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An extensive literature on the relationship between family structure and children’s outcomes consistently shows that living with a single parent is associated with negative outcomes. Few US studies, however, examine how a child’s family structure affects outcomes for the child once he/she reaches adulthood. We directly examine, using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, whether family structure during childhood is related to the child’s economic wellbeing both during childhood as well as during adulthood. We find that living with a single parent is associated with the level of family resources available during childhood. This finding persists even when we remove time invariant factors within families. We also show that family structure is related to the child’s education, marital status, and adult family income. Once we control for the child’s demography and economic wellbeing in childhood, however, the associations into adulthood become trivial in size and statistically insignificant, suggesting that the relationship between family structure and children’s long-term, economic outcomes is due in large part to the relationship between family structure and economic wellbeing in childhood.  相似文献   
地母文化是遍布于世界各地由原始崇拜演化而来的文化现象。笔者在对我国地母文化旅游资源的调查研究过程中,将符号吸引理论运用于广南地母文化旅游区的旅游规划设计,为广南地母文化符号的旅游产品开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   
朝鲜家训深受儒家思想的影响。从家训中的经济内容中可见朝鲜士大夫在治产上讲究以农为本;治家则追求勤俭节约,凡事统筹安排,量入为出;对日常生活原则的规定中则透露出崇尚美德,救济同族,安贫乐道的士人精神。  相似文献   
The July 2012 publication of my study on the outcomes of young adults who report parental same-sex relationship behavior raised a variety of questions about the New Family Structures Study and my analyses and interpretations of it. This follow-up article seeks to address a variety of the more common criticisms that have been raised, to offer new commentary and analyses, and to pose questions for future analysts of the NFSS and other datasets that are poised to consider how household dynamics are associated with youth and young-adult outcomes. The new analyses I present here still reveal numerous differences between adult children who report maternal same-sex behavior (and residence with her partner) and those with still-married (heterosexual) biological parents. Far fewer differences appear between the former and several other groups, most notably never-married single mothers.  相似文献   
所谓伊斯兰文化的研究方法,是指正确地进行伊斯兰文化研究所应遵循的一套原则、手段、程序和技巧。研究方法在伊斯兰文化的发展过程中承担着特别重要的职能,它在一定程度上制约、规范着伊斯兰文化发展的水平和风格。没有成熟、科学的研究方法,就不会产生成熟、发达的伊斯兰文化。就伊斯兰文化的研究方法,我们有两点拙见,把它说出来,以求教学人。 首先,摆正伊斯兰与伊斯兰文化的关系。伊斯兰文化作为一种宗教文化实体,与伊斯兰密不可分,互为依托。按照伊斯兰的基本教义,伊斯兰是安拉的意志,通过《古兰经》和圣训得以具体体现。两者是伊斯兰教的基础和最基本的经典,是伊斯兰国家信仰原则、哲学思想、政治经济、法律创制和司法实践的权威准则和第一源泉。而伊斯兰文化是由阿拉伯民族和穆斯林各民族在社会历史实践中共同参与创造  相似文献   
宋岘 《回族研究》2005,(3):5-10
15世纪,中国明代的郑和七下西洋是政府行为,影响广远。郑和与其从官马欢系穆斯林出身,遂使郑和航海得益于穆斯林文化。由于马欢通晓阿拉伯语、波斯语等穆斯林国家的语言,因此,郑和一行同中国南海与印度洋沿岸上的各国穆斯林进行了较为广泛的交流,对明代中国认识了解当地的民族及其迁徙、宗教生活与民俗、物产与经济提供了真实的情况。这对中国与不同文化底蕴的其他国家日后和平交往,奠定了良好的基础。本文拟借纪念郑和航海600周年之机,讲一下穆斯林文化与郑和航海的密切关系,兼及郑和航海史料的研究、整理。  相似文献   
文章从汉文化在西域的传播条件、西域的屯垦移民促使汉文化的广泛传播、西域教育使汉文化逐步植根于少数民族文化等方面论述了文化维系力的重要性。  相似文献   
从战国时代的《秦记》到六朝志怪文本,秦"大梓牛神"传说得到较为广泛的传播。古典文献对这种栖身于树的森林精灵及其灵验的类似记载,曾经形成一种特定的叙述模式或文化母题,它在人类学的视野观照下,彰显出巫文化在不同时代和民族原始遗留的世界普遍性。就其本事来考察,秦王砍伐大梓树的集体行为,实际上是古代社会结合巫舞而演示的一场较为正规性的巫术驱邪活动。  相似文献   
元代回回人的宗教制度与伊斯兰教法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王东平 《回族研究》2002,7(4):44-50
本文研究了元代回回社会中的宗教制度和伊斯兰教法。作者认为,元代回回社会中存在着官方认可的管理者和更小的民间宗教事务管理者两套系统。伊斯兰教法约束了回回人的行为规范,并且对元代多元法律文化的形成产生了影响。在多元文化的发展过程中,“回回法”同“汉法”及“蒙古法”有一个冲突和融合的过程。  相似文献   
《滇南山谣三首》是当代著名作曲家张朝创作的钢琴组曲,其源于云南彝族民族民间音乐,具有云南的民俗特色和人文特色。作品既继承传统民风、民俗文化精髓,又推陈出新,并同西方钢琴组曲的创作技法相结合,是国内现代钢琴曲中的成功之作。  相似文献   
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