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鲁迅对20世纪上半期中国流行的实用主义儿童教育思想的批评主要源于对教育本质理解的分歧。鲁迅与杜威在重视基础教育、重视儿童的发展、重视教育的民主化等观念上有相通之处,然而由于他们所面对的社会问题不同,对本国历史和传统的认识存在根本差异,所以不可能走上相同的教育道路。因此,鲁迅的"以幼者为本位"思想与杜威的"儿童中心主义"虽然在字面上有相通之处,但其思想内涵以及在教育史与文化史上的意义却是不同的。  相似文献   
圣经神话中的人物撒旦由于他的骄傲与野心被赶出了天庭,打入地狱,他偷偷的来到人间,诱使人类为恶。而约翰·弥尔顿以这一神话为题材,在他的代表作《失乐园》中将撒旦塑造成一个反对专制和暴动的革命者。通过对《失乐园》人物撒旦的性格形象分析,提出撒旦的性格体现了弥尔顿的根深蒂固的人文主义精神及坚定不移的革命精神。  相似文献   
近代中国高校中,社会学属于“舶来”学科。我国社会学史著作中依据许仕廉和孙本文的论述,认为中国高校中最早开设社会学课程的是门·阿瑟(Mr.Arthur Moon)或孟教授(Arthur Monn),时间是1905年或1908年。但经详细考证,结论是:1905年,孟嘉德教士在圣约翰学院开设的社会学课程是近代中国高等学校最早的。  相似文献   
An empirically based general equilibrium model involving the United States, Japan, the (nine-member) EEC, and a residual rest of the world is used to evaluate the Tokyo Round trade agreement negotiated under the GATT. Equilibria for post-Agreement policy regimes are computed and compared to a pre-Agreement equilibrium. Results indicate small aggregate welfare impacts but more significant terms of trade effects. Losses seem likely for Third World countries due to an adverse terms of trade change. Under some assumptions the changes in NTB codes produce more significant effects than the tariff cuts in the Agreement.  相似文献   
This paper is neither a complete survey of empirical work on exchange rate determination, nor a review of the ballooning volume of theoretical models. It is instead an attempt to classify the main alternative approaches to modeling exchange rates. I shall concentrate on approaches that can be used to assess the effects of alternative policies. There will be four further sections in the paper. The first three sections will each deal withthe structure, empirical support, and policy consequences of three main types of model: purchasing power parity models emphasizing the close and immediate relation of goods markets; interest rate parity models emphasizing the close and immediate international linkage of markets for financial assets; and structural balance-of-payments models that do not assume either of the above linkages to be so strong and immediate as to eliminate the other, and that hence require separate (but interdependent) modeling of trade and capital linkages in the determination of exchange rates. Each of these main categories has many rather distinct models within it, and some models are not easily classified into one of the three categories; I hope that the three-way split will nevertheless serve to make some distinctions that are important for policy modeling.In the final section I shall try to summarize the available model results that pertain to national and international policy choices under a system of more flexible exchange rates, and then to suggest where more or better model building might usefully increase the amount of information available to guide policy decisions.  相似文献   
黄晶 《学术探索》2014,(11):103-108
英国作家、戏剧家约翰·高尔斯华绥的戏剧作品在中国的传播始于新文化运动之后,其作品的译介及研究深受中国社会时代语境的影响。民国时期的高尔斯华绥戏剧传播以作品翻译、评论等宏观方面的研究为主,高尔斯华绥对资本主义社会阶级斗争和社会不公问题的揭露成为主要关注点。新中国建立后,高尔斯华绥戏剧作品迅速受到冷落,学界对其作品的态度也发生了很大的转变。1978年至今中国掀起了外国戏剧研究热潮,但高氏的剧作继续遇冷,翻译和研究者寥寥。  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(1):140-162
Although the sodomitical discourse of the early-eighteenth century was fraught with competing ideologies and significations, this did not preclude the formation and expression of a sodomitical identity founded upon male same-sex desire. Orvis takes the case of Coupler, the sodomite staged in Sir John Vanbrugh's play The Relapse; or, Virtue in Danger (perf. 1696; pub. 1697). Vanbrugh's portrayal of this unabashed, unapologetic sodomite—a sodomite, moreover, who is accepted by the dramatis personae of the play he inhabits—suggests not only that the possibility of a sodomitical desiring subject was widely acknowledged by the theatergoing public of early-eighteenth-century England, but also, and perhaps more importantly, that sodomites were not always understood as monstrous Others against which normative identities were constructed.  相似文献   
罗尔斯将实践理性结构性地区分为实践的合理性和实践的合情理性。这一诠释不但为当代政治哲学提供了推理依据,也为传统契约论引入新的诠释路径。该诠释认为,霍布斯所构造的利益契约能够成立的根本原因是合理性优先于合情理性的实践推理结构,罗尔斯则通过对霍布斯式实践推理的结构性倒转为两个正义原则重新提供了新的证成依据,但罗尔斯对两个正义原则的先行认肯则使其理论陷入循环论证。  相似文献   
约翰·密尔的行政思想是通过论述政治制度的可选择性来论证行政制度的可选择性,行政制度是人的意志选择的结果.行政的主要原则与评判标准是行政执行的理论依据,行政人员是行政执行的主体,其选拔应通过公开考试和特殊任命结合的方式.行政运行的好坏不但关涉到行政人员的命运,也与人民群众的命运戚戚相关.通过有效地监督可以避免行政运行中的弊病,为行政的良好运行保驾护航.密尔虽提倡专家治国,但其行政思想核心是杰出人物的统治.  相似文献   
以弥尔顿本人的“反三位一体”神学观为切入点,以史诗《复乐园》中不为学界关注的第二重诱惑为主要文本分析对象,从两方面解读史诗英雄耶稣。首先,弥尔顿为全面展现耶稣的“内在精神”之品质,基于认知层面的第一重诱惑而设计了第二重诱惑,具体针对耶稣在物质、知识和意志另三个层面的需求;正是恶魔撒旦的持续诱惑使耶稣展示为“特选的完人,去拯救世人”。其次,弥尔顿设置耶稣抵御撒旦时的回应始终“简短”,而这是对抗邪恶最有效的回击策略。这两点共同构成弥尔顿将耶稣塑造为“基督式英雄之原型”的匠心。  相似文献   
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