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Abstract. An objective of randomized placebo‐controlled preventive HIV vaccine efficacy trials is to assess the relationship between the vaccine effect to prevent infection and the genetic distance of the exposing HIV to the HIV strain represented in the vaccine construct. Motivated by this objective, recently a mark‐specific proportional hazards (PH) model with a continuum of competing risks has been studied, where the genetic distance of the transmitting strain is the continuous ‘mark’ defined and observable only in failures. A high percentage of genetic marks of interest may be missing for a variety of reasons, predominantly because rapid evolution of HIV sequences after transmission before a blood sample is drawn from which HIV sequences are measured. This research investigates the stratified mark‐specific PH model with missing marks where the baseline functions may vary with strata. We develop two consistent estimation approaches, the first based on the inverse probability weighted complete‐case (IPW) technique, and the second based on augmenting the IPW estimator by incorporating auxiliary information predictive of the mark. We investigate the asymptotic properties and finite‐sample performance of the two estimators, and show that the augmented IPW estimator, which satisfies a double robustness property, is more efficient.  相似文献   
通过分析中国古今文献记载,对"百合"植物的中文名称及对应的原植物进行了研究考证。结果显示:"百合"作为植物名称,异名颇多,在现存文献中多达三十余个异名。现代使用的百合科的"百合"名称是根据《尔雅翼》记述的百合鳞茎形态得名,及《本草纲目》记述的该植物可治疗一种名为"百合"的疾病而来。在中国古籍文献中,百合所指的原植物也有多种,除对应百合科百合属的卷丹、百合和细叶百合等种类外,还有古籍记载的木兰科或豆科植物。可见,"百合"在中文古籍中的名称和原植物均较多,而且复杂,在现代百合研究中应注意区分。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义制度的形成反映了近代以来中国社会制度变迁中历史与逻辑的统一。旧中国对资本主义制度的不成功探索为中国社会选择科学社会主义道路提供了历史的必然性;中国共产党领导的新民主主义革命和社会主义革命的胜利为中国社会开启了社会主义制度之门,奠定了社会主义基本制度的基础;传统社会主义制度危机为中国特色社会主义制度的形成提供了历史的经验教训;改革开放以来的社会主义现代化建设实践为中国特色社会主义制度的形成奠定了实践基础。  相似文献   
近年来,房地产市场存在反复的焦灼状态,主要是由于中央与地方从各自的利益相关性出发,在政策制定与执行上产生了差异,由此导致了即使在中央严格管控下,地方房价依然一度持续上升的态势。因此,央地之间应该共享利益相关性,达成政策共识,从而实现房地产调控政策的良性运行。  相似文献   
成功的歌曲译配,要求译词既能准确传递原词的意义、神韵、风格,又能谐韵合乐,这几乎将译词与配乐的关系定性为矛与盾的关系。这一矛盾的解决有赖于译配策略的指导。歌曲的基本译配策略包括:音译、谐音赋义、嵌套、绎译、转译、归化直译、归化意译和代偿功能等。歌曲译配的难度在于既要使译词保留原词的文学性,又要兼顾其音乐性,选择恰当译配策略实现“译”与“乐”的“双剑合璧”,才是歌曲译配的理想之途。  相似文献   
马克思主义诞生和发展的过程是社会主义由空想变为科学、由理论变为实践的过程。中国特色社会主义作为马克思主义实践形态的一种运动,接受一定的马克思主义观作为指导。马克思主义观的正确与否,直接影响中国特色社会主义实践的前途和命运,中国特色社会主义的前途和命运又反过来影响着我们对马克思主义的认知和态度。苏东剧变不是马克思主义的失败,而是苏东共产党人错误的马克思主义观酿成的悲剧。中国特色社会主义实践的前途与命运与马克思主义观紧密相连。  相似文献   
报是中国社会关系的重要基础,也是古代哲学的一个重要命题。《礼记》等儒家典籍中的报可以总结为报天、报神、报君和报亲等多种形式,并体现出宗教性、交互性、对等性、层次性、对象性和延宕性等重要特征。其运作方式主要有等报、差报和不报三种,各有其适用条件和范围。作为一种隐性社会正义机制,报也有其潜在风险,需要予以仔细辨析。  相似文献   
所谓"当"类词语,可以指包括"当"在内的以"当"为词法或句法成分的一类词语。"当"使"当"类词语成为一定规模的词语系统,并造成系统内部相当复杂的词语关系。在这种情况下,恰当认识"当"的本义,对解释包括"当"在内的"当"类词语的意义,具有关键作用。事实上,对"当"及"当"类词语意义的解释,的确存在禁不起推敲的地方,影响对此类词语的学习、掌握、运用。通过恰当认识"当"的本义,有助于解决"当"类词语中存在的释义问题。  相似文献   
《说文解字》是一部依据字形而编排的字书。以形编排体例的背后亦有声音之联系。在对《说文》中以"康"为声符的形声字进行归纳分析的基础之上,通过双声、同训、互训途径将《说文》中含"空虚"之意字进行简单地系联。且从音韵角度证其声韵相同或相近。使得我们对《说文》中含"空虚"之意字有更清晰的认识,也使得我们对于同源词的系联方法有一定的认识与探索。  相似文献   

Oregon's Death with Dignity Act (ODWDA) has been in effect for eight years. The United States Supreme Court recently decided that Oregon's law did not violate the Controlled Substances Act. Other states may consider a law similar to Oregon's through legislative process or ballot measures. Although social work is not mentioned in the law, our profession interfaces with the terminally ill, particularly in hospice. Eighty-seven percent of those who have used the law were enrolled in a hospice program. As a pilot project, this article explores conversations that the authors have had with patients, families, team members and health systems in hospices and oncology settings under Oregon's unique environment. The following four themes emerged from these conversations: (1) mental health, education, choice; (2) team concerns; (3) family issues; and (4) values, ethics, restricted conversations and professional struggles.  相似文献   
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