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随着人类经济活动的日益丰富与多样化,以新古典理论为核心的主流经济学不断与现实经济世界产生矛盾与冲突,许多经济现象仅通过对理性人模型的量变扩张已无法解释。认知心理学的发展为经济学考察人类的经济行为提供了坚实的科学依据。被称作"心理学的经济学"的行为经济学,剥去了假设理性人光鲜的外衣,强调对行为的分析应以行为的真实心理形成机制为基础,不能以主观的先验假定为依据。行为经济学更适合对我国当前整体经济行为的深入研究。将个体行为纳入经济学分析体系,这对我国构建以人为本的和谐社会具有重要的现实意义。行为经济学修正了主流经济理论中"自利人"的假定,吸收社会心理学关于"利他行为"等研究成果,不仅与我国传统道德文化相吻合,对当前构建市场经济条件下社会主义核心价值体系更具借鉴意义。  相似文献   
通过对吉林省东丰县横道村99例老人的问卷调查以及7例丧偶独居老人的个案访谈,从性别角度对农村丧偶独居老人的生存状态进行了分析,研究发现:老年女性的贫困化程度较男性高、生活适应性更差,老年男性的心理适应性较差。据此提出了应从政策、社团组织等四个方面改善农村独居老人生存状态的建议。  相似文献   
20世纪的中国文化界产生了各种各样的释孔模式。梁漱溟以寻求、建立“孔子心理学”为理论支点 ,用“返求事实”、“东西比较”等方法 ,认定孔子儒学之特色在于折中调和的哲学思维、知足常乐的生活态度、尚情无我的人际关系及求仁求安的道德追求 ,并在形上层面即所谓“孔子的心理学”,发掘其内在根据 ,从而对孔子儒学做出较为接近实际的解释。  相似文献   
A definition of reproducibility in Guttman Scaling and two chance measures of reproducibility are suggested. The first measure assumes that the items are independent. The second method assumes nonindependent items and fits respondent and item margins by an iterative method used in fitting log-linear models. Chance reproducibility is conceptualized in terms of assumptions about respondent variability.  相似文献   
Many utility companies offer their customers the choice of participation in an average payment plan, which enables them to pay a fixed sum for their utility bill each month (with final settlement at the end of the billing year), instead of the conventional “pay as you go” billing procedure. Because customers on average payment plans are protected from paying large bills during peak energy-use seasons and because the information about monthly energy use and its cost is perhaps less salient to them, it was hypothesized that customers on the average payment plan would use more electricity than customers not on the plan. Using a nonequivalent control group design, the electricity consumption of a selection of customers of two utility companies (Ns = 475 and 74) was examined. The results showed that there was no evidence to support the hypothesis. Since the logic of hypothesis testing does not permit the ready acceptance of the null hypothesis, several procedural, methodological, and statistical points were made to buttress the conclusion that the average payment plans had no effect on electricity consumption.  相似文献   
我国高师公共课心理学教学改革现状的调查和文献分析表明 :当前我国高师公共课心理学存在教学目标低与实际需求高的矛盾、教材体系的冲突、教学方法单一与学生对心理学的浓厚兴趣和期待形成的强烈反差、内容多与学时少的矛盾、课程对教师要求高与教师素质低的矛盾 ,以及学而无用、学而不会用与“书到用时方恨少”的矛盾 ;我国高师公共课心理学课程是体现高师师范性特色和培养未来教师教育素质的课程 ,应从公共课心理学的教、学、评价等方面进行大力改革。  相似文献   
通过对不同学习兴趣学生"两课"学习心理进行比较分析,可以看到学生学习兴趣的培养是"两课"教学改革的重点之一.  相似文献   
理查生以《帕米拉》、《克拉丽莎》等为代表的书信体情感心理小说为欧洲近代长篇小说的发展奠定了基础。它扫除了传奇小说的巨大影响,以个人日常生活为表现对象,以爱情、婚姻、家庭问题为核心,开始了18世纪的文学革命。它一方面以质朴、真实和准确的生活细节为小说的描写内容,另一方面又使小说的重心从外部转向内心世界,集中刻画情感和心理。书信体小说形式也因理查生的创作而得以确立和趋于完善。  相似文献   
Research into attitudes towards the poor and lay explanations for poverty have heen primarily concerned with the structure and determinants of these attitudes and explanations. Whereas a number of variables — education, religion, ethnic group — have been shown to relate to explanations for poverty, there have only been a few cross-cultural studies. This study set out to compare the explanations adolescents gave for poverty in two West Indian islands — the relatively wealthy island of Barbados and the relatively poor island of Dominica. The overall economic development/prosperity of the two islands, and the extent and visibility of economic inequality between the two islands appeared to account for the numerous national differences. These results are discussed in terms of the social, political and historical differences between the two islands.  相似文献   
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