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大数据具有数据来源差异性、高维性及稀疏性等特点,如何挖掘数据集间的异质性和共同性并降维去噪是大数据分析的目标与挑战之一。整合分析(Integrative Analysis)同时分析多个独立数据集,避免因地域、时间等因素造成的样本差异而引起模型不稳定,是研究大数据差异性的有效方法。它的特点是将每个解释变量在所有数据集中的系数视为一组,通过惩罚函数对系数组进行压缩,研究变量间的关联性并实现降维。本文从同构数据整合分析、异构数据整合分析以及考虑网络结构的整合分析三方面梳理了惩罚整合分析方法的原理、算法和研究现状。统计模拟发现,在弱相关、一般相关和强相关三种情形下, Group Bridge、 Group MCP、Composite MCP都表现良好,其中 Group Bridge的假阳数最低且最稳定。最后,将整合分析用于研究具有来源差异性的新农合家庭医疗支出,以及具有超高维、小样本等大数据典型特征的癌症基因数据,得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   
杨东亮  郑鸽  任治超 《人口研究》2022,46(1):113-128
中国逐步从定居社会转变为流迁社会,劳动力大范围流动体现在就业城市的自主选择上,该行为对城市工资溢价产生持续影响,同时城市工资溢价又影响劳动力的就业城市选择。利用2017年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,构建包含个体选择的处置效应模型,实证分析发现,中国存在城市工资溢价现象,劳动力的异质性特征和城市差异性特征显著影响就业城市选择行为;纠正劳动力城市选择的内生二元选择偏差后,发现中国特大城市和超大城市的工资溢价变大,而大城市的工资溢价消失,中小城市工资比大城市更有竞争力。中国城市体系中的首尾优势是劳动力理性选择就业城市的结果,这为中国实施差异化的城市发展政策来实现城市体系的整体优化和内部协调提供了新思路。  相似文献   
Conventional literary practices have always been used to perpetuate an us/them binary that reduces potential discussions concerning diversity, transnationalism or hybridization to a simplified relationship between dominant and subordinate categories. This article proposes that in order to avoid this predicament, cultural critics should move beyond ‘vertical’ methods of analysis and instead employ intercultural models which lend themselves to a consideration of the horizontal affiliations that can be found among women writers of colour. By engaging the writings of Jessica Hagedorn, Hisaye Yamamoto and Sandra Cisneros, the article argues that multicultural analysis enables an understanding of these (social, cultural and political) affiliations between racialized women in the United States. Further, it suggests that by comparing, contrasting, and interfacing emergent literary practices within current theories of cultural and feminist studies, critics will develop a ‘creolized’ approach which will help facilitate new alliances and sensitivity among the disenfranchised.  相似文献   

This paper presents an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based decision support system to select the most suitable casting process for a given product. The hierarchical structure of the proposed method allows the decision maker to compare the different casting processes using the material suitability and flexibility, geometrical complexity, dimensional tolerance and surface finish of the casting, and the cost as the criteria for selection. Judgemental inconsistency of the decision maker in selecting the casting process is taken care by ensuring that the value of consistency ratio is below (0.1). A numerical example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for selecting the suitable casting process.  相似文献   
A two-phase approach is used to examine the impact of job scheduling rules and tool selection policies for a dynamic job shop system in a tool-shared, flexible manufacturing environment. The first phase develops a generalized simulation model and analyses 'simple' job scheduling rules and tool selection policies under various operating scenarios. The results from this investigation are then used to develop and analyse various bi-criteria rules in the second phase of this study. The results show that the scheduling rules have the most significant impact on system performance, particularly at high shop load levels. Tool selection policies affect some of the performance measures, most notably, proportion of tardy jobs, to a lesser degree. Higher machine utilizations can be obtained at higher tool duplication levels but at the expense of increased tooling costs and lower tool utilization. The results also show that using different processing time distributions may have a significant impact on shop performance.  相似文献   

The literature on selection has been dominated in recent decades by the ‘prediction’ paradigm. Such an approach requires a substantial number of positions to be filled in order to compute validity coefficients. There are other approaches, using a different paradigm, when concentrated on adjusting the organization and the employee. Here careful analysis of job demands is essential. This article describes such an analysis, taking the medical consultant as an example. The method can be used in an iterative way. It is useful when one has to work with small numbers of positions.  相似文献   
We study selection rules: voting procedures used by committees to choose whether to place an issue on their agenda. At the selection stage of the model, committee members are uncertain about their final preferences. They only have some private information about these preferences. We show that voters become more conservative when the selection rule itself becomes more conservative. The decision rule has the opposite effect. We compare these voting procedures to the designation of an agenda setter among the committee and to a utilitarian social planner with all the ex interim private information.  相似文献   
Summary.  Efron's biased coin design is a well-known randomization technique that helps to neutralize selection bias in sequential clinical trials for comparing treatments, while keeping the experiment fairly balanced. Extensions of the biased coin design have been proposed by several researchers who have focused mainly on the large sample properties of their designs. We modify Efron's procedure by introducing an adjustable biased coin design, which is more flexible than his. We compare it with other existing coin designs; in terms of balance and lack of predictability, its performance for small samples appears in many cases to be an improvement with respect to the other sequential randomized allocation procedures.  相似文献   
晚清广西著名学者型的文人龙启瑞,其诗、词、文皆工。他的文学创作与所受的教育密切相关。学校教育、家族教育、社会教育等教育,分别从不同层面塑造了龙启瑞的文学创作观念与文学审美理想,最终影响到他作品的内容与形式,催生了具有“龙氏特色”的一系列文学作品。  相似文献   
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