运动爆发后,德国新闻媒体纷纷指责基督教新教士的中国传教活动;针对这种指控,德国新教传教士一方面极力为自己的所作所为进行辩护,另一方面也试图找出引发义和团"暴乱"的"真正"原因;他们把所有的责任和罪过都归咎于中国和中国人,并以此论证西方列强对华政策的"正当性"和"合法性"。  相似文献   
What Protestant congregations offer spaces for worship and dialogue among persons with different sexual orientations? The academic literature finds or assumes that non-heterosexuals are stigmatized or invisible in theologically conservative congregations and are welcomed in progressive, affirming congregations. This article develops an alternative claim that some conservative or evangelical congregations offer attractive spaces for non-heterosexuals to worship and dialogue. We illustrate with an exploratory study of four congregations in South Korea—two theologically progressive, two evangelical—whose pastors welcomed everybody regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The “inclusive-evangelical” congregations retained conservative theology on sexuality (sexual relations only within heterosexual marriage) but offered more empathic dialogue with non-heterosexuals than did most evangelical congregations; they also provided more resources, conventional religious culture, and ties to traditional affective networks than the affirming-progressive congregations. Inclusive-evangelical congregations offer an institutional venue for non-heterosexual Christians in Korea to potentially reconcile three central values: conservative Christianity, traditional (Confucian) affective networks, and expressive individualism.  相似文献   
《新教伦理与资本主义精神》的现实意义评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为什么现代科学和工业革命没有在中国首先发生?对于这个问题有很多人表示疑问。《新教伦理与资本主义精神》一书可能是从社会学方面探索这一问题的典范。学习和借鉴本书的社会学分析方法,珍惜和重视中国传统文化,将国家文化精髓内化为全体国民的共同认知,并将其外化为国际符号,促进这种价值观念被国际社会普遍认同。  相似文献   
新教共和国是宗教战争的产物.它并非是一个全国一统的国家实体,散落于各地的新教"政治会议"是其存在的外在形式;以一方诸候的大贵族为中心的军事武装是其存在的支撑;新教教义中的"人民主权"思想和组织形式中体现出的宪政思想是其政治理念.它虽然是一次资产阶级的宗教革命,然而大贵族在运动中决定性的领导地位是其特征.这一特征与资产阶级和王权要求一致的国家统一的历史趋势相背离,决定了共和国失败的命运.  相似文献   
宗教改革是继文艺复兴之后又一次思想解放运动,宗教改革的年代是欧洲资产阶级力量上升的时期,它的发展对西欧社会进步产生了巨大的推动作用,引发了思想观念的变革,为社会转型奠定了思想基础。从根本上说,宗教改革是一场在宗教外衣掩护下,新兴资产阶级反对封建统治的政治变革。从思想观念变革及其对社会发展作用的角度看,宗教改革为资本主义民主核心精神的形成与发展提供了土壤。  相似文献   
翻译和出版书籍,是美国新教传教士在华的一项重要文化活动。这些活动为近代中国人睁眼看世界,接触、比较与吸收西方现代文明的成果提供了一定的物质手段,并加速了中西文化交流的进程。但任何一种历史现象,都有其两面性。除了正确评价西方传教士在华文化活动的积极作用,我们还要对其带来的消极影响进行客观的评价。  相似文献   
In this article we trace the creation of Evangelical churches created by and for Latin American undocumented migrants in Israel. First, we relate to the social significance of religious practices and beliefs for migrants' individual and collective identity in the host society and the ways through which non-Jewish labor migrants in Israel are creating alternative spaces that operate simultaneously as a new community of belonging. We consider the possibilities latent in the churches as “free spaces” for foreigners in the Jewish State, along with the limitations that participation in such a church entails for the migrant community. The second theme involves the universe of meanings through which believing migrants interpret their existence and place in the Jewish State. Here we probe how religion becomes a way of legitimizing the migrants' presence in a Jewish state and a means of channeling their claims for inclusion in the host country. We delve into the modes whereby the theological position of Christian Zionism is translated into a sociological position of Christian migrants in a Jewish state.  相似文献   
形成于16世纪的基督新教伦理,深深植根于14-16世纪西欧生产方式、交换方式与社会交往形式深刻变化的土壤之中,其更直接的精神文化与价值观基础,则是欧洲文艺复兴运动基础上形成的人文主义精神。当前中国转型期伦理道德的建构,也必须顺应中国快速现代化的发展趋势,有效引导和规范人们的言行,为促进民主、法治、人权,建设良好社会风尚与秩序发挥积极作用。  相似文献   
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