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双重视域下的红色记忆--寒山碧《还乡》阅读札记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<还乡>采用"双重视域"的艺术手法再现上世纪五六十年代大陆的政治风潮.小说中同时存在两种评断是非的标准一种是爱憎分明的倾情投入,一种是太上忘情的冷静审视.从而既有身临其境的现场感,又有超越私人恩怨的形上审视,突破了以往对上世纪五六十年代"红色记忆"书写时"非左即右"的简单模式和政治偏见,在还原历史现场和时代人心的方面取得了相当的艺术成就.  相似文献   
“诗必盛唐”一直简单地被当作明代七子派创作上模拟之弊的根源和口实。但全面考察七子派诗学思想,不难看出:七子派取法汉魏盛唐的本意,在于恢复各体诗歌初创阶段的那种真情自然、“无意于工而无不工”的创作精神。其模拟之弊固然与他们严守法式有关,但深层根源在于中国诗歌发展后期无法克服的内有矛盾无避免的衰落命运。  相似文献   
为恢复对澳门行使主权 ,实现澳门早日回归 ,以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的新中国我党三代领导人 ,进行了多年不懈的努力和艰辛的探索 ,探索出了一条从“长期打算 ,充分利用”到“一国两制”再到“实现平稳过渡 ,保持长期稳定繁荣”的策略 ,终于使澳门回归祖国怀抱 ,洗雪了数百年来的民族耻辱  相似文献   
养老基金投资的不确定性与投资组合分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在中国个人账户基金积累规模日益扩大的情况下,有限的投资工具和较低的回报率将难以实现这部分基金的保值增值,也很难为退休人口提供一个适度的养老金替代率水平。中国养老基金的投资组合策略有其自身的特点。首先,对一个简化的投资风险最优模型进行了分析;其次,利用风险最优模型研究了养老基金的投资组合,并确定了股票投资的最优水平;最后,针对中国养老基金的投资策略提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   
传统的大学课堂,承袭教师独白式的讲授而缺乏师生之间的对话和有效交流,承袭章节体例的教材讲解而缺乏师生基于阅读和辩论的共同成长,日渐缺失教学的本真意义。虑及学生原有的知识结构、成长环境、情感阅历、生活体验等差异,赋予知识以生活气息与情景意义,在知识与现实生活情景的关联中,引导学生实现知、情、意、行的习得与迁移,成为大学课堂回归本真和实现有效教学的必由之路。  相似文献   
In this paper, using the framework of a Roy theoretical model, we examine the performance of return migrants in Albania. We ask two main questions: (i) Had they chosen not to migrate, what would be the performance of return migrants compared to the non-migrants? and (ii) What would be the performance of non-migrants had they decided to migrate and return? Both the selection estimates and the semi-parametric approach allow us to conclude that the flows of return migrants are negatively selected. We find that, had they decided to migrate and come back, the non-migrants would have earned more than twice the wages of return migrants.  相似文献   
基于永续盘存法,本文创新性地估算了1997-2016年285个地级及以上城市的住宅资本存量,在此基础上,我们细致讨论了城市层面住宅资本存量的基本特征,并估计了住宅资本的回报率。估算结果表明:第一,从总体城市来看,住宅资本存量的年均增长率明显高于GDP的年均涨幅。第二,各地区和各分线城市的人均住宅资本存量均呈不断上升趋势;其中,西部地区和二线城市的人均住宅资本存量增速更为迅猛。第三,近年来,除一线城市的住宅资本回报率有所上升以外,其他地区的住宅资本回报率均表现出大幅下降的趋势,即住宅投资效率在不断下降。但分地区、分线城市住宅资本回报率的变化呈现收敛特征。综上,应该警惕住宅资本存量的快速增长可能对投资效率带来的负面影响。  相似文献   
在完备的资本市场中,控股公司并不能给股东带来更多的好处,因此它并没有存在的依据;在非完备的资本市场中,控股公司通过多样化投资,能够在同等风险水平上增加小投资者的财富或者在相同回报率的水平上降低小投资者的投资风险。控股公司多层控股使整个控股公司体系的财务杠杆比率很高,因此控股公司实质上采取了高财务风险、高回报率的融资政策。  相似文献   
“陌生化”意味着“使其陌生”,是俄国形式主义诗学的核心概念,它昭显了俄国形式主义的纯艺术观。以“陌生化”为基点,俄国形式主义构建了一个自主性的文学理论体系。在《高祖还乡》中,睢景臣通过陌生化的艺术处理,对传统的根深蒂固的文化正统和帝王权威进行了成功的颠覆,使接受主体摆脱了机械化的定势的感知模式,以一种全新的眼光和视角来体验、观照和审视历史。  相似文献   
We argue that the volume of remittances sent home by migrants is influenced by the exogenous likelihood that the duration of their migration will be cut short. A higher probability of reverse migration, brought about by the collapse of jobs in the wake of COVID-19, made migrants attach greater importance to the creation of a social and economic environment in their places of origin that can support them when they return. There are several ways in which this can be done. One is by instilling gratitude. When bigger remittances are responded to by greater gratitude, the support will be bigger. An impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrants’ perceived duration of their migration is an increase in the uncertainty of the duration. The good will of migrants’ families and communities at origin is a form of insurance. A standard response to uncertainty is to take out insurance, and when uncertainty is higher, insurance is more valuable, and there is a tendency to acquire more of it. As it happens, the link between the volume of remittances and the likelihood of return migration does not feature at all in Shastri’s (2022) paper, nor for that matter in related writings by the World Bank and the IMF. The purpose of this rejoinder is to draw attention to this link, inducing students of migrants’ remittances to explore the link.  相似文献   
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